Governo – Slovenia – Podcast consigliati
Pravijo, da v politiki ni naključij, če pa so, so skrbno načrtovana … V podcastu Politika in kokice se pogovarjamo o aktualnem dogajanju v politiki, njenem zakulisju, medijih in družbi in še čem. Naslonjeni nazaj, s skledo kokic in veliko potrpljenja :)
The Saving Elephants Podcast features engaging conversations about conservative values with a mercifully modern twist. Tired of political shock-talk and rank punditry on your radio and TV? Curious about what conservative thinkers of yesteryear had to say but don't have time to read some terribly long, boring book they wrote? Want to learn why conservatism still holds value for Millennials today? Join us as we re-ignite conservatism for Millennials!
Pred lokalnimi volitvami se prek sproščenega pogovora predstavijo župan in nosilci njegove nestrankarske liste v treh volilnih enotah občine Medvode.
News about the latest abuses by Christian nationalists and ideas about how to participate in the resistance against Christian nationalism. Now is not the time for silence! Learn more at
SCOTUS - Supreme Court Decision Tracker: Stay Informed on Landmark Rulings
Welcome to "SCOTUS - Supreme Court Decision Tracker," your essential podcast for staying updated on the latest decisions from the United States Supreme Court. Our podcast delivers timely and comprehensive coverage of significant rulings, in-depth analyses, and expert commentary on how these decisions impact law and society.
Join us weekly as we break down complex legal issues, provide historical context, and discuss the broader implications of the Court's decisions. Whether you're a legal professional, a student, or simply a concerned citizen, our podcast offers valuable insights and keeps you informed about the highest court in the land.
Subscribe to "SCOTUS - Supreme Court Decision Tracker" today and never miss an important update from the Supreme Court.
For more -
Democracy on the Move is a podcast tribute to all those people and organizations who dare to re-imagine our nation and drive it back to its true principles of democracy
Vlada Slovenije z GOVSI podkastom širi ustaljene načine obveščanja in komuniciranja z javnostjo ter krepi transparentnost vladnega delovanja. Vladni podkast je namenjen poglobljeni predstavitvi vladnih vsebin ter drugih aktualnih in družbeno pomembnih tematik. Poleg bolj neposrednega stika z javnostjo daje tudi prostor za dodatno in temeljito pojasnjevanje vladnih odločitev, načrtov, politik ali pogledov.
Podkast v celoti nastaja v produkciji in v prostorih Urada vlade za komuniciranje (Ukom). Imel bo več voditeljev, predvidoma bosta objavljeni po dve novi epizodi na mesec.
V podkastu predstavljamo aktualne vladne teme ter posebne projektne vsebine, kot je 20. obletnica članstva v EU. Predstavljamo tudi nacionalno znamko I Feel Slovenija.
Glasba: Kapagama [ SACEM ], Kosinus, Margot Cavalier, Advance
With the GOVSI podcast, the Government of Slovenia is expanding the established ways of informing and communicating with the public and enhancing the transparency of government activities. The Government Podcast is designed to provide an in-depth presentation of government content and other topical and socially relevant issues. In addition to more direct contact with the public, it also provides a space for additional and in-depth explanation of government decisions, plans, policies or views.
The podcast is entirely produced and hosted by the Government Communications Office (GCO) and will have several presenters, with two new episodes per month.
We focus on current government topics and special project content, such as the 20th anniversary of EU membership. We also present the national brand I Feel Slovenia.
Music: Kapagama [ SACEM ], Kosinus, Margot Cavalier, Advance -
Novi podkast o vsem kar se dogaja v Sloveniji in širše po svetu s poudarkom na sindikalnemu gibanju in vplivu, ki ga le to ima na delovanje družbe.
The Twist News with Erika Grey: Unfiltered Geopolitical Analysis
Join independent journalist Erika Grey on The Twist News, where she delivers bold, provocative, and insightful commentary on international politics. With a focus on underreported news and overlooked perspectives, Erika brings unparalleled depth and breadth to global events.
- In-depth analysis of geopolitical shifts and their implications
- Unfiltered commentary on EU politics, NATO, and global power dynamics
- Provocative insights on the intersection of politics, economy, and culture
- Humorous takes on the world's political stage
Subscribe for:
- Unparalleled insights into global events
- A community dedicated to understanding the world's political landscape
- Bold, provocative geopolitical analysis that challenges the status quo
With big tech stifling independent voices, especially those that offer nuanced perspectives, we need your support now more than ever. Help keep our voices alive so that we can keep the world aware of whats happening around the globe. Whether it be Prophecy Talk or The Twist News we are here with you
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podkast o življenju z novimi tehnologijami, spodbujanju uporabe informacijskih tehnologij vseh prebivalcev Slovenije, ne glede na njihovo socialno, ekonomsko in družbeno ozadje, in dvigovanju zaupanja v digitalno preobrazbo.
Avtorja in voditelja podkasta, Zarja Muršič in Aleš Lednik, z zanimivimi sogovornicami in sogovorniki dvakrat mesečno odpirava teme s področja našega digitalnega življenja, ki posredno ali neposredno vplivajo na vse nas. Več informacij s povezavami do posameznih epizod, gostih in temah je na voljo na spletnih straneh Ministrstva za digitalno preobrazbo.
Podkast je na voljo na vseh priljubljenih platformah, kot so Apple, Google, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music in Youtube, opomnike in napovednike za epizode pa najdete tudi na kanalih družbenih omrežij Facebook, LinkedIn in X.
Vesela bova vaših vprašanj, mnenj, pripomb, sugestij in kritik, ki jih boste naslovili na naju na kanalih družbenih omrežij, ali na naslov elektronske pošte, [email protected]
Glasba: © SoulProdMusic/Pixabay -
The return of war in Europe and its fallout on the European security architecture highlighted the need for EU member states to invest more and better in harmonising their national defences. As security becomes one of the EU's most strategic areas of engagement, common defence policies are a priority to ensure the bloc's resilience and effectiveness in facing our century's most pressing security challenges.
StrategicALLY is a podcast by Finabel, a European think tank promoting the cooperation and interoperability of land forces among its member states. Joined by their guests, Gaia Durante Mangoni and Patricia Bernardo break down the latest European defence and security developments by fostering a common European understanding of defence issues.
Edited and produced by Gaia Durante Mangoni.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Follow real law students as they journey to become practitioners. Learn from real faculty as they examine the ins and outs of the field’s most provocative cases. Catch up and stay tuned into Stetson Law’s podcast – your trusty legal resource for great debate and greater ideas.
Govorimo o stiskah družin, ki jim lahko nakažete svoj dar, ob tem pa predstavljamo materialne, socialno-varstvene in druge programe pomoči Slovenske Karitas ter redne dobrodelne akcije za otroke in družine v stiski.
Rights & Wrongs is a bi-monthly podcast from Human Rights Watch. It explores stories from the places where abuses are unfolding around the world, through the eyes and ears of the people on the frontlines. Human Rights Watch investigators span the globe and work in more than 100 countries, producing dozens of meticulously researched reports every year. Host, Ngofeen Mputubwele, takes listeners behind the scenes of these in-depth investigations.
Go to to find out more about our investigations and to support the work we do.