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    In this release episode, Joy Truscott explores the essential practice of holding gracious space and connecting with our higher selves amidst life's chaos. We are guided through a meditative process to build inner peace and transform energy. The importance of recognizing our divine design and purpose is emphasized throughout the episode. We are also guided to learn how to step back from self-persecution and how to create bridges to maintain our sanity, integrity, and our collective consciousness in a chaotic world.

    What are your favourite sounds? How often do you feel connected to your creative being? ❓ We want to hear from each of you! Click here to leave a voice message for Joy with your answers to one or more of this week’s questions and you’ll be featured on the show as an inspiration to others!

    This is a HEALING episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. These episodes are a way for us to unlock higher consciousness, harnessing inner gifts to transcend adversity and embrace our authentic selves.

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Energy TransformationBuilding a Bridge: Concept and PracticeGuided Meditation: Connecting with Higher SelfEmbracing the UnknownThe Role of Higher Self in Life's JourneyCreating Bridges to Inner PeaceActivating Cellular Energy

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this release episode, Joy Truscott explores the concept of judgment and its origins in human behavior, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness. We delve into how judgment impacts our interactions and how deeply embedded it is in our survival instincts. Through guided breathing exercises and reflections, we are encouraged to recognize our judgments, understand their roots, and celebrate the inherent diversity and uniqueness of every individual. The ultimate goal is to shift from fear and trepidation to a loving, inclusive mindset that honors the sovereign, distinct beauty of each person.

    How have you grown this year? Material things aside, what is your biggest blessing? ❓ We want to hear from each of you! Click here to leave a voice message for Joy with your answers to one or more of this week’s questions and you’ll be featured on the show as an inspiration to others!

    This is a RELEASE Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Release episodes about releasing provide invaluable guidance for shedding the trauma signals and accumulated pain stemming from your family history and personal life journey. Through this process, you can find liberation from the burdens of the past and embark on a path towards healing and renewal.

    Episode Highlights:

    Grounding and ConnectingExploring Self-JudgmentUnderstanding PerceptionThe Lens of SurvivalCelebrating DiversityEmbracing Uniqueness

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this release episode, Joy Truscott focuses on setting the energy for each new week to help us handle life's challenges with grace and ease. The importance of showing up as gracious beings, regardless of life's difficulties is also covered, as well as learning to place emphasis on the value of experiencing all human emotions and stories. Through a guided meditation, we center ourselves, connect with our surroundings, and find inner peace. We explore the significance of being present, observing without attachment, and saying a deep 'yes' to life, trusting the divine design and our place within it. This session encourages us to release static and distractions, remember our true selves, and create positively from a space of light and grace.

    What lifts your Heart and Soul? What motivates you to be a better person? ❓ We want to hear from each of you! Click here to leave a voice message for Joy with your answers to one or more of this week’s questions and you’ll be featured on the show as an inspiration to others!

    This is a RELEASE Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Release episodes about releasing provide invaluable guidance for shedding the trauma signals and accumulated pain stemming from your family history and personal life journey. Through this process, you can find liberation from the burdens of the past and embark on a path towards healing and renewal.

    Episode Highlights:

    Setting the Energy for the WeekEmbracing Life's ChallengesThe Game of Life and RealityConnecting with Our Inner SelfDeepening Awareness and PresenceFinding Your Inner YesThe Power of Collective EnergyRemembering Our Divine Purpose

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, Joy Truscott delves into the duality of experiencing both the best and worst of times simultaneously. We focus on the importance of connecting with ourselves and the collective through mindful breathing and presence. We are also encouraged to discern our positions within the full spectrum of life's experiences, acknowledging the nuances between extremes. By focusing on inner peace and loving-kindness, we can navigate and transform our stories, understanding that everything is transient and adaptable. We are also given beautiful guidance on using energy and awareness to find balance, make fine-tuned adjustments, and embrace change as a fundamental part of human life.

    How often do you feel connected to your creative being? What is your favourite way of decompressing? What lifts your Heart and Soul? What fills you with a sense of awe or happiness? ❓ We want to hear from each of you! Click here to leave a voice message for Joy with your answers to one or more of this week’s questions and you’ll be featured on the show as an inspiration to others!

    This is a TRANSFORMATION Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Transformation episodes are a gateway to the transformation of our energy field, serving as the catalyst for wellness and spiritual awakening. They illuminate the path to higher consciousness, inviting us to reawaken to the truth of who we are and embrace our innate ability to transform our energy being.

    Episode Highlights:

    Connecting and Centering OurselvesEmbracing Change and AdaptabilityNavigating the Spectrum of LifeHolding Space and Transforming Energy

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we delve into the essence of our true selves, exploring the magic that lies within each of us. Through this guided meditation, we reconnect with our innate magical essence, that part of us often suppressed or overlooked. This episode invites us to become more conscious and intentional, holding space for what you wish to create and experience in your life.

    We want to hear from each of you! Click here to leave a voice message for Joy with your answers to one or more of these questions and you’ll be featured on the show as an inspiration to others!
    How have you grown this year? What are your favourite sounds? What is your biggest source of joy? What motivates you to be a better person? Material things aside, what is your biggest blessing?

    This is a SEEKING episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. These episodes are about seeking guidance and recognizing the importance of uncovering our truth, revealing the precious gifts encoded within our being that can serve as powerful tools on our life journey. When we actively seek, we embark on a transformative quest to discover and harness these invaluable gifts, empowering ourselves along the way.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Power of ConsciousnessEmbrace Your True SelfReconnect with Your MagicGuided MeditationManifestation and TrustCollective Consciousness

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are led through a deep, meditative journey to reconnect with our inner selves and the collective consciousness. We explore the concept of holding sacred space within ourselves and how our energy can ripple out to affect the world around us. The importance of tuning into our highest vibration of love and light, holding space for peace, and awakening our imaginal cells to manifest positive change is emphasized. We are encouraged to acknowledge our unique presence and purpose in the world, recognizing the essential role we play in the collective human journey.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a BALANCE episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. These episodes are a pathway to harnessing the healing power within, releasing the signals of trauma and accumulated pain from your family history and personal journey. Through this release, you create space for your spirit to flourish and rejuvenate, embracing a renewed sense of self.

    Episode Highlights:

    Holding sacred space within ourselves and the collective.The power of fine-tuning our energy to create positive ripples in the world.Awakening imaginal cells to transform and manifest our highest potential.The importance of embracing our unique purpose and presence in the world.Navigating through challenges and suffering as a pathway to profound transformation.

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we explore the concept of managing and embracing our energy to connect with our higher selves and thrive in life. We are encouraged to focus on the importance of being present, breathing mindfully, and letting go of survival-driven mindsets. We are guided to invite divine guidance and clear our mental static to connect with our true desires. We are also encouraged to cultivate an awareness of abundance and sweetness in everyday moments, and advocate for a life lived with intention and deep appreciation for the present.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    You can now get YOUR voice heard on the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey!

    This is a HEALING episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. These episodes are a way for us to unlock higher consciousness, harnessing inner gifts to transcend adversity and embrace our authentic selves.

    Episode Highlights:

    Awakening to a New EraBeing Present and Seeking GuidanceBreathing and Releasing NegativityTransition from Survival to ThrivingInviting Divine GuidanceClearing Static and Opening the HeartManifesting Sweetness and AbundanceLiving in the Sweetness of Life

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, Joy passionately discusses the importance of self-awareness, presence, and truthful living. Through meditation and mindful practices, she encourages us to stop, reflect, and reconnect with ourselves. Highlighting the dangers of self-betrayal, Joy offers practical advice on how to honor personal truth while still engaged in life's responsibilities and relationships. She emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries and making conscious choices, ultimately fostering kindness, trust, and integrity within ourselves and in interactions with others.

    You can now get YOUR voice heard on the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey!

    This is a RELEASE Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Release episodes about releasing provide invaluable guidance for shedding the trauma signals and accumulated pain stemming from your family history and personal life journey. Through this process, you can find liberation from the burdens of the past and embark on a path towards healing and renewal.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Importance of Being PresentUnderstanding Inner Compass and TruthNavigating Obligations and ResponsibilitiesExploring Consciousness and AwarenessEmbracing Multiple Facets of BeingThe Power of Kindness and Self-RespectAvoiding Self-Betrayal

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King
    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this release episode, Joy Truscott guides us through connecting with our inner energy and using the present moment to ground ourselves. We are encouraged and directed to call upon our guides, to take deep breaths to help us settle into the here and now. We also walk through the importance of letting go of the survival-driven human stories that have been passed down through our generations. We are shown how to focus on becoming more conscious drivers of our lives, welcoming abundance, and tuning into and embracing our divine potential. Through awareness and small tweaks in our daily activities, we can transform our experience from one of survival to one of thriving.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard on the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey!

    This is a RELEASE Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Release episodes about releasing provide invaluable guidance for shedding the trauma signals and accumulated pain stemming from your family history and personal life journey. Through this process, you can find liberation from the burdens of the past and embark on a path towards healing and renewal.

    Episode Highlights:

    Centering and Grounding TechniquesBreath Awareness and ExpansionUnderstanding Human Stories and ReactionsEmbracing Consciousness and PotentialThriving Beyond Survival

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this transformation episode, Joy Truscott guides us through a process of connecting with our inner selves. When we are equipped to do this, we are better able to be present in our community,and uplift those around us as we are empowered to share our unique gifts. We are guided to focus on being present, fostering a supportive environment, and inviting higher energy and guidance into our lives. Through mindful breathing, visualization, and affirmation, we are encouraged to recognize our inherent value and purpose, ultimately aiming to create a world filled with light, love, and creative fulfillment.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard on the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey!

    This is a TRANSFORMATION Episode. For more content like this, click here for resources to support your growth. Transformation episodes are a gateway to the transformation of our energy field, serving as the catalyst for wellness and spiritual awakening. They illuminate the path to higher consciousness, inviting us to reawaken to the truth of who we are and embrace our innate ability to transform our energy being.

    Episode Highlights:

    Creating a Safe SpaceBreathing and GroundingConnecting with Your Inner SelfInviting Divine PresenceEmbracing Your Life PurposeLiving Your Truth

    Find Joy Truscott: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this heartfelt episode, we are invited to be present and conscious of our actions as lightworkers. We are reminded to approach life with mindfulness, holding a space of kindness, love, and empathy for ourselves and others. We are also encouraged to release expectations and judgments of ourselves and others to foster peace and clarity. As light beings, we are urged to transform the world by embracing our unique essence and amplifying positive energy. Finally, we are guided through a mindfulness exercise and a call to elevate our vibrations through graciousness and self-love.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a SEEKING episode. These episodes are about seeking guidance and recognizing the importance of uncovering our truth, revealing the precious gifts encoded within our being that can serve as powerful tools on our life journey. When we actively seek, we embark on a transformative quest to discover and harness these invaluable gifts, empowering ourselves along the way.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Big Ask: Expectations and DisappointmentsMindful Presence and ConnectionEmbracing Uniqueness and Letting Go of ExpectationsNavigating Duality and PolarityThe Challenge of Being a LightworkerShifting from Survival to Thriving

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are guided on a balancing journey to illumination. This episode discusses the importance of light workers embracing their true selves and contributing positively to the universal energy field. We are encouraged to recognize our impact on the universe, maintain high vibrations, and manage life's challenges with grace. The beautiful gifts of self-compassion, authenticity, and setting a clear inner compass to navigate life's journey are emphasized, and we are also reminded that being our authentic self is the greatest gift we can offer.

    This is a BALANCE episode. These episodes are a pathway to harnessing the healing power within, releasing the signals of trauma and accumulated pain from your family history and personal journey. Through this release, you create space for your spirit to flourish and rejuvenate, embracing a renewed sense of self.

    Episode Highlights:

    Embracing Human Experience and Energy ManagementIlluminating Our PathwayGrounding and Connecting with the EarthAcknowledging Our Inner CompassNavigating Life's Journey with Purpose

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we focus on the act of pausing and reflecting on our lives. We are encouraged to do this so that we can promote connection, reset, and open ourselves up to new perspectives. By focusing on mindfulness and the act of being present, we explore our pain with courage and kindness. We are also given practical exercises which guide us through acknowledging our pain and holding space for self-compassion. The power of stillness, self-awareness, and emanating love to ourselves and others is emphasized. And through this, we learn to ultimately foster a greater sense of harmony and collective healing.

    Get Your Voice On The Show! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    Send your feedback! This podcast is always evolving. Tell Joy what you want to hear more of, or less of. Your constructive feedback is welcome. Click here to send your feedback!

    This is a HEALING episode. These episodes are a way for us to unlock higher consciousness, harnessing inner gifts to transcend adversity and embrace our authentic selves.

    Episode Highlights:

    Embracing Pain with CourageGuided Meditation: Finding StillnessHonoring Your JourneyAwakening Courage and Self-LoveRadiating Light and Kindness

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we delve into the realm of energy, emphasizing the importance of recognizing our interconnectedness and collective experiences. Together, we explore the heightened energy frequencies and our responses to them, including feelings of discombobulation and overwhelm. We are encouraged to embrace these discomforts as signals of a deeper need for change and to engage in subtle, personal shifts that can lead to profound transformation. Through guided breathing exercises, we reconnect with our inner selves, fostering compassion, kindness, love, and grace. By understanding the impact of our energy on the collective, we can make meaningful adjustments with awareness and kindness. The episode also addresses detachment from negative patterns and highlights the significance of self-love and healing in contributing to the broader energy field.

    Get Your Voice On The Show! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    Send your feedback! This podcast is always evolving. Tell Joy what you want to hear more of, or less of. Your constructive feedback is welcome. Click here to send your feedback!

    This is a processing episode. These episodes are a guide to the conscious processing of our burdens and points of suffering, enabling us to break free from their hold. Through this liberation, we embrace a life marked by greater ease and flow as we shed the weight of our past burdens and move forward.

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Collective EnergyEmbracing Our SensitivityThe Power of Subtle ChangesBreathing and Relaxation TechniquesSelf-Reflection and AwarenessThe Ripple Effect of Our ActionsCompassion and ForgivenessNavigating Relationships and CompromisesIdentifying and Healing Emotional TriggersAnchoring in Self-Love and KindnessThe Impact of Individual Light

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are guided through a powerful meditative practice designed to elevate your frequency and connect with your inner light. Through deep breathing and focused intention, we discover how we can activate our bodies, minds, and souls. We also explore the significance of grounding ourselves, holding space for healing, and embracing our purpose. We then learn how to navigate the chaos of life, release resistance, and unlock the powerful energy that lies within all of us. This episode offers profound insights into understanding our pain, recognizing our unique paths, and contributing to the collective healing of humanity. This episode is another vital step on our journey of immense healing, wellness, and conscious awareness as we illuminate our paths with love and integrity.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a releasing episode. These episodes about releasing provide invaluable guidance for shedding the trauma signals and accumulated pain stemming from your family history and personal life journey. Through this process, you can find liberation from the burdens of the past and embark on a path towards healing and renewal.

    Episode Highlights:

    Connecting with IntentionsAnchoring and Amplifying EnergyThe Flower of Life and Sacred GeometryEmbracing Our Purpose and LightBreathing and Relaxation TechniquesNavigating Pain and HealingHigher Awareness and ConsciousnessUnlocking Human Potential

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are invited into a space of connection and grace amidst a chaotic world. The key themes explored include opening our heart, navigating the pain and devastation in the world, and using our free will to choose compassion and transformation. The power of energy, breath, and consciousness to transform and uplift both individual souls and the collective human experience is emphasized. We also are encouraged to trust, surrender to life's flow, and embrace our roles as divine beings capable of profound impact through their unique gifts and the harmonization of heart and mind.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a Transformation Episode. Transformation episodes are a gateway to the transformation of our energy field, serving as the catalyst for wellness and spiritual awakening. They illuminate the path to higher consciousness, inviting us to reawaken to the truth of who we are and embrace our innate ability to transform our energy being.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Challenge of Keeping Hearts OpenThe Gift of Free WillBreathing and ReleasingThe Stream of LifeTrusting the JourneyThe Power of TransformationHolding the EnergyUnlocking the Story Together

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we delve into the practice of holding and nurturing our energy to navigate through the week with a supportive presence to ourselves and others. Through guided awareness and connection with higher vibrations of light and love, we learn to recalibrate our energy gradually, embracing and amplifying our capacity for higher frequencies. This journey includes breathing exercises, grounding, self-awareness, and inviting divine guidance. The importance of self-kindness is highlighted, as well as learning to acknowledge and transform feelings of loneliness, pain, and heartache into powerful energy fields. This continuous practice fosters compassion, resilience, and a profound sense of interconnectedness, ultimately reminding us of our unique, sovereign nature.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a SEEKING episode. These episodes are about seeking guidance and recognizing the importance of uncovering our truth, revealing the precious gifts encoded within our being that can serve as powerful tools on our life journey. When we actively seek, we embark on a transformative quest to discover and harness these invaluable gifts, empowering ourselves along the way.

    Episode Highlights:

    Embracing Energy and Divine GuidanceThe Gentle Process of Elevating Our VibrationFinding Comfort and Support in Our Physical PresenceExploring Our Inner State and Inviting CompassionCalling in Divine Support and Opening Our HeartsNavigating Loneliness with Awareness and ConnectionTransforming Loneliness into a Powerful Energy Field

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are guided on a deep dive into understanding and discerning our true desires and callings, distinguishing between what genuinely serves our higher purpose and what doesn't. We are also walked through a meditative process to connect with our heart's yearnings, and we are encouraged to go on a journey of self-inquiry to identify and release attachments and conditions that do not align with our soul's true desires. Through a series of guided breaths and reflections, we are encouraged to explore the contrasting feelings between burdensome obligations and genuine joy, aiming to retrain the mind and body to choose pathways that light up our authentic self. The importance of noticing and releasing patterns that lower our energy is emphasized. We are encouraged to rather practice the embracing of the unknown with openness and readiness, this will then enable us up to experience true happiness beyond predictable comforts.

    This is a BALANCE episode. These episodes are a pathway to harnessing the healing power within, releasing the signals of trauma and accumulated pain from your family history and personal journey. Through this release, you create space for your spirit to flourish and rejuvenate, embracing a renewed sense of self.

    Episode Highlights:

    Exploring Our Inner Callings and DesiresGuided Meditation for Self-ReflectionIdentifying and Releasing AttachmentsUnderstanding and Navigating Our EnergyThe Power of Saying No and Choosing JoyEmbracing the Unknown with Openness and Trust

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    In this episode, we are guided through a deep and meditative exploration of using personal energy to shift our thoughts, perceptions, and release traumas, thereby awakening to a clearer conscious space. Through this, the importance of collective energy in creating positive change both within and around us is emphasized. And we are also encouraged to support and uplift each other on this journey. The session includes guided relaxation techniques, breathwork, and visualization exercises to help us connect with our inner selves, release burdens, and awaken a sense of deep gratitude. We are guided to make those vital connections to life's essential forces. We are also shown the transformative power of tuning into our heart's yearnings. And the collective heartbeat of humanity is highlighted as a pathway to healing and co-creation.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a HEALING episode. These episodes are a way for us to unlock higher consciousness, harnessing inner gifts to transcend adversity and embrace our authentic selves.

    Episode Highlights:

    Guided Meditation: Opening the Energy FieldDeepening the Meditation: Breathing and Letting GoConnecting with the Earth and Embracing GravityExploring the Heartbeat of HumanityThe Longing and Yearning of the HeartActivating Your Magnetic Field Through LongingPlanting Seeds of Healing and Transformation

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.

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    During this episode, we delve into the concept of shifting our perspective to better manage the struggles and challenges we face in life. The importance of viewing our lives from a higher perspective to gain clarity and peace, even amid difficulties is emphasized. We are guided through a process of introspection, and we are encouraged to elevate our energy, connect with our higher selves, and look beyond the immediate turmoil by fostering an inner state of grace and acceptance. Through a series of reflective questions and exercises, we are offered pathways to understand our unique contribution and the potential divine orchestration of life's events. We are also encouraged to hold gracious space for ourselves and others as a means to tap into the inherent power of love and healing, suggesting that even in times of pain or uncertainty, there exists the opportunity for transformation and growth.

    Joy has an exciting announcement! You can now get YOUR voice heard at the end of the show. Click here to leave a voice message for Joy! And let us share in your journey! Thank you to this week’s listener from South Africa, who preferred to remain anonymous.

    This is a processing episode. These episodes are a guide to the conscious processing of our burdens and points of suffering, enabling us to break free from their hold. Through this liberation, we embrace a life marked by greater ease and flow as we shed the weight of our past burdens and move forward.

    Episode Highlights:

    Finding Peace in Struggle: Elevating Our PerspectiveCreating a Supportive Community: The Power of Holding SpaceEmbracing Our Unique Journey: Trusting the Divine PlanDiscovering Our Inner Strength: The Gift of PresenceThe Healing Power of Acceptance: Facing Life's ChallengesAwakening to Our Higher Self: The Journey WithinTransforming Pain into Healing: A Call to Inner WorkEmbodying Gracious Space: The Path to Healing and Acceptance

    Connect with Joy Truscott: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook

    Join Joy’s Newsletter: You Hold the Key to Your Highest PotentialJoin Joy’s Guided Meditations on Insight TimerRead Joy’s Book: A Journey to RememberDiscover Joy’s WorkBook a call with Joy

    Our Theme Tune is Spider Silk by Adam King

    Our deepest gratitude to Adam King for graciously allowing us to use his beautiful piece called Spider Silk in this podcast. Hit the link above to see more of his powerful work.

    Trigger Warning: As much as the work we do together is for healing and wholeness, timing is also important. This episode deals with topics that may bring up strong feelings for you right now. This episode may deal with addressing feelings or experiences of loss and talk of past trauma. If this is not right for you right now, please feel free to choose another episode.