Kids & Family – Slovenia – Suositellut podcastit
Whether you're a dog owner or you work with dogs, this is the podcast for you. The podcast covers everything dog within the training & behaviour world. From puppy blues, reactive dogs, separation anxiety, dog training tips and everything in between. Co-authors Louise Campbell-Pierson (@caninefriendsuk) and Jay Gurden (@goodguardianship) delve in to a new topic each week. Louise Campbell-Pierson is an award winning dog trainer & behaviour consultant specialising in separation anxiety and puppy training. Jay Gurden is a behaviour consultant and qualified family dog mediator, specialising in reactivity.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Od majhnih do ogromnih, od morskih do kopnih, od tistih na tleh do tistih v zraku … Kako se prehranjujejo, kako gradijo zavetje, kdo je glavni, kdo je hiter in kdo počasen? To se o živalih sprašujemo in si hkrati odgovorimo v novi otroški izobraževalno–igrani seriji Zverinice.
Serija Zverinice (v izvirniku Bestioles) je nastala v koprodukciji s francoskim javnim radiem Radio France, ki jo je pripravil v sodelovanju z Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (francoski Narodni prirodoslovni muzej v Parizu). -
A podcast that celebrates the professional and private lives of working dogs of all disciplines.
A Pediatric Podcast for Healthcare Providers
The Tidy Revival Podcast explores the stories and emotions behind decluttering and home organization. Hosted by Carly Adams, owner of Tidy Revival, you can expect to hear decluttering ideas, organization tips, and real stories from folks who have been in your shoes. Let's tackle this ish - together!
Tune in for a faith based approach to personal growth and development. Here God is not just a part of the equation, he’s the answer. Listen for daily thoughts, stories and principles to inspire you to become your best self.
Koncept emisije je vrlo sličan dnevniku za odrasle i obuhvata sve segmente i redovne rubrike poput kulture, sporta, vremenske prognoze... Teme se obrađuju pre svega iz ugla najmlađih gledalaca, a bave se svim onim što je deci važno, onim što je ZA NJIH vest. Da li je odlazak kod zubara stvarno strašna stvar i mora da boli? Da li je popravljeno Majino omiljeno igralište?Na Reljino imanje stigla je prinova - njegove tri krave otelile su se gotovo iste noći!Nikola je dobio brata. Kako prevazilazi problem sa spavanjem i prilagođavanjem na novog člana porodice? Teme su brojne, a tiču se dece iz cele Vojvodine. Svako dete imaće priliku da nam kaže šta je za njega vest dana, sa kojim problemom se suočava, šta ga veseli, čime se bavi...
Kratke priče iz Biblije
Host (and cool mom) Lizzy Mathis invites some of the coolest and most influential moms around to have candid convos about their journey before kids and after: how has motherhood impacted, elevated, or even imploded their relationships, career and all the in between. The Cool Mom Code Podcast is all about the modern woman’s life and aims to celebrate women's wins, big and small—because the number one rule for our moms is that a win for one of us is a win for all of us. Lizzy's down-to-earth and inviting nature sets the tone for this light, yet refreshingly earnest new show. Welcome to The Cool Mom Code Podcast, where motherhood is your keycard to the coolest spot in town.
I am Dr Taghrid, your friendly child psychiatrist. I'm on a mission to help young people, families and professionals understand neurodiversity and mental illness.
From autism to trauma, from depression to self harm - I’m here to help you make sense of the most complex of issues in the simplest of ways.
Each Wednesday, I'll walk you through topics that are important to you. I’ll bring you expertise, explain the science and equip you with practical tips and knowledge. -
Drift off to sleep with the "Relaxing Rain - Nature Sounds for Insomnia Relief" podcast. This collection of nature sounds, featuring soothing rain, is perfect for anyone struggling with insomnia or simply looking to relax. The calming soundscape will help you unwind and find peace, ensuring a restful night's sleep free from the worries of the day.
Fairy tales created by live improvisation on various topics. They are interesting, funny and informative. Actor and comedian Peter Gecik tells and invents fairy tales live.
2 Latina Mama's; Besties sharing our upfront raw & honest opinion on Motherhood. We go from struggles to wins and everything in between and celebrating everything because this journey ain't as easy and it definitely can feel lonely. Bringing awareness to taboo topics and sharing our Golden tips with you all! Join us every Monday for our open therapy sessions. Thank you for being here. INSTAGRAM: @mamas.code EMAIL: [email protected]
Pravi podkast za radovedne otroke. Gospod očka raziskuje svet in govori zabavne šale.
In our podcast, we delve deep into the heart of what it means to love, honor, and cherish one another in the sacred covenant of marriage. Join us as we explore the profound teachings of scripture and practical advice on building strong, fulfilling relationships. From communication and conflict resolution to intimacy and forgiveness, we unpack the foundational principles that underpin successful marriages, drawing inspiration from biblical narratives and timeless truths. Whether you're a newlywed couple embarking on this sacred journey together or seeking to strengthen the bond with your spouse, The Bridegroom Podcast offers a rich tapestry of biblical wisdom and real-world insights to guide you on your path to a flourishing relationship. Tune in weekly as we engage in meaningful conversations, share personal stories, and those of special guests to impart wisdom rooted in the faith.
Instagram: @jada_dannielle and @thestephanhite
Website: -
HowHow! Sva Dona in Marko PoPasje, na pasji misiji s HOWastično skupnostjo lovilcev slinastih poljubčkov!
PoPasje je ljubezen do živali, učenje sproščenega življenja s psom, je slinast lajfstajl aktivnih vodnikov, stičišče živalskih storitev in aktivnosti vseh vrst, namenjenih dvigu kvalitete sobivanja, poglobljenemu sodelovanju s psom in spoznavanju sebe skozi oči živali.
Že 12. leto se učimo razumeti univerzalen jezik psov, ga vnesti v današnjo družbo in ga predajati ljudem, ki so mu pripravljeni prisluhniti. Mi2 sva njihov glas ... -
Tune in for the best amputation recovery and care tips for three legged pets, and their people. Hosted by the Tripawds Blogs community founders Jim & Rene, and spokesdog Wyatt Ray. Keep listening for interviews and informative discussions with veterinary surgeons, oncologists, rehab therapists and other specialist veterinarians as well as pet parents sharing their own amputation recovery experiences, treatment plans, and results for their own amazing three legged dogs and cats. Learn more and contact the hosts at
Moms of truth is founded on 2 Timothy 3:16-17; "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work." The vision of this ministry is to provide content that is rooted in the word, share principles, behaviors, and truths that we can practically apply to our life and our parenting. Our mission is to teach children the truth, train them in their faith and trust God with the outcome.
Conor's Adventure ima KONČNO svoj podcast. Prvi slovenski pasji podcast, ki bo določeno pasjo tematiko razbil na »prafaktorje« in jo obdeloval v več tedenskih epizodah skozi cel mesec.
Z vami sem Pija Vrezner, avtorica preko 350 blog zapisov in člankov o vzgoji psa iz oči začetnika. Z različnimi znanimi in manj znanimi gosti, se bom pogovarjala o vsakdanjih pasjih temah (prehrani, vzgoji, izbiri psa, opremi, športu, zdravju psa itd..), jih raziskovala iz različnih zornih kotov. Popolnoma brez Cenzure! -
Povezovanje prebranega s tvojim in mojim vsakdanom
- Näytä enemmän