Ficção – Novos podcasts

  • El contenido de este Podcast tiene fines educativos para la audiencia y oyentes. Gracias

  • Luego de una larga internación Eduardo Schwarz regresa a casa para completar el tratamiento psiquiátrico que le permitirá volver a hacerse cargo de su vida.
    Bajo la constante vigilancia de enfermeros y la supervisión de su joven psiquiatra, la Doctora Clarisa Blanco, Eduardo trata de reconectar con su borroso pasado. Pero, privado de su medicación, entre los ecos de la tragedia que aniquiló a su familia y los manejos de médicos y abogados que quieren quedarse con la fortuna de sus padres, Eduardo se hunde cada vez más en si mismo.
    Entonces, un teléfono fuera de servicio suena y la pesadil

  • Listen to all episodes with Storybutton+www.storybutton.supercast.comThe story of a young man who is looking to find his own path in a world of swords, special abilities, and adventure, even though he can’t level up like his friends. Things change though, after meeting a gruff, rude fairy named Pork. Aiden and Pork embark on a quest to save the Four Heroes scattered throughout the world, and to stop a danger bigger than any of them could have ever imagined.Welcome to "Pixel Quest," the captivating podcast where fantasy and bravery intertwine to create a world of adventure and discovery. Follow the journey of Aiden, a young man in a realm of swords, magic, and quests, who, unlike his friends, faces the challenge of adventuring without the ability to level up. But when Aiden meets Pork, a gruff and outspoken fairy, his journey takes a thrilling turn. Together, they set out on a mission to rescue the Four Heroes and confront a looming threat that could alter their world forever."Pixel Quest" is a podcast that brings stories to life, imbuing them with lessons of courage, friendship, and perseverance. It's a place where every episode is a new chapter in Aiden's quest, filled with challenges, allies, enemies, and a rich tapestry of storytelling that will captivate and inspire listeners. This podcast is an invitation to young audiences to immerse themselves in a narrative where their imagination can roam free, exploring the nuances of a fantastical world.Dive into "Pixel Quest," the kid podcast where stories are not just told but experienced, where listeners can follow Aiden and Pork through a landscape brimming with mystery and excitement. It's a podcast that combines the joy of storytelling with the thrill of adventure, creating a unique listening experience that encourages children to dream big and face their challenges with bravery.Parents and educators seeking a kid podcast that entertains while instilling valuable life lessons will find "Pixel Quest" to be a perfect choice. It's a kid podcast that respects the intelligence and creativity of its young listeners, offering stories that are both engaging and thought-provoking. Through Aiden's journey, listeners will explore themes of personal growth, friendship, and the power of determination.Subscribe to "Pixel Quest" and join Aiden and Pork on their epic adventure, where each episode is a step into a world of enchantment and heroism. This kid podcast is not just a series of stories; it's an odyssey of imagination, a place where listeners can grow, learn, and be part of an unforgettable journey. With "Pixel Quest," the magic of storytelling comes alive, offering a portal to a world where anything is possible, and every listener is part of the adventure.A bttn+ OriginalProduced & Directed by Steven ForbisWritten by Mike MarshallDownload the Bttn App, Premium Home to Kids & Family Audio Content.Listen on your Storybutton. The screenless way to listen to podcasts and more.

  • A podcast of ancient classics to accompany you into the night, from the creators of Tales of the Night Sky audio drama. Join Bibi Jacob as she reads you her selection of Greek and Roman classics with immersive soundscapes.

  • ¡Bienvenidos a "Una Novela y un Café", el podcast donde nos sumergimos en el apasionante universo de las novelas de romance! Soy Lina, amante incondicional de las novelas de romance y tu cómplice en esta travesía literaria. Aquí, cada episodio es como una taza de café caliente y una novela fascinante. Juntos exploramos los rincones del romance, desentrañamos historias cautivadoras y nos sumergimos en el mágico mundo de la lectura romántica y la fantasía romántica. Sigue el podcast y recibirás las notificaciones de nuevos episodios cada miércoles.

  • A Persuasion audiobook performed by 20 actors with gorgeous ambient sounds and an original musical score to bring the story to life. From the director of the Webby Award Honouree podcast of Pride and Prejudice. Presented over 13 beautiful episodes. This dramatised audiobook is produced by the Australian not-for-profit community theatre company, Ballarat National Theatre. 

  • James hardly remembers anything about who he is or where he's from. His dad takes him out to a remote cabin in the woods to stay away while "Something back home is sorted out". What that is James doesn't remember, and with each passing day he remembers less.

    Things keep getting worse for James until he finds himself alone without his own memories to guide him on the right path forward.

  • WARNUNG! Keine realen Personen.*
    Entdecken Sie im Smart Digital Podcast die faszinierende Welt von Experience Design, kreativer Strategie und menschlicher Psychologie.

    Tauchen Sie ein in inspirierende Gespräche, geführt von KI Persönlichkeiten unterschiedlichster Art, die gemeinsam die Zukunft von Design, Technologie und Kommunikation gestalten.
    Ein KI-Podcast der besonderen Art.

    © 2024 Elfenbeinturm Produktion ➜ KI Storytelling ➜ Mini-Podcastserie ➜ Veröffentlichung 2 bis 3 Wochen
    Feedback an [email protected]
    *Alle Beiträge wurden mit Unterstützung Künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt

  • ASHFALL - Ein Thriller in vier Episoden!

    Weihnachten 1999: Der amerikanische Transport-Unternehmer Julius Ackerman veranstaltet seine alljährliche Feier, der sowohl die eigene Familie als auch jene seiner fähigsten Mitarbeiter beiwohnen. Im Laufe des Abends zeigen sich zerrüttete Familienverhältnisse in den Reihen der Ackermans auf: Julius‘ Tochter Jane weigert sich noch immer vehement, sich in die Familiendynastie einzugliedern und Sohn Franklin eckt nicht nur mit seinem Schwager an, sondern erpresst auch seinen eigenen Vater. Denn dieser treibt unter dem Banner der Wohltätigkeit ein vermeintlich doppeltes Spiel.

    Noch ehe die Familienstreitigkeiten ad acta gelegt werden können, stürmt ein Trupp bewaffneter Söldner die Weihnachtsfeier und nimmt alle Beteiligten als Geiseln. Der Weihnachtsabend droht, in einem Massaker zu enden.

    Hinweis: Dieser Fiction-Podcast enthält Szenen sexueller Natur und physischer Gewalt!


    Sprecher: Daniel Schütter, Katharina v. Keller, Walter Wigand, Johannes Semm, Henry Semm, Roman Rossa, Michael Prelle, Oliver Hörner, Elena Wilms, Laura Pfister, Tim Niebuhr, Konstantin Graudus, Constantin v. Westphalen, Martin May, Christian Rudolf, Birgit von Rönn, Katja Keßler, Mike Olsowski, Carsten Krabbe, Jerome Graudus, Colin Flamming, Christian Glatzel

    Buch/Regie/Tonmischung: Christian Glatzel
    Tonmeister: Colin Flamming
    Produktion: Christian Glatzel

    Fragen, Anregungen und Feedback an [email protected]

  • Dominik und Chris sprechen über die PERRY RHODAN Planetenromane in chronologischer Reihenfolge.

  • In "Am Abgrund" begleiten wir Detektiv Joseph Ford bei seinen Ermittlungen in der Gigapole Nova York im Jahr 2074. Ein Anruf eines alten Freundes öffnet Alte Wunden und ehe sich Joe versieht, steht er im Zentrum einer Mord-Ermittlung und einer weitreichenden Verschwörung, dessen Drahtzieher keine losen Enden zurücklassen wollen.

  • A fictional podcast about a diverse television writers room trying to tick all of the diversity boxes at once.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The SS Watercress has seen better days. Its captain hasn’t been sober in a decade, mutant rats are plotting a coup, and the chief engineer keeps eating pills he finds on the floor. Still, despite the odds, the old bucket manages to keep flying high—just not as high as the captain.

  • The impulse purchase of an antique trunk at a Harlem curio shop alters the life of Professor John Gabriel Strasser, setting into motion a tectonic shift that drives him toward a profound – and profoundly dangerous – realization of who and what he is, and the centuries-old mission he will have to take on because of his newfound understanding.

  • The home of one-shot audio stories from the internationally-acclaimed team at Andas Productions.
    Our latest release is "Fever Dream" — a lyrical reimagining of a real relationship at the heart of Singapore’s independence story.
    Visit our website or email us at [email protected].

  • Journey together through innumerable worlds of fiction with Prose, a biweekly podcast series that offers up short stories of all genres and subject matters.

    If you like fiction of all sorts with the occasional bit of poetry or verse thrown in for good measure, join us on our adventures through the labyrinths of the human psyche and the infinite spaces of the imagination.

  • C’era una volta un gabbiano di nome Berto, un tipo un po’ burbero a dir la verità. C’era una volta Giovanni, un coccodrillo esperto di lacrime e Hasta e Lavista, due oche di Tolosa con la passione per l’investigazione e due lupi astronauti con il sogno di andare sulla luna.

    Dove trovi queste favole?
    Qui, in Favolose, il podcast dove è sempre l’ora di una storia!

    Ascoltalo sulla tua piattaforma podcast preferita e clicca segui per non perderti neanche un episodio, noi ce la metteremo tutta per farvi trovare una nuova storia ogni 15 giorni.

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    Hai qualche curiosità o vuoi dirci qualcosa?

    Scrivici a [email protected]

    o visita il nostra sito per scoprire il progetto e trovare altri podcast da ascoltare per bambini e ragazzi.

    Favolose è una produzione Loud Stories
    Prodotto e curato da Marta Freddio
    Scritto e diretto da Chiara Giontella
    Registrato presso: Sincrodub Bologna
    Sound design, Post-produzione audio, Sigla originale: Amplitudo
    Cover art: Cecilia Piazza

  • Relatos de personas narrando su historia con aquello del más allá