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¡ Hola Mochileros ! Tratamos de que te lleves nuestra mejor versión de nosotros y que disfrutes cada episodio con educación ,un poco de ciencia y comedia...cuidado que llevas la Mochila Abierta...🙂
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Date un respiro, relájate y acompáñanos a descubrir todo un reino que reúne un amplio grupo de organismos impresionantes e interesantes, que cumplen un papel importante en nuestro mundo maravilloso, todo con un toque de humor y buena vibra. -
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Es mi animal favorito solo que Enrique ya se murió
En este podcast les explico rápidamente cosas sobre Enrique -
Beagles Explained
Beagles, one of the most recognizable and beloved dog breeds, are known for their keen sense of smell, distinctive howl, and friendly disposition. Originating as hunting dogs, they have evolved into popular family pets, adored for their size, temperament, and unique characteristics. This essay provides an in-depth look into the history, traits, and roles of Beagles, shedding light on their enduring popularity.
The Beagle's origins can be traced back to England before the Roman legions arrived in 55 B.C. They were developed primarily for hunting hare and rabbit, a practice known as beagling. The breed's ancestry includes the Harrier and other English hounds, bred for their tracking abilities and stamina.
Development of the Breed
Through selective breeding, Beagles were developed to have a keen sense of smell and strong tracking instincts. Their size allowed them to follow scent trails through dense underbrush, making them ideal for hunting small game.
Beagles are small to medium-sized dogs, typically weighing between 20 to 30 pounds. They have a compact, muscular build, a broad head, and large, expressive eyes. Their ears are long and droopy, and their tails are usually upright.
Coat and Color
Beagles have a short, weather-resistant coat. They come in various colors, including tri-color (black, brown, and white), lemon, red and white, and more.
Beagles are known for their friendly and curious nature. They are sociable dogs, getting along well with children and other pets. Their playful and outgoing demeanor makes them excellent family companions.
Intelligence and Trainability
While intelligent, Beagles are sometimes perceived as stubborn, mainly due to their strong noses leading them astray. They respond well to patient, positive training methods, especially those that involve scent games.
Common Health Issues
Beagles are generally healthy but prone to certain conditions like obesity, epilepsy, and hip dysplasia. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for their well-being.
Grooming and Exercise
Their short coat requires minimal grooming, but regular brushing helps manage shedding. Beagles are energetic and need daily exercise to stay fit and mentally stimulated.
The Beagle in Work and Society
Beagles' exceptional sense of smell makes them ideal for roles in scent detection. They are used in airports and border checkpoints for sniffing out contraband, and their non-threatening size makes them suitable for these public roles.
Cultural Impact
Beagles have a significant presence in popular culture, with characters like Snoopy from "Peanuts" enhancing their popularity. Their friendly nature and adorable looks have made them a staple in advertisements, movies, and television.
In Short
Beagles, with their charming characteristics, playfulness, and loyalty, continue to be one of the most popular breeds worldwide. Whether as family pets, hunting companions, or working dogs, Beagles have proven their versatility and adaptability. Their rich history, combined with their endearing qualities, ensures that Beagles will remain beloved companions for many years to come.
Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts. -
Aprenderás a cuidar, amar y ser el mejor amigo o amiga de tu mascota.
Encontrarás info super padrísima e importante sobre casi todas las mascotas y resolver las dudas que tengas. -
Espacio para discutir, compartir y descubrir la paternidad. Un lugar donde la banda habla sobre el rock de ser papá.
L’Elfo Socrate - Storie senza paura è un podcast che ogni giorno, per tutto il periodo dell’Avvento, racconta storie per farci avvicinare al Natale con dolcezza, senza ansie e rigorosamente allontanando le paure. In ogni episodio l’Elfo Socrate, che ha in comune con il filosofo greco la saggezza e la sagacia, affronta un piccolo problema quotidiano dei bambini e lo paragona a ciò che avviene nel Regno di Babbo Natale. Socrate è un personaggio buffo, apparentemente burbero, ma capace di creare empatia con i bambini, stimolando la loro curiosità perché esiste un solo bene, la conoscenza, e un solo male, l'ignoranza.
E se prima erano in due ad ascoltare questi racconti, oggi il podcast ha superato i 650.000 download con una media di circa 20.000 ascolti al mese pur pubblicando solo nel mese di dicembre. Il libro dell’Avvento dell’elfo Socrate è una raccolta degli episodi più apprezzati nelle tre stagioni esistenti: in questo modo i bambini potranno leggerle in autonomia o saranno i genitori con la propria voce a raccontare le avventure dell’elfo.
Alcune delle musiche presenti nel podcast sono un regalo di Lucio Disarò.
Oltre al podcast in libreria si trova anche “Il libro dell’avvento dell’elfo Socrate” edito da Gallucci Editore. -
En este Podcast estaremos compartiendo con Mamás, Papás, Adultos Significativos y Docentes temas sobre Crianza Respetuosa y Adolescencia desde un enfoque Positivo. Es un espacio para crecer y estar en CONEXIÓN con un Paradigma de Crianza Bien Tratante.
Podcast diario con información y recomendaciones sobre videojuegos, series, películas, dispositivos, drones y muchos temas más.
BienGastando es un podcast de Roams que te va a servir para conocer en formato exprés, todos los trucos y costes que conlleva contratar una tarifa de internet, la luz, un seguro de vida o la hipoteca a tipo variable.
Te esperamos en -
We empower parents and professionals to promote connection through play by diving into strategies to optimize development (motor, language, breastfeeding, social/attachment, sensory, sleep, & more). By talking with leaders in the child development and wellness industry, we educate parents on holistic infant wellness so they can lay a solid foundation for future health and happiness. Hosted by pediatric therapists, this show is the collection of things we've learned along the way in our journey to mother with an evidence-based and attachment-focused approach to development.
«Мы отъехали» — подкаст о жизни в эмиграции через призму родительско-подростковых отношений. Ведущие — я, Катя Мурашова, и мой сын Витя. Мы уехали из России в 2019 году, пожили в Стамбуле, а сейчас обустраиваемся в Лондоне. В каждом выпуске обсуждаем, как адаптироваться в новом месте, что нас радует и беспокоит, как мы выстраиваем жизнь и быт, и как воспринимаем дом, себя и окружающий мир через призму личных и глобальных переживаний в моменте.
Дорогие друзья! Меня зовут Валерий Владимирович Николаев. В моём детстве мне, наверное, не хватило добрых сказок, поэтому, когда у меня появились внучата, я начал сочинять для них свои сказочные истории. Со временем ребятишки подрастали, вместе с ними взрослели и мои сказки. И вот теперь я расскажу их вам.
В детстве я всегда удивлялся, почему лентяй и лежебока Емеля из сказки "По щучьему велению" и Иван-дурак из других сказок получали богатство, красавицу-невесту, а то и целое царство за просто так, не трудясь, и в довершение всего, становились умниками и красавцами. В наших народных сказках от широты своей души мы привыкли иронизировать над собой, посмеиваться над чертами национального характера: добротой, открытостью и доверчивостью. Мне же хочется рассказывать об умных, ловких и сильных сказочных героях, всегда готовых прийти на помощь и добиваться своего счастья, проявляя мужество, выдержку и смекалку.
Читать сказки буду я. Хочу пожелать вам доброго здоровья, благополучия и мирного неба над головой, а ещё приятно погостить в моих сказках! Ваш дедушка Валера.
Cuentos infantiles con mascotas como protagonistas.
Creados y narrados por Luis Illana
Idea original de San Antonio Abad. -
Aprendizaje por competencia
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Explicación sobre el mundo educativo y el cambio de los valores éticos
Grabaciones realizadas por el alumnado de nuestro Colegio Rural Agrupado
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