Negócios – Novos podcasts

  • Dans mes podcasts, je donne mes trucs et astuces à tous ceux et celles qui sont formateurs ou souhaitent le devenir.
    Vous y trouverez des techniques d'animation de formation, des méthodes pour gérer les attitudes difficiles de certains apprenants, des informations pratiques sur la construction d'une formation, comment devenir organisme de formation etc.
    Bref tout ce qu'il vous faut pour construire et animer une formation, sans STRESS, en restant ZEN 😀. 
    Pour me soutenir, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner, à liker, à vous inscrire à l'une de mes formations en cliquant ici ( ou en participant à ma cagnotte teepee ici ( 🙏🙏. Merci d'avance ! 🎁 En cadeau reçois mon guide gratuit «Devenir formateur : les 10 étapes clés pour réussir en restant Zen ! » en cliquant 
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • ex∙change est un podcast de CFA Society France, animé par ses membres - Philippe Maupas, CFA, Myriam Ferran, CFA et Lenny Kessler, CFA. Ils discuteront avec des invités de divers aspects de la finance moderne, offrant aux auditeurs une compréhension approfondie des métiers, des responsabilités sociales et environnementales, ainsi que des tendances et des défis qui façonnent l'avenir de l'industrie financière.

  • I det nya feminina podden - får ni följa med oss YogiLindi (Linda Hjorth) och Jacqueline Vergara på en resa där vi utforskar och förkroppsligar vad som händer när vi låter den feminina energin i oss leda. 

    Vi precis som många andra kvinnor, hamnade i fällan av att sträva efter att passa in i ramen från ett maskulint samhälle. En energi som präglas av görandet, planering, kontroll, stress och prestation. Vi har varit duktiga flickor som jonglerat karriär, familjeliv, ett aktiv socialt och hälsosamt liv. Vi har levt mer utifrån andras behov en våra egna. Detta gjorde oss trötta, utmattade, orkeslösa och att vi inte nådde vår fulla potential som kvinnor. 

    Idag följer vi vår egen sanning, lever i kontakt med vår kropp, våra känslor, ett liv i balans utifrån de feminina där vi låter våra hjärtan och lusten vägleda oss in i ett mer harmoniskt och njutningsfullt liv, fullt av livsenergi. 

    Vi vill med denna podd inspirera, öppna upp och riva ned alla murar runt ditt hjärta så att du ska våga leva i ditt fulla potential. Vi vill visa att det finns så mycket mer njutning i livet bortifrån kämpandet om vi bara vågar luta oss tillbaka, hedra och droppa in i vår feminina essens.

    Om du vill komma i kontant med oss eller intresserade av våra tjänster Mail: [email protected]

    YogiLindi, Embodyment, Livscoach &Yogalärare.

    Instagram @yogilindi 

    Jacqueline Vergara, Feminin coach, doula, & yogalärare. 

    Instagram @jacqueline_vergara

    Producerat av Silerdrake Förlag

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I denne podcasten intervjuer vi inspirerende mennesker som har skapt seg et friere liv.

    Hvis du noen gang har drømt om å leve litt annerledes enn du gjør idag, eller har kjent at tid eller økonomi begrenser deg, så har du kommet til riktig sted!

    Følg oss på @langhelghverhelg på Instagram

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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    🎙️ About the Podcast:
    Thrive Up is dedicated to helping people interested in tech, whether you're looking to make your mark in the industry or wanting to level up your career. 

    Each week, join me for insightful discussions, career tips, and inspiring stories from professionals at FANNG and diverse backgrounds.

    🎓 Key Topics:

    Breaking into the Tech Industry and Level Up in TechCareer Tips and Strategies

    Subscribe to Thrive Up at and stay connected by following our LinkedIn page.

  • Join Aaron and the analysts, experienced accountants, certified QuickBooks trainers, members of the QuickBooks Accounting Council and entrepreneurs on QuickBooks Labs, live on the last Wednesday of each month at 4:30 pm.

    They discuss various topics around QuickBooks Online that benefit the accountancy community and business owners.

    Have a question you’d like to ask?
    Join us live and ask away!

    Are you interested in being a guest on the show?
    If you have a product or knowledge that would be useful to share with others in the accounting world, please get in touch: [email protected]


  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Anne-Marie Henson transforms intricate concepts into digestible insights, helping financial leaders navigate with clarity and confidence.

  • Personal Growth - Subconscious Healing - Spiritual Connection - For Christian Women

    Have you struggled with pain, trauma, toxic relationships, anxiety or addiction and you’ve tried traditional therapy, affirmations and meditation, but you still feel stuck in the struggle?

    Have you been working diligently toward a goal in your life or business for a long period of time and no matter what new skill or approach you try, you can’t quite obtain the goal you aimed for?

    Have you prayed and prayed about a particular recurring issue or difficult relationship and you just don’t ever see any changes?

    Chances are high (like 99.9%) that your subconscious is working overtime to keep you “safe” in the patterns it used during childhood to help you survive. I know, that’s a whole lot to grasp, and that’s why I’m here!

    Hi! I’m Erin Jean and I have been there and done that! After 18 years in a difficult marriage and over 5 years as an entrepreneur with no real success, I BROKE. I was diagnosee with PTSD, battling panic attacks and suicidal thoughts all while going to counseling trying to save my marriage and still show up for my kids. I didn’t love or value myself and my life just wasn’t going in the direction I wanted.

    I. WAS. DONE.

    Thankfully, I decided to fight hard to turn it all around! I was a mama to three beautiful children, and I knew they needed me on this planet.

    God led me to some amazing resources to heal my mind, release my trauma and truly love and embrace the person He made me to be!

    Inside this podcast I will share all the tools that strengthened my faith and helped to heal my heart, mind and soul. Yep, that’s right! I said goodbye to panic attacks and my inability to deal with emotional triggers and I found my purpose in bringing this same healing to others. I felt such passion for all that I learned that I became a certified hypnotherapist, got trained in Timeline therapy, EFT and NLP and began to work with clients to help them achieve similar results.

    So listen in and grab a warm mug of your favorite drink as we get into The Business of Inner Peace! You can also connect with me via email at [email protected] or on Facebook ( and on Instagram @erinjeancoaching .

  • Considering your career, or pondering over a new profession? By All Accounts… explores the amazing job opportunities that an accountancy qualification can bring you. Because when it comes to careers in finance, we know that there are some questions out there…

    What do accountants actually do? Don’t you have to be really good at maths to work in finance? Isn’t it super boring and stressful, and just a lot of messing around with spreadsheets? In this series from ACCA, we’re sitting down with some real-life accountants and people who work in finance to lift the lid on some of the common myths you might have fallen for about this awesome career path. From jobs in banking to breweries, and even luxury cars, we’re cracking open the core of what it’s actually like, and unpicking the wonderfully varied journeys of some ACCA students and members to their dream jobs. Hit follow now so you never miss an episode, and let us know what you think by leaving a rating or review. With skills in accountancy and finance, you can work in any business, anywhere, and turnyour passion into an exciting and rewarding career with an ACCA qualification. You can sign up to find out more by heading to

    To watch the video version of this podcast, head to

    By All Accounts… is a Fresh Air Production for ACCA. The Senior Producer is Eva Higginbotham, with support from Sarah Moore. The Executive Producer is Annie Day. The Videographer is Yohan Forbes. The Sound Engineer is Basil Oxtoby. Bukky Fadipe is the Assistant Producer and Nik Gandhi is the Marketing Manager.

  • Rave Results is the only podcast for entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating impact through learning. You’re here because you’re aspiring to design, launch and deliver rave-worthy group offers.

    Your host, Vix Meldrew, will share honest takes, actionable tips and innovative strategies. Whether you're aiming to engage more of your clients or elevate your offerings, Rave Results has got you covered.

  • Welcome to Blue Door Waves, your ticket to the vibrant world of coastal Orange County! Brought to you by Blue Door Magazine, our podcast is your go-to guide for all things Coastal OC, delivering captivating stories spanning from breathtaking real estate to the latest trends in art, design, and lifestyle.

    Join us on a coastal journey where each episode unveils the hidden gems, the local legends and the dynamic culture that make Orange County's coastline so unique. Dive into the waves of inspiration as we explore the picturesque landscapes, indulge in the culinary delights, and meet the fascinating personalities that shape the essence of Coastal OC.

    Tune in for insightful interviews with industry experts, behind-the-scenes glimpses into the region's hottest spots and insider tips on how to make the most of your time along the coast.

  • The Columbus Chamber has debuted new episodes of cbuzz, central Ohio’s first business-themed podcast, in a partnership to reboot the monthly series with Capital University. Production of the new episodes takes place at Capital’s Convergent Media Center, a state-of the-art facility opened in 2017.

  • „combine on ear“ wurde im Frühsommer 2020 ins Leben gerufen, als sich durch Corona die Büros leerten und die Menschen fast ausschließlich remote arbeiteten. Seitdem wird umgesetzt, was für viele Unternehmen bis dato als unmöglich erachtet wurde, und das Überleben der Organisationen sichert: Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung, Homeoffice, mobiles Arbeiten. Wir fragen daher in unserem Podcast: Sind wir auf dem Weg in ein „neues Normal der Zusammenarbeit“? Was ändert sich gerade in den Unternehmen, vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen sie? Ist jetzt ein besonderes Momentum für ein „anything goes“? Wird Raum – analoger und virtueller Raum – wichtiger als jemals zuvor? Was müsste jetzt gestaltet werden?

    combine on ear bringt vor diesem Hintergrund spannende und renommierte Gesprächspartner:innen unterschiedlichster Fachrichtungen zusammen, um über die aktuellen Themen der Immobilienwirtschaft zu sprechen: Innovative Gebäude- und Raumkonzepte, Interior Design, technologische Entwicklungen, Hybrides Arbeiten, neueste Erkenntnisse der systemischen Organisationsberatung und des Change Managements.

    combine on ear ist der Podcast von combine, einer führenden Unternehmensberatung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Ob CREM-Beratung, innovative Arbeitsweltenkonzepte, Change-Prozesse, professionelle Umsetzungsbegleitung oder Interior Design: combine entwickelt gemeinsam mit seinen Kunden:innen zukunftssichere Lösungen, die die Immobile als unternehmensstrategische Ressource betrachten, und dabei die Funktion und Gestaltung immer als Einheit verstehen. combine begleitet auch die Umsetzung stets unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen und kollektiven Bedürfnisse der Organisation.

  • The true success comes with enormous attempts of failures and this podcast helps to grab the ladder of opportunities again and again and thereby holding You not to give up on your precious DREAMS.

  • Dokumentasi tentang obrolan apapun yang kami anggap bermanfaat bagi para pendengar

  • Everybody has had the very uncomfortable and often embarrassing experience of having been caught with their pants around their ankles. The thing is, usually pants around ankles are preceded by mistakes. Mistakes in judgment, mistakes and execution. And often there's not a single mistake, but a whole series of smaller ones that precipitates that area and uncomfortable outcome. I'm Greg Hayne of the Hayne Coaching Group. This podcast is about helping you prevent those experiences. And in it I'm gonna answer questions you've asked, questions that you haven't asked but should have. And otherwise, share some ideas that are designed to keep those pants of yours buckled firmly around your waist. So let's see what I've come up with for today!

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Narrative Enneagram Practitioner. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience.

    In this season of Enneagram Coaching with Abbi, I share live coaching episodes where we explore the dynamics of our Enneagram Type within the context of our work environment. For those in the workforce, we spend the bulk of our work week interacting with various personalities from our supervisor to co-workers to the clients & customers we serve. Sometimes those interactions with others are incredibly life-giving, but we can also find ourselves discouraged & exhausted by the personality dynamics in our workplace. In a recent article in Psychology Today, it was reported that over 50% of employees quit because of a bad manager, which creates a drain on resources due to employee turnover. A lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence within the workplace has a direct impact on staff retention and the organizations ability to thrive in their industry. 

    Not only will you benefit in an increased self-awareness from understanding your own Enneagram Type, but having more in-depth knowledge about all the nine Types fosters emotional intelligence & can dramatically improve your working experience with others. In a recent Forbes article, about 80% of millennial respondents indicated that emotional intelligence is something they actively focus on as they develop their careers. My intention is that this podcast, along with the corporate Enneagram workshops I teach, will be a resource in your personal and professional growth. 

    The first episode in this fourth season of Enneagram Coaching with Abbi Rodriguez releases on March 13th, so follow along and subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. In the meantime, reach out to me on my website at to schedule a free consultation call to explore how a knowledge of the Enneagram will benefit your organization through team Enneagram Workshops and executive coaching.

     Follow or subscribe for free for new episodes each week and find me on instagram @enneagramspace or to learn more!

  • The NextGen Work Culture podcast helps managers and HR professionals support working parents to recruit and retain the best people. Join host Kortney Ross as she interviews experts and provides insights into the struggles that working parents face in the workplace. Learn how your business can become a place where parents feel included, supported, and valued. Being a family-friendly business isn't just a "nice-to-have" anymore. For the Next Generation of work, it is critical.

  • Motivated to Lead is a podcast designed to help you grow and become a better leader. We interview leaders in business and the non-profit world. Listen each week as we have guests share lessons learned in their career and in life to help you whether you are a new leader or a seasoned leader. Our topics include leadership, career management and how to make great people decisions.