Society & Culture – Vietnam – Recommended podcasts
What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders. -
Et si le remède à l’éco-anxiété résidait dans l’action ? Pendant cinq mois, notre équipe de journalistes indépendant·es a parcouru l’Europe en transports en commun à la recherche de solutions concrètes pour faire face aux crises sociales et environnementales. Art engagé, slow fashion, théâtre social, lutte contre la déforestation, alimentation durable… Nous avons tendu le micro à celles et ceux qui agissent concrètement pour un monde plus juste et soutenable. L’objectif : compiler des solutions efficaces, facilement reproductibles et inspirantes pour nourrir vos désirs d’engagement et sortir de la paralysie générale.
De l’Allemagne au Portugal en passant par l’Italie, l’Espagne et la Roumanie, nous vous emmenons à la rencontre de citoyen·nes, d’associations, de chercheur·euses, d’entreprises et d’institutions qui façonnent les villes de demain.
Au rythme d’un épisode par semaine, embarquez avec nous pour une aventure sonore haletante, où la prise de conscience personnelle engendre l’action collective. Abonnez-vous sur les plateformes d'écoute (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.) pour ne pas manquer le prochain reportage !
Éveille ta Ville, le podcast des initiatives écologiques et sociales des territoires en transition.
Un podcast réalisé par Hildegard Leloué, Kelly Gourdin et Rémi Augais, membres d’Aether narratio, association de création de contenu et de transmission de savoirs autour de la transition écologique et sociale. L’habillage sonore a été confectionné par Victor Dubin. Hildegard Leloué a créé la couverture du podcast. Cette aventure sonore est soutenue par la Ville de Poitiers, le CROUS et la Fondation Université de Poitiers, l’Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, la Fondation Banque Populaire Val de France et la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Life is like a puzzle. Each puzzle piece represents a stage of our life’s story. But what if your life puzzle starts with tragedy, complex trauma, and fear? These puzzle pieces can become misplaced or disorganized. Sometimes, this complex trauma is so tragic, that our mind removes these memories or sequesters them so deeply that a new identity is created to protect us from this tragedy. This is a story of just that.
Debbie Klose survived decades of trauma and tragedy. The only thing protecting her was her mind, and the different alters that have existed within her, to get her through life. So much is still unknown about Dissociative Identity Disorder, formally known as multiple personality disorder. Debbie is here to share her story, hoping to help others out there who may be suffering with complex trauma or dissociation. And to help the clinicians who are curious about these conditions to understand more too. While each case is unique and different, there are some similarities.
This is Debbie’s story, and the story of her alters, who are all a part of her. Join me, Alicia Haygood, as I dive deep into Dissociative Identity Disorder. It’s a story of courage, resilience, and persistence in the journey to transform from shattered to united. -
This podcast is a platform for Irish women to share their personal stories of intimate relationship abuse. We discuss what they were met with when they shared their stories, what they have learned from their hardships, advice on healing, and exploring the light in what seems like a hopeless situation. *Topics of violence against women discussed, listener discretion is advised. If you have been affected by any of the topics discussed in this podcast contact Women's Aid 1800 341 900 Men's aid (01) 554 3811. If you would like to learn about warning signs of abuse and what constitutes an abusive relationship, visit
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Springfield, MA gaming and entertainment podcast. We will talk about everything MGM Springfield and how to make the most of your visit to the casino and Pioneer Valley. Topics include gambling in Massachusetts, the games at MGM Springfield, smart gambling, casino etiquette, on and off property dining, hotels, local attractions, news, concerts, and events.
Coming out stories from inspiring LGBTQ+ people from all over the world. Hosted by Rosie Pentreath.
It’s true that some things are better left unsaid but nothing is off-limits in this comedy podcast.
Project Love – Dein Podcast für mehr Liebe & Fülle im Leben unterstützt Dich ein positives Mindset aufzubauen, Blockaden zu lösen und so mehr Liebe und Fülle einzuladen. Wenn Du Dein Inneres positiv veränderst, verändert sich auch Deine Außenwelt und Du legst denn Grundstein für eine glückliches & erfülltes Leben.
Es erwarten Dich Themen wie Selbstliebe, Visionen, Ausstrahlung, Mindest und vieles mehr. Außerdem gibt es zusätzlich Tipps & Interviews -
FMおだわら 87.9MHzで毎週水曜日 16:30に放送している「高齢者介護」をテーマにしたラジオ番組です。
パーソナリティ:社会福祉法人 小田原福祉会 井口健一郎
アシスタント :小山由佳子(FMおだわらパーソナリティ) -
◆運営サイト【GENBA Lab.】
DMはコチラから:[email protected]
#現場監督 #施工管理 #建築 #起業 #若手教育 #建設業 -
Aquí encontrarás historias y relatos de personajes, que dasafiaron a la autoridad, donde escucharas esas historias que jamás te han contado, en su forma verdadera y explícita, sin miedo, como sus personajes las narraron alguna vez.
越南12生肖裡有貓,沒有兔子?CNN票選全球第一名美食是印尼巴東牛肉?關於東南亞的風俗民情,東南亞與台灣之間的生活點滴、生活在台灣的新鮮事?前進東南亞如何接地氣?海外創業心法秘笈。由傻美/陽氏萃恒(越南)、Kak Ida/黃賽音(印尼)、梁瓊丹,共同主持。(本節目榮獲2021年、第56屆廣播金鐘獎「生活風格節目主持人獎」。2023、2024年以不同主持組合,雙料驚喜入圍節目獎與主持人獎。)實體頻道姊妹電台FM105.7每週日早上8:00、晚上9:00首播手機Apple Podcast、SoundOn、Spotify、KKbox等網路平台,皆可收聽。部分音樂節目,在姊妹電台youtube頻道限定播出。寫信聯繫:[email protected]:姊妹電台FM105.7姊妹電台--Hosting provided by SoundOn
「あなたの創造性をより豊かにする」ヒントをお届けします。 -
7789 Podcast written and recorded poems about life, friends, family, love, inspiration, and music!
Подкаст «Русский с talkом!» — это подкаст-интервью, в котором гости-иностранцы говорят по-русски и не только, но с talkом.
Что связывает их с Россией? Смех и слезы или смех сквозь слезы?
Честно, искренне, с улыбкой обсуждаем их победы и поражения, любовь и мечты, которые так или иначе связаны с Россией.В каждом выпуске герои знакомят публику с особенностями жизни в стране, которую они представляют.
В нашем подкасте в специальной рубрике гость проходит импровизированное испытание, в котором профессиональный актёр разыграет смешную ситуацию, типичную для России.
Всё, что может спасти героя, — это русский язык и его харизма.
Подкаст выходит при поддержке Центра языкового тестирования Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.Ведущая: Евгения Галицкая.
Актёр рубрики: Александр КерейшаINSTA @linguatherapist
COOPERATION [email protected]
Подкаст записан в студии "Две дорожки"
Trang chuyên nghiên cứu và cung cấp tư vấn miễn phí về việc xem xét sim phong thủy, bói sim phong thủy, tử vi, và số mệnh dựa trên các học thuyết phong thủy như âm dương, ngũ hành, quẻ dịch, cửu tinh, và nhiều khía cạnh khác. Chúng tôi cam kết mang đến nhiều thông tin hữu ích, giúp quý bạn hiểu rõ hơn về ý nghĩa của dãy số sim đang sử dụng.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
你是什麼顏色? 你說藍色是你最愛的顏色。
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While being single, staying single, navigating your divorce, or whatever the situation may be, we’ve got you. We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we want you to know, wherever you are, we’ve been there too. And you are not alone. This podcast exists to bring a little light and laughter among the shit show of divorce. Our mess is our message, and we’ve got a feeling you can relate.
feelings and stories.
The Pan-African Experience is a podcast that aims to re-ignite discussions about Pan-Africanism. And the purpose is the plant seeds of unity and inspiration among Africans, both at home and in the diaspora. Our discussions are based on extensive research. I speak to academics to expand on existing/new knowledge, and proffer solutions to internal and external issues faced by Africans/Black people.
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