Nyheter – Litauen – Anbefalte podcaster
Украинка Анна Филимонова и россиянин Алексей Пономарев говорят о войне России против Украины и о том, как нам теперь с этим всем жить дальше.
Поддержите нас на Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kavachay
Поддержите нас на Boosty: https://boosty.to/kavachay -
The former Foreign Minister of Lithuania continues his fight for freedom with a new podcast. Escalation is a series of conversations with experts that help us understand the new geopolitics, and how we can make democracy great again. Well known for his values-based approach to foreign policy, Gabrielius Landsbergis is a tireless campaigner for rule of law and peace through strength.
Tinklalaidė „Kas ten dedasi?“ kiekvieną savaitę sieks padėti klausytojui suprasti, kas ir kodėl dedasi pasaulyje. Naujienų sraute aktualiausias temas nušvies trys užsienio naujienų redaktoriai, Lukas Kivita, Aurimas Piečiukaitis ir Vykintas Pugačiauskas. Kitaip nei įprasta, klausytojas išgirs ne reportažą ar interviu, bet pačių žurnalistų diskusijas apie tai, kas ten dedasi.
BBC Mundo podcast. Aftersight is a media organization that serves individuals with barriers to print. This podcast is produced by Aftersight under the Chafee Amendment to the Copyright Act which states that authorized nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is to provide copyrighted works in specialized formats to individuals with barriers to print are exempt. By continuing to listen, you verify you have an eligible print-reading impairment. AINC es uno de los más importantes recursos que tienen las personas ciegas, con impedimentos visuales, o quienes no pueden leer materiales impresos. Esta grabación está destinada a ser utilizada únicamente por personas con impedimentos para leer medios impresos.
Подкаст о главных новостях: глобальных и локальных, российских и международных, политических и социальных, экономических и культурных. Серьезно и с долей иронии.Выходим каждый рабочий день. Телеграм-канал подкастов https://t.me/podcastVS
A podcast about Asia, Asian America, and life during the Coronavirus pandemic, featuring Jay Caspian Kang.
goodbye.substack.com -
Аля Пономарева - лучший друг для всех тех, кто хочет быть в курсе событий, но не хочет тратить уйму времени на изучение соцсетей. Она делает всю работу за нас и дважды в неделю рассказывает о том, что важного обсуждают в сети. Страница подкастов "Свободы" в Тelegram: t.me/podcastRS
Yra klausimų, kurie svarbūs mums kaip bendruomenei ir kaip valstybei. Laisvame krašte jų nedera palikti tik valdžiai. Juos svarstyti ir atsakymų ieškoti turime visi kartu. Pirmadieniais–penktadieniais 11.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
Three ex-Muslims walk into a Swedish bar.
For years, Matt’s been unpacking the events, people, and culture wars shaping the world around us. On A Bit Fruity, we take deeper dives into those issues — joined by celebrities, experts, and journalists who help us laugh and learn along the way.
Follow Matt: https://www.instagram.com/mattxiv
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MattBernstein1 -
Olympians Adam Rippon and Ashley Wagner join forces with Sarah Hughes (no relation to 2002 Olympic Champion, Sarah Hughes) to tackle the most important questions figure skaters have been asking themselves for years.
Questions like: “Why does this short program feel so long?” or “Is there such a thing as your costume being too tight?” and the most important question of all: “Will changing my hair color fix all my problems?”
Join the team as they cover all the news, competitions, and drama of the figure skating season. Will they kiss? Will they cry? There’s only one way to find out.
Follow us on instagram: The Runthrough Instagram
The Bear Market Brief (BMB) podcast explores politics, economics, and their intersection in Russia, Ukraine, and the post-Soviet space.
bearmarketbrief.substack.com -
In February 2022, The very reverend professor Martyn Percy left Christ Church, Oxford, as its Dean with a £1.25 million settlement. But big questions remain.
In this five-part series The Times' journalist Andrew Billen returns to his old university college to try and understand why Percy and his employer got into a four year long battle, which left the priest close to suicide and cost the Oxford college millions in charitable funds.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
From the open to the close, “Closing Bell” and “Closing Bell: Overtime” have you covered. From what’s driving market moves to how investors are reacting, Scott Wapner, Morgan Brennan and Jon Fortt guide listeners through each trading session and bring to you some of the biggest names in business.
Interneto dienraščio „Bernardinai.lt“ tinklalaidė. Kasdieniniai pokalbiai ir nekasdieninės įžvalgos. Sekmadienio meditacijos
Podcast de dos amigos donde nos sentamos a platicar de diversos temas desde puntos de vista muchas veces contrarios
Provocative opinions, expert analysis, and breaking stories you won’t see anywhere else: "Blaze News Tonight" is the daily news show the internet needs.
AufbruchStimmen - der Podcast der Tiroler Volkspartei mit Stimmen aus und für Tirol.
Amanpour is CNN International's flagship global affairs interview program hosted by Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour.
Naujienos, kritika, analizės ir pasakojimai iš GPB.LT. Čia rasite politinės kairės požiūrį į įvykius ir procesus.
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