
  • Mindful Money Management is not the same as budgeting for business. Budgeting often means ‘scrimping and saving’ in the name of getting ahead. At Wealth Factory, we think budgeting like this sucks. Please join our Wealth Factory CEO, Norm Westervelt, for a brief masterclass in Mindful Money Management.

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    As it relates to money, mindfulness means a total awareness of each dollar coming in and each dollar going out. Many clients come to Wealth Factory because they are running successful businesses, but are still feeling ‘cash starved.’ Sound familiar? Watch the episode. Instead of budgeting, Wealth Factory focuses on tracking the Four Different Types of Expenses. Learn more now! Mindful cash management means recognizing the expenses that we have in our life, knowing that we have the money to cover them, and learning to become a responsible spender. Fast-track your progress by downloading our Financial Freedom Formula course now. Click the link above!

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • [ACCESS] The Living Wealthy Initiative Workbook

    What does living wealthy mean to you? If your entrepreneurial mindset is that living wealthy is still outside your current reach, you don’t want to miss this eye-opening episode. At Wealth Factory, we encourage all our clients to start living wealthy NOW. Join our CEO, Norm Westervelt, as he reveals how living wealthy now can be a secret for building wealth. And don’t miss out on gaining free access to our exclusive Living Wealthy Initiative Workbook. Tune in now!

    Top Tips

    “The first step toward living wealthy is embracing where you are today.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Learn the first three steps of how to start living wealthy now, and then click the link above to gain access to the Living Wealthy Initiative Workbook. “Embrace what you have today, know where you want to go, and define what living wealthy means for you.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Living wealthy isn’t about going on reckless spending sprees. It’s about enjoying the process and building a life you love. Learn more now! “Living wealthy to me is knowing that every day that I wake up, I have unlimited potential to grow my businesses, to find new clients, and to create new relationships.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory

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  • Book your private call NOW

    Entrepreneurs worldwide are wondering about how to use AI in business. If this includes you, don’t miss out on joining Wealth Factory’s Isaac Tanner as he reveals the top 3 ways EVERY business will be impacted by the incorporation of AI strategy. Tune in now!

    Top Tips

    There are 3 main ways that AI can help to improve EVERY business. Learn more now! “AI is coming for your business, but you get to choose if it’s for better or for worse.” - Isaac Tanner, Operation Manager, Wealth Factory When used properly, AI can make finding and marketing to your ideal customers easier and more effective than ever. Watch the episode now
 There's going to come a time when every sales role is going to be impacted by an AI sales agent. AI will be a source of great leverage for business owners who take the time to learn how to use it wisely. Click the link above to schedule a private call.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website

  • Life insurance is a legacy product first and foremost, but did you know that an overfunded whole life insurance policy can also be used to safely build wealth? It’s called cash flow banking, and you aren’t going to want to miss this episode!

    RSVP for your FREE Cash Flow Banking Strategy Call Now

    Top Tips

    By overpaying into certain term life insurance policies, you can protect your funds from liability and bankruptcy, while still maintaining reasonable access to your money. When people say, “be your own bank,” this is one of the most accessible ways to create cash flow banking. Learn more now! Learn more about cash flow banking, and RSVP for a FREE consultation by clicking the link above. If at any point, you wish to regain access to your money for an investment, or any reason at all, most insurance policies will release funds within 24-72 hours. Remember, life insurance is never cheaper than it is today. Tomorrow, you're a day older, and life insurance will be a little bit more expensive.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website

  • Download the Cash Flow Guide Here!

    Did you know many small business owners overpay their taxes without realizing it? When we overpay our taxes, we are basically tipping the government with rightfully our money. It happens all the time. In this episode, CEO Norm Westervelt is going to reveal why compound interest is a myth, and tell you the best way to guarantee an 18% return. You won’t get this advice from Wall Street. Tune in now!

    Top Tips

    “Compound interest is a myth.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Did you know that many small business owners overpay their taxes without realizing it? Learn more now! “Finding the best path to direct your money begins with understanding the cost of your money.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Want some examples of how applying the Cost of Money can get you a guaranteed 18-20% return? It’s shockingly simple! Tune into the episode to learn more. “Stop tipping the government, and learn how to start keeping more of what you earn.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website

  • Three Secrets For How To Boost Profits

    Here’s The Million-Dollar Idea Guide!

    Every entrepreneur wants to know: “How can I boost my profits?” Join Wealth Factory CEO, Norm Westervelt, as he reveals 3 secrets for how to boost profits. Also, don’t forget to take advantage of an exclusive offer: Free access to Wealth Factory’s Million-Dollar Idea Guide!

    Top Tips

    “Our ability to be profitable is often equal to how well we know our market.” One of the most common mistakes Entrepreneurs make when trying to boost profits is investing their money into markets they don’t entirely understand. “Profits allocated to giving back to the community and the environment can ultimately secure customer loyalty.” The work of understanding our customers is never done, and that means there are always new opportunities to know your customers better than your competition. Entrepreneurs who think they already know everything about their customers are almost guaranteed to be leaving money on the table.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you. Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website

  • What is your money mindset? Everyone has a different relationship with money that is based on our experiences and the influences we’ve had growing up. Join Mike Brown as he reveals how understanding your own personal money mindset can be one of the best investments for 2023 and may help transform your ability to build real and lasting wealth.

    Book You Private Consult Here

    Top Tips

    A Money Story is a subconscious pattern of thought that shapes our relationship to money. What’s yours? Learn more now. “In order to align ourselves with our goals, we have to understand our subconscious patterns and how they're affecting us.” - Mike Brown Our subconscious patterns are mechanisms our brain puts together in order to keep us safe. When we no longer need these patterns, they can begin to hold us back. Watch now! “If hard work was the only factor in success, there would be a whole lot more rich people.” - Mike Brown Sometimes, it's beneficial to indulge our patterns, as long as we're at choice with them. Watch the episode to learn more.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website

  • Are You Limiting Your Business Cash Flow?đŸ’„Click here to set up your private consultationđŸ’„ are exceptional at making great initial strides without needing a lot of outside help, but this very same superpower can actually create a mindset capable of limiting our business cash flow. Don’t miss this one. Top Tips

    “One of the most profound moments in an entrepreneur’s life is when they first decide to bet on themselves.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Learn about the finite pie myth and discover why it’s responsible for slowing down the progress of so many entrepreneurs. Watch the episode above. “Limited thinking leads to poor financial decisions.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory Delegation, employee retention, training, and communication are just a few areas where entrepreneurs commonly struggle. The good news is that none of these things need to be done alone. Click the link above... “Our potential becomes unlimited when we start working with others toward a common goal.” - Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you. Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Book You Private Consult Here

    If we want to understand how to truly assess risk, we must shift our mindset from being an accumulator of wealth to becoming a defender of wealth. What does that mean? Join Mike Brown, as he shares the 6 most common types of risk and he reveals how to become a great defender of wealth.

    Top Tips

    Begin risk assessment of your portfolio by learning the 6 main types of risk and the 3 forms of liquidity. Learn more now! Discover what it means to become a “defender of wealth” and be on the lookout for key signs of impending risk. “As a business begins to scale, the entrepreneur must evolve from a lone wolf into the leader of the pack.” - Mike Brown Nontraditional risk is one of the most impactful AND most overlooked types of risk to your investments. Watch now to learn more. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your investment portfolio expertly assessed by a Wealth Architect. Click the link above to schedule now.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you. Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • How to Be Good At Sales In Today’s World

    The Million-Dollar Idea Guide

    Do you want to sell more but hate acting like a salesperson? You may be excited and even relieved to learn about some new sales tactics that are becoming more effective because they are healthier for you, your business, and your customers.

    Top Tips

    “Actively listening to what your customers want can become a roadmap that leads you to a million-dollar idea.” Old sales tactics that involve negative triggers like fear or creating high-pressure stakes are no longer viable in today’s world. “People don’t usually use logic when deciding to buy; they buy because they feel emotionally moved to buy.” High-pressure sales tactics may work on someone once, but it’s bad for customer retention, doesn’t inspire customer loyalty, and often leads to buyer’s remorse and negative reviews. “People pay for three things: certainty, speed, and ease.”

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  • Top 3 Tips: How to Train New Hires For Success

    Click Here To Talk To Our Team.

    Struggling with employee retention? The solution you are seeking may involve changing the way you train new hires. Don’t miss out on learning 3 insightful tips that helped this top-producing COO achieve a 90% employee retention rate. Watch now!

    Top Tips

    “The real secret behind employee retention is continual training.” - Whitney Zaino, COO, Wealth Factory Learn 3 amazing insights for how to train employees and improve employee retention. Watch now! “There are no bad employees, only bad leaders.” - Whitney Zaino, COO, Wealth Factory If your manager is struggling to train a new hire, that means you need to take some time to better train your manager. Learn more now
 “As effective leaders, it’s important to remember that not everyone learns in the same way or at the same speed.” - Whitney Zaino, COO, Wealth Factory

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you. Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • What’s the most powerful wealth-building strategy for becoming financially free? Would you believe the answer is: rinse and repeat? Join Mike Brown and find out what this means for your business today. Also, discover how using this principle of rinse and repeat can help you avoid some of the most common entrepreneurial pitfalls.

    đŸ’„RSVP for a private consultation HEREđŸ’„

    Top Tips

    Most entrepreneurial mistakes happen when someone gets distracted from the thing that makes them the most money. “You can build an entire empire by being really good at just one or two things.” Learn about Midas Touch Syndrome and Shiny Object Syndrome and how they cause some of the most common mistakes for an entrepreneur. “When an entrepreneur gets bored with doing the things they are good at, they lose money and momentum.” Learn more about Rinse and Repeat: Possibly the MOST powerful wealth-building strategy on the planet.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Get Matched Up With A Wealth Factory Team Member!

    What exactly is Airbnb Arbitrage, and could a short-term rental be your answer to creating new cash flow? Learn the pros and cons now!

    Top Tips

    Airbnb Arbitrage can be a relatively low-cost, low-risk way to start creating new cash flow with short-term rentals. Learn more now! Looking to increase your income through real estate and not sure where to begin? A short-term rental can be a great way to get your foot in the door! Wealth Factory Architects are standing by to help you weigh all your short-term rental options! Click the link above for a private consultation, and start keeping more of what you make now! Learn more about Airbnb Arbitrage, and take an in-depth look at the pros and cons with Wealth Architect, Andrew Mayhew. Watch the episode to discover more now! Do you own property that could be profitable with Airbnb, but don’t want to manage it? Here are the benefits of partnering with an Airbnb Arbitrager!

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Here’s The Financial Strengths Grader!

    How would you like to create peace of mind around your money? As entrepreneurs, we already have one thing in common: a sleepless night over money. Improving your money mindset will improve your cash flow! Please, don’t miss this episode.

    Top Tips

    Peace of mind around money is freedom from that impulse to seek instant gratification through large purchases that aren’t good investments, while at the same time—not sacrificing quality of life or quality of relationships. Learn more now! “For a healthy money mindset, it’s important to understand that not all debt is bad.” Learn more now! “A successful money mindset begins with always placing a higher value on peace of mind over instant gratification.” Asking the experts, getting help, and actively seeking out the blind spots are hallmarks of some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. Click the link to get started! “Having peace of mind around money will improve every relationship, both personal and professional.”

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Are you tired of paying interest to the bank instead of earning it for yourself? Get ready for an insider’s crash course with Operations Manager, Isaac Tanner, on how you can keep more of what you make!

    Here’s Your Exclusive Book Offer: Budgeting Sucks

    Top Tips

    Do you have a wealth capture account yet? Learn how to structure your cash flow so that you can keep more of what you make. Watch now! Want to store your money at rates that are 400 to 800 times higher than most savings accounts and even have tax advantages and benefits incorporated? Don’t miss out on today's episode. “One of the most overlooked keys to entrepreneurial success: You have to pay yourself first.” Learn more now! Did you know that by overpaying into certain term life insurance you can protect your funds from liability and bankruptcy while maintaining reasonable access to your money? Rig the system in your favor with these insider cash flow bank system strategies! Find out how!

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Click Here To Talk To Our Team!

    What’s the number one reason to hire new people? According to Whitney Zaino, COO of Wealth Factory, the answer is: Your own happiness. Business owners, you don’t want to miss out on this eye-opening episode!

    Top Tips

    Did you know that it costs a business up to 33% of an employee's yearly salary every time it becomes necessary to replace them? Learn more now! “Growth in business doesn't mean busier; it means taking on new challenges while passing off older job duties to new hires.” If your current team isn't being challenged and encouraged to grow, they'll become bored, complacent, unhappy, and ultimately leave. “Every company has a culture whether they have defined it or not. Define your culture, and make it an intentional creation.” When done well, creating a company culture is deeply rewarding and will serve as the backbone for building a true legacy.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • RSVP for a private consultation here

    Building non-traditional wealth is the key to creating more time to do what you love. Join Mike Brown as he gives an exclusive sneak peek into how to structure a wealth plan that serves your values first and foremost.

    Top Tips

    When we tie our investments back to our value systems, we're able to create more wealth over the long term because those investments are tied to the things that we care about. Learn more now. “True wealth is the freedom to choose how we spend our time.” - Mike Brown Here’s how mapping out an entire year that is centered around the things you care about most can become a roadmap to wealth. Learn how, watch now! “An ideal wealth plan should serve your values first and foremost.” - Mike Brown Most entrepreneurs are surprised, and even relieved, to discover that they are already MUCH closer than they think to living a life that they love. Discover how!

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Top 5 Must-Dos for Hiring the Right People

    Having trouble assembling a top-performing power team? Join Whitney Zaino, COO of Wealth Factory, who has over 20 years of experience in successful business operations for 5 surprising Must-Dos of Recruiting.

    Click Here To Talk To Our Team!

    Top Tips

    Many business owners still equate an employee overworking as a show of loyalty to the company. The truth is it’s a sign of quite the opposite. Learn more now! “When interviewing potential new hires, ask yourself: Would my clients' lives be improved by working with this person?” These top 5 hiring tips have resulted in countless, top-performing team members staying on board for many years. Don’t miss out, watch now! “Connecting with your employees and showing them you care about their personal growth will result in major ROI.” Hiring the right people does more than move your company forward; it can also take a lot off your plate, and add more joy to your life.

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  • The 3 R’s of Debt Reduction Planning

    Click Here To Talk To Our Team!

    Just about everyone wants better, faster ways to reduce and eliminate debt, but did you know that there is such a thing as good debt? Don’t miss out on learning the 3 R’s of debt reduction, and start eliminating debt in a strategic order that will increase your cash flow sooner rather than ‘someday.’ Watch now!

    Top Tips

    The first thing to realize is that not all debt is bad. Watch the episode to discover the key differences between efficient debt, and inefficient debt. Learn more now! Get an in-depth look at the 3 R’s to Debt Reduction Planning, and how to use them to identify the debt that is useful (?!), and ditch the debt that is dragging you down. Working with a Wealth Architect, you will get a personalized strategy for working with your debt to create cash flow. Click the link above to get started today! Did you know that refinancing can hurt your credit score, preventing you from getting the loans that work in your favor? Learn how to avoid this and many other common mistakes in debt reduction now! Recapture cash flow by implementing these often overlooked strategies for reducing and eliminating debt, and achieve economic independence faster.

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website


  • Here’s The Financial Freedom Formula!

    There is a better way for entrepreneurs to create lasting financial freedom in 2023 and beyond! Join Wealth Factory CEO, Norm Westervelt as he reveals the secrets behind 2 hidden keys to financial freedom: Mental Capital and Relationship Capital. And be sure to stay tuned until the end to gain exclusive access to one of Wealth Factory’s premier wealth-building resources: The Financial Freedom Formula!

    Top Tips

    Learn about the 2 life-changing principles of Relationship Capital and Mental Capital that are hidden keys to building wealth! Gain access to an EXCLUSIVE resource for building wealth. Click the link above to get the Financial Freedom Formula! What this successful Wealth Factory entrepreneur wishes they had learned years and years ago about building wealth that lasts. “Find a mental pathway that gives you clarity about your future, and then revisit that pathway every day.” Even the most prominent of entrepreneurs had to learn that they can’t reach the top of their game on their own. Learn the secrets of relationship capital now!

    If you have any questions, Wealth Factory is here for you! Ask your questions in the comments below or visit our website