Here are some thought to help you in your weight loss and healthy eating journey.
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
I am sure the nausea is ramping up for you at this point and you may begin not feeling like yourself. Today I focus a lot on mindset shifting to help you deal with this tough season.
Pregnancy Affirmation Episodes:
Pregnancy affirmations and their importance during pregnancy:
Love Focused Free Affirmations on Pregnancy
Pregnancy Affirmations for When it Feels Heavy:
Intimacy in the First Trimester Episode:
Other episodes on Dealing with Nausea in the first trimester:
Puking and Feeling Like I Can't
Coping with Nausea in Pregnancy
Pills I have Taken My First Trimester and Why
Bridget Tyler Pregnancy Week Guide
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
Fehlende Folgen?
Today is short and simple but sometimes the short and simple are effective in making progress in our desired weight-loss.
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
The sickness is probably ramping up and you might be feeling miserable but here are some tips to help you through!
Pregnancy Affirmation Episodes:
Pregnancy affirmations and their importance during pregnancy:
Love Focused Free Affirmations on Pregnancy
Pregnancy Affirmations for When it Feels Heavy:
Intimacy in the First Trimester Episode:
Other episodes on Dealing with Nausea in the first trimester:
Puking and Feeling Like I Can't
Coping with Nausea in Pregnancy
Pills I have Taken My First Trimester and Why
Bridget Tyler Pregnancy Week Guide
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
I can't believe that it has taken me this long to get to this topic but this one is HUGE for me in finding success in this area.
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
If it hasn't already that nausea is ramping up and you might not be feeling too great.
Other episodes on Dealing with Nausea in the first trimester:
Puking and Feeling Like I Can't
Coping with Nausea in Pregnancy
Pills I have Taken My First Trimester and Why
Bridget Tyler Pregnancy Week Guide
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
A very useful and underrated tip I use to help me eat more healthy.
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
This week we are talking about some of the changes that come with week 5 of pregnancy!
Bridget Tyler Pregnancy Week Guide
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
Bleeding in Pregnancy with Dr. Adams
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
This simple tool will not only help you in developing healthy habits in eating but you will find that you may feel excited to learn and do new things.
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
We are doing it! We are going to go through a pregnancy week by week with physical and mental updates to help you through your pregnancy! Thanks for joining!
Let's Get Awkward: Time to talk about Intimacy in your Marriage
Bridget Tyler Pregnancy Week Guide
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
Bleeding in Pregnancy with Dr. Adams
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
I love breakfast foods and I have a sweet tooth, I found healthy recipes of my favorite foods which helped me have more weight loss success and you can to!
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
Do you ever get nervous or apprehensive about the labor and delivery of your baby? If you do this episode will really help you to deal with that worry!
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
Pivotal mindset shifts and simple wins, and celebrating them, can have a powerful impact on your success overtime in weight-loss!
Episode for the beginning of the series on weight-loss:
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
There are a lot of 'negative' seeming side effects that can come with pregnancy. Today I share what you can do when that negativity is coming all too easy.
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
I personally don't enjoy counting calories or macros. I lost all of my baby weight without counting anything and you can too!
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
Sometimes is it easy to forget simple things like breathing. Breathing intentionally can be powerful in helping deal with negative emotions like stress, fear, overwhelm and worry.
Bridget Teyler's Breathing Video
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
YouTube for Positivity in Pregnancy:
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Instagram: @positivityinpregnancy
Email me at: [email protected]
All or nothing mentalityCan destroy your reality.
You think if you are not all in, That you can never win.
It’s a poison that keeps you stuck,You begin to think that you suck.
But don’t fall for this mentality,Choose to create a new reality.
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, It’s always better to do just something.
Even if it is small, It doesn’t have to be your all.
Celebrate all of your small wins, This is where your progress begins.
You can create a new realityBy getting rid of all or nothing mentality.
by: Joslyn Hillam
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly called the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Email me at: [email protected]
Unmet hopes and expectations can be difficult. Today I share a tip that can help you to be pleasantly surprised in pregnancy.
Home Birth Preparations with Tasha
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly called the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Email me at: [email protected]
I am going to be diving into a series on healthy eating and weight-loss tips for my motherhood focused episodes. These will be coming out on Tuesday's! Please Join!
Do Not Eat the Bread of Idleness Sue Becker
My Sourdough instagram Page: @idahosourdoughandfoodsjoslyn
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly called the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Email me at: [email protected]
I encourage you in three ways to do less this year that will significantly help mentally in your pregnancy!
Thriving In Motherhood Episode
The Ditch of Social Media in Pregnancy Episode
My Pregnancy Podcast YouTube Channel!
**Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health (Formerly the Positive Pregnancy Program)**: This self-led video program, made to help foster positivity durning pregnancy. It is for women who have or do struggle with pregnancy and who want to have strong mental health during and specifically the first trimester of pregnancy during the nausea! This Mini Course will help you mentally navigate the hardships of the physical changes of pregnancy, especially that morning sickness phase.
Direct link to Morning Sickness Mini Course for Mental Health
Positivity in Pregnancy and Motherhood website:
Library of Pregnancy Podcasts that go through pregnancy: (you will have to scroll down, just a little :) )
Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.
Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!
Email me at: [email protected]
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