Wissenschaft – Litauen – Empfohlene Podcasts

  • Мослекторий - просветительский проект для тех, кто любит думать. Наши лекции о последних трендах в науке, искусстве, литературе, культуре, музыке и не только.

  • MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.

    VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • This podcast features content for the modern ophthalmologists, including topics such as cataract and refractive surgery, glaucoma, and retinal disease, among others. Evolve’s podcasts help today's ophthalmologists stay current on important topics in an easy-to-access, on-demand format.

  • This podcast is dedicated to Frazer Mendonca (Oct 2007 - Sept 2023). As this podcast is a work of fiction, everything herein is imaginary with only a dash of dangling facts. Your host, Aaranya Susipetonen, is an ex-MeriPelle (SAR Systems) who was a student of DJ Bohm and Newt Scamander. She has a doctorate in Magizoology and has written a textbook on Thestrals and Occamies. She is currently in Sodankylä (Lapland) to write her second textbook (the title of this podcast). Note that Aaranya is a susi, so expect her to howl (ahem croak) often.

  • Welcome to “Heatwaves of Change” from the Climate Democracy Initiative. We urge you to listen to something new today... In an era where the climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, “Heatwaves of Change” serves as guidance for those who are creating a more sustainable and equitable future.

    Each episode, your hosts will guide you through new themes and in-depth guest interviews. We share honest stories of individuals, communities, and experts who are involved with climate action and democratic engagement. We go beyond statistics and data and delve into personal experiences. We are breaking down complex climate science and policy topics into inclusive, accessible, and engaging discussions.

    Our core is exploring the intersection of the climate crisis and democracy. Our goal is to empower listeners to be a part of the solution and gain the knowledge they need to address the climate crisis. The issues we tackle are complex, but by tuning in, you can make informed decisions for a better future.

    Listen to “Heatwaves of Change” today! Available on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon podcasts.

  • Afsana Faheem and Dr Kate Cooper from the University of Bath talk with a broad range of guests from diverse clinical backgrounds about their experiences of working within the clinical psychology profession. Guests share their personal stories and journeys, whilst also offering advice to aspiring clinical psychologists. Topics include experiences of racism, discrimination, working with refugee and asylum seeker communities, and much more! Follow us @WAU_Podcast for latest updates.

  • Welcome to Test Tubes and Cauldrons, a podcast where we talk about the science behind spirituality! Astra, Fel, and Han are three occult practitioners with a love of science who are trying to do what everyone else is…make sense of the crazy world around us and our purpose in it! Hop into the discussions and try not to blow up a test tube or two!

  • This monthly podcast, "States and Migration in Europe," delves into migration and Europe's history, featuring talks between Dr Comte and key experts. We cover European policies, refugee and immigration matters, EU complexities, and integration paths. From Brexit to EU dynamics, we provide fresh perspectives on human mobility in this crucial region. The podcast builds upon Dr Comte’s extensive research on "The History of the European Migration Regime." To join live recordings, register at https://www.emmanuel-comte.eu/podcast/. Follow and subscribe for regular insights on Europe and migration.

  • A Big Blend Radio Travel Podcast covering Parks and Public Lands, Historic Sites and Landmarks, and their local communities, destinations, and recreational opportunities.

  • Современный и глобальный взгляд на международную политику. Если вам нравится свободный демократический миропорядок и вы не любите диктатуры, местечковых шовинистов, популистов и имперцев — вам сюда. Авторская программа Владимира Милова — когда-то в прошлом Милов работал в российском правительстве, и история его широких международных связей длится еще с тех пор. Милов знает, о чем говорит.

  • Trumpai, bet įdomiai, netikėtu kampu papasakoti apie tą dieną prieš n metų nutikusį svarbų įvykį, reikšmingą atradimą, kurį verta paminėti, atsižvelgiant į šių dienų kontekstą.

  • Подкаст НеКультурные - это убежище думающих, образованных, но таких некультурных людей, которые хотят разобраться, что же происходит с мировой культурной, трендовой и модной жизнью.

    Ведущие - лекторы культуры и психологии, Алена и Андрей, приглашают вас поговорить о вещах, о которых мы молчим в обществе и поделиться своими мыслями на тему.

  • The Isaac Newton Institute is the world's foremost mathematical research centre. Living Proof aims to highlight the diverse people and interconnected topics linked to its many activities. Interviewees range from visiting academics and lecturers to mathematicians, other scientists, musicians, artists, students, and prominent figures within the University of Cambridge and beyond. The podcast typically involves mathematical themes, but is specifically aimed at a general audience. The focus is on the subjects being interviewed and the social stories they have to tell, not just on the significance and details of the research they may be undertaking. We hope there is interest and inspiration here for everyone.- The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (UK) is an international research centre based in Cambridge, UK. A part of the University of Cambridge, it has been hosting research programmes on mathematical themes since July 1992.Visit > www.newton.ac.uk/news/ini-podcast

  • Perspectivas de un veterinario convencido con cosas que contar y enseñar desde "dentro". Historia e historias de un endoscopista tanto para aspirantes, usuarios o profesionales de la veterinaria.

  • „Mokslas skubantiems“ – mokslas pateikiamas paprastai ir suprantamai. Kas savaitę apžvelgiamos svarbiausios ir įdomiausios mokslo ir technologijų naujienos, paaiškinama, kodėl jos svarbios – kad suprastų visi, pristatomi mokslininkai/inžinieriai, kurie jas sukūrė. Temos iš įvairių sričių – viskas priklauso nuo tos savaitės aktualijų. Ypatingą dėmesį skiriant projektams, prie kurių prisidėjo Lietuvos mokslininkai.
    Ved. Goda Raibytė

  • Star seeds rise! This podcast is an exercise of self-expression. Perception of self occupies a top role in the program of self-expression. Desiring to expand yourself is natural to the cosmic brain who was seeded on Earth. We are only as big or as small as we say we are and we sure have yet to unravel the majesty of our being. One of my missions here is to express myself so others can decode themselves. Once you learn to sing at your own tune, and no one else's in all your whereabouts, you have become sovereign.
    Photo credit: @DavidZaughPhotography
    Email me at: [email protected]

  • A podcast about how researchers and scientists join with communities and people to address global challenges. Across countries and contexts, we hear about ways to partner with communities, including participatory research (PAR), co-production research, social participation, public and patient involvement and engagement (PPIE) and community engagement and involvement (CEI).

    Originally founded at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine by Dr. Kim Ozano and Bea Egid, the podcast now cuts across institutions and programmes to bring you the latest research techniques used to connect citizens to science! 

    Host Dr. Kim Ozano is a co-production and creative research methodologist with 15 years’ experience working in global research and public health, and an advocate for people centred research across disciplines. 

    If you have a theme that you would like to be explored on the podcast, please let us know below in the comments below or contact; [email protected]

    Intro music: Mike Donnelly

  • Hello everyone, thanks so much for listening to The Outdoor Equestrian Podcast!

    I have to thank my Savior Jesus Christ for directing my steps! Psalm 37:23

    On this podcast I interview people within the outdoor and equine community, learn more in the intro.
    I want to be a TV Host one day and host different shows.

    Here are my written interviews on my Blog: https://www.theoutdoorequestrian.com/
    Follow me on Instagram @remy_kelbel to look at my outdoor photography and see upcoming episodes!

  • Welcome to the brand-new podcast about how to use reason and science to live a long, healthy, good life.

    Subscribe to join host, Greg Potter, as he unveils the latest science of wellbeing and the secrets of some of the most brilliant people alive, including scientists, coaches, entrepreneurs, and many others.