Bambini e famiglia – Argentina – Podcast consigliati
Reflexiones del evangelio
Join Sara and Jenn as they explore and advocate for learner-centered animal training. With insatiable curiosity and a commitment to science-informed practices, Sara and Jenn unpack the nuances of current R+ training techniques, weave interdisciplinary thought into the ever-evolving landscape of behavior science, and demonstrate the value and efficacy of incorporating choice, voice, and agency into modern training practices.
Students, teachers, and families of Christ the King Catholic Classical School in Kansas City, Kansas enjoying stories read aloud by our pastor, Father Nick Blaha.
Support using Bitcoin over the Lightning Network ⚡ using (or any Podcasting 2.0 app)!
Season One: The Children's Homer, being none other than the story of Odysseus and the tale of Troy
Season Two: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Enjoy Willy Pogany's astounding illustrations of Homer here: -
Your teen is in middle school or high school, and college is on the horizon! Do you know where to begin? It can be overwhelming! Which college will be a good fit? Can you afford it? What is my teen passionate about? This can be an exciting time, but a stressful one! College admission is at an all time high in both competitiveness and cost. How do you navigate this? Your host Shellee Howard with College Ready has helped countless families in the college admissions process while saving them thousands of dollars in tuition! In her podcast, she sits down with new and past clients to share their experiences with College Ready, along with financial advisors and other experts who understand the importance of financial awareness when it comes to graduating from college debt free. This year's College Ready seniors earned over 17 million dollars in scholarships and grants! The information you hear on this show is priceless, you really can’t afford to not tune in!
Welcome to BIG W’s Free Books for Kids podcast. Since 2019 BIG W has been giving out Free Books to families in our stores, and now our much loved program is available as an audio series.
We know Everyday is a Big Day and that’s why we’ve got stories the whole family will love.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you want to know a little bit about the African elephants? You are in the right place!
Me volví loca cuando me convertí en madre? Si, loca de amor. Y es que la maternidad cambio mi vida, revolucionó mi alma y mi corazón. Mi vida de madre es un espacio para reírnos, llorar, quejarnos y amar. Creo firmemente en los principios de la crianza con apego pero respeto el derecho de criar de cada madre porque sé que la maternidad está llena de colores y de matices.
Soy Paola, una mexicana enamorada de su maternidad. Soy comunicologa por elección, bloguera por convicción y madre por vocación. Ser madre nos vuelve creativas y nos provee de la mejor inspiración para escribir.
Este espacio es mi granito de arena para las nuevas generaciones de madres e hijos. Te invito a formar parte de mi vida de madre, tu vida de madre. -
¡Bienvenida! Esto es Entre una cosa y la otra, un pódcast de MamásLatinas, donde la periodista y madre de cuatro Natalia Cruz hablará con invitados de lujo sobre temas de maternidad, crianza, familia, educación y mucho más. ¡Suscríbete y no te pierdas ningún episodio!
Welcome to the Live With Eternal Perspective podcast!
I'm Terri, a wife, married to my high school sweetheart, and a mom who has raised two sets of children over two generations. One of them now lives in Heaven, one is married with a son, and two still live at home. My hope is that you will envision my arm around your shoulder as you listen to each podcast episode. I'm here to encourage and equip you to live with a perspective that envisions eternity in the everyday because I believe we can choose to see God in moments that seem ordinary until we train ourselves to expect extraordinary. He is present.
My prayer and purpose is that as you listen to each episode, your heart and mind will fill with Biblical truths and tips. Each show is crafted to bring you nearer to Christ and equip you to become a set-apart woman of God. Let’s be honest, life can be hard, but guess what? Struggles are meant to be laid at His feet daily. I believe that despite what society teaches, you are not enough. You weren't meant to be, but through Him, you are beautifully strengthened.
One of the hardest struggles Christ-following women face is total surrender. Being a believer isn’t simply admitting Jesus is real. Whether you struggle with identity, esteem, anxiety, or allowing emotions to guide your feelings, God’s Word holds promise, truth, release, and relief. Maybe you struggle with guilt over having little time for God. Or perhaps you wish you could strengthen your relationship with your husband. Does the state of our culture leave you frustrated about how to raise children who know Jesus? Or do you wish someone would guide you in maturing the faith of your child so their relationship lasts into adulthood? Mothers need an intentional plan to raise children to follow Christ over culture. We need a way to mature the faith of our children so their relationship with Jesus (and us) lasts into adulthood.
Maybe you carry bitterness, neglect, frustrations, or unforgiveness. There is freedom and fulfillment through Jesus. The Live With Eternal Perspective podcast will lead you to live with Christ in the center of your heart, mind, and spirit, guiding your actions and reactions. As you learn to live with eternal perspective, your family will draw nearer to Him and to you. You will build healthy connection with Christ, your spouse, and your child that will last into eternity. Then you will truly be a set-apart woman of God with a connected family in the ways God desires.
I have some suggested next steps:
1. Visit my website:
2. While you’re on the website, grab your free 31-Day Scripture Journal to jump-start prioritizing time with Jesus. You’ll also find many other free resources to help deepen your walk with God.
3. Contact me for a 30-minute complimentary coaching call to see how I can help you live with an eternity-driven perspective.
4. Coming soon: Set-Apart Woman Collective – email me at [email protected] for details on how you can create a set-apart life centered on Christ. -
Mamá en búsqueda del emprendimiento y logrando controlar sus finanzas en casa 👨👩👦🥰🌻❤️
Las influencias de los X que ya no sirven en las generaciones Z y Milllenials
Les mostramos y les enseña los, pero también APRENDEMOS -
Super Impactante; hay una herramienta de creación que te permite grabar y editar tu podcast directamente desde tu teléfono o computadora.
Anchor distribuirá tu podcast por ti para que pueda ser escuchado en Spotify, Apple Cast y muchos más.
puedes ganar dinero con tu podcast con un mínimo de participación, anchor es todo lo que necesitas para hacer un podcast en un solo lugar.
Qué esperas? descarga anchor y comienza ya. -
#PodcastRN La niñez es una etapa única y si se disfruta con canciones, literaturas y juegos, es increíble.
Por eso nada mejor que María Elena Walsh para compartir esos espacios lúdicos que siempre quedarán en nuestra memoria. -
Un cuento y una canción se encuentran para dar un abrazo sonoro acompañados de un dibujo nacido de la escucha.
Ilustración: Pablo Fernández
Relato: Ale Simonazzi -
Los mejores cuentos para dormir niños.
Bienvenido a Educatiles el espacio donde las historias encantadoras cobran vida y se convierten en la banda sonora de tus noches. Sumérgete en un universo de imaginación y magia mientras compartimos relatos cautivadores para oyentes de todas las edades. Nuestras narraciones están cuidadosamente seleccionadas para transportarte a reinos fantásticos, repletos de personajes peculiares, aventuras épicas y lecciones valiosas para la vida.
Como siempre, visítanos en para conocer todos tus cuentos e historias favoritas.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Esto es: Te lo cuento distinto, cuentos que van por otro laberinto.
Somos estudiantes del ISP N° 16 de Rosario, del tercer año del Profesorado de Nivel Inicial. Hicimos estos podcast, en el contexto de pandemia, como parte de las prácticas de formación docente. Queremos que circulen no sólo por los jardines que nos prendieron sus cámaras y abrieron sus puertas, sino con todxs aquellxs que quieran escuchar las historias reversionadas de los clásicos de la literatura infantil. -
Welcome! Carrie & Ann here and we are 2 Traveling Mamas. It's so nice to meet you! We are two friends who met through work and traveled for years together to a variety of places and we have LOTS of stories to share from our travels together, separately and with our families.
Through our podcast, we'll share tips, personal stories of our own travels and give suggestions/recommendations on how to make the most of seeing this incredible world we live! We'll also have specials guests join us from time to time, so make sure you subscribe and follow along this journey with us! -
Los cuentos abren mundos imaginarios. Las historias y sus personajes nos transportan a un mundo lleno de emociones y aventuras.
Explora 'Pame del cuento a dormir', tu podcast ideal para enriquecer las noches en familia. Disfruta de cuentos infantiles y fábulas tranquilizantes que relajan, enseñan y fortalecen lazos familiares a través de historias cautivadoras y música relajante. Perfecto para padres y niños que buscan una experiencia relajante y educativa antes de dormir
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