Education – Finland – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • We discuss languages and history and the overlap between the two !

  • Welcome to "الحياة Sans Filtre" let’s experience this journey, raw and real.

    "الحياة Sans Filtre" is my personal diary in podcast form.

    At 17, I left my family and friends in Morocco to live alone in Finland, a country that's both beautiful and challenging in its own ways. Here, I’ll be sharing every step, every emotion, from moments of happiness to fears, wins, and the everyday struggles of a young woman navigating life far from home.

    Don’t hesitate to follow my podcast channel and my account on Instagram @Douaa.chaloun ;) for more content!

  • Welcome to “It All Starts With A Soul Search” podcast, where we delve deep into the thought-provoking blog posts and video content from Join us as we explore themes of human connection, creativity, and the search for meaning in the modern world. Each episode offers a deep dive into the ideas and inspirations behind the posts, bringing the digital words to life with nuanced discussions and personal reflections. Whether you’re a longtime reader or a curious newcomer, this podcast invites you to slow down, listen, and connect with the stories that shape our shared journey.

  • This show is offering basic knowledge from Lisa of where she has been and what she has learned for the novice to get started and anyone interested that is guided her way by the angels that may benefit from her history and past experiences. She offers the things that she's learned to piece together and molded into her own way of doing things in a practical, loving, yet very logical and analytical way that only an Aries can deliver.

    Now living in Los Angeles and working full-time as an intuitive healer, she is mostly known for her meditations and helping others connect to their angels directly. The children are older and the husband is still awesome and she lives grateful for it every single day.

  • Uudistajat on podcast-sarja, joka pureutuu organisaatioiden uudistamiseen eri asiantuntijoiden kanssa käytyjen keskustelujen kautta. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miltä uudistaminen eri työympäristöissä näyttää, mitä se käytännössä tarkoittaa ja mitä se vaatii meiltä ihmisiltä. Podcastin juontajana toimii yliopistonlehtori Satu Rekonen Aalto-yliopiston Tuotantotalouden laitokselta.

    Sarjan jaksojen litteraatit löytyvät osoitteesta:

    Sarjan editoinnin ja äänisuunnittelun on tehnyt Tuomas Ahva:

    Kuva: George Atanassov

  • Tässä podcastissä käsittelemme käytännönläheisesti rakennusalan tärkeitä viranomaisvelvoitteita ja pääurakoitsijan vastuualueita. Tämä on just oikea podcast sulle, jos olet työmaapäällikkö tai sinua kiinnostaa rakennusalan tiedonantovelvollisuus. Studiossa aiheista keskustelevat LogiNets Oy:n tutut kasvot, sekä huikean mielenkiintoiset kutsuvieraat.

    LogiNets Oy on digitalisoinut kenttätyötä jo huikeat 20 vuotta!

  • Hosted by Anna Clemens, PhD, this podcast is for all researchers in the sciences who want to write clear, concise and compelling papers time-efficiently so you can publish your research in a calm and steady way. In this podcast, we talk both about how we can write higher quality papers and how to make the process of writing less hard.

  • Rakennenautintoja on Selja Ahavan ja Emma Puikkosen kirjallisuusaiheinen podcast, jonka keskiössä on kirjoittamisen prosessi.

  • Explore the transformative power of technology (e.g., blockchain and AI), marketing, and brand management with 'EduChain Envision'. Created by a Finnish professor, this podcast delves into cutting-edge educational and industry insights, discussing future trends, practical applications, and expert opinions to equip listeners with the knowledge to navigate and shape tomorrow's market landscapes.

  • Klimakteriefrågan är podden för dig som söker svar på frågor om klimakteriet – från de första tecknen hela vägen till livet efteråt. I korta och innehållsrika avsnitt får du tillgång till kunskap om kvinnans naturliga övergångsfas, där vi tar upp allt från symtom och hormoner till medicinska behandlingar och vad du själv kan göra för att må så bra som möjligt.

    Programledare är Åsa Melin, opinionsbildare inom kvinnohälsa, föreläsare och skapare av Klimakteriepodden. Vid hennes sida finns Dr. Naomi Flamholc, chefsläkare och grundare av vårdtjänsten, som är specialiserad på kvinnors hälsa med särskilt fokus på klimakteriet.

    Vårt engagemang i kvinnors hälsa, och särskilt i åren kring klimakteriet, har gett oss insikt om hur svårt det kan vara att få tydliga och lättillgängliga svar på viktiga frågor. Det ska vi ändra på med Klimakteriefrågan!

    I varje avsnitt fokuserar vi på en specifik fråga som besvaras med vetenskaplig grund och klinisk erfarenhet, där Naomi bidrar som läkare och Åsa kompletterar med personliga insikter och erfarenheter. Nya avsnitt på onsdagar. Premiär 16/10.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Theory into Action is a podcast designed to help you turn your wisdom into actionable education. Brandon Stover, founder of Plato University, will teach you how to create online courses, design learning experiences, and build educational programs so your knowledge can impact thousands of people. Let's build something great together.

  • What Will You Manifest? Ready to take your manifesting and life to a whole new level? You have attracted this unique perspective on manifestation and the universal laws of success.

  • Living an Authentic Life Intuitively

    Welcome to Simply Alysa, the podcast where I explore the journey of intuitive and authentic living with you. Each episode explores how we can deepen our connection with ourselves and embrace the flow of life as we reconnect with our authentic selves. Join me as we journey the path of self-discovery, shedding limiting beliefs, and finding alignment with a life that truly resonates with us. It’s all about remembering who we’ve always been and embodying the path that leads us back home—to ourselves. Tune in, and let’s explore this journey together.

    Monarch Talk on Suomen alkuperäinen manifestointi podi, joka auttaa sinua saavuttamaan unelmasi ja level up omilla ehdoillasi. Come as you are! Podcast tarjoaa myös ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden kurkistaa Suomen ensimmäisen naisten Private Members Clubin kulisseihin.
    Jaksojen teemoina ovat manifestointi, 50/50- ja provider-parisuhteet, raha, polariteetti parisuhteessa, deittailu, feminiininen energia ja itsensä kehittäminen.

  • HUMANISAATTORI perustuu ajatukseen, että luovuuden käyttäminen voisi olla loppujen lopuksi iloa tuottava ihmisyyden peruskokemus.

    Vaikka pelot, erilaiset esteet ja mielet möröt toteaisivat toista.

    HUMANISAATTORI ihmettelee meidän luovien ihmisten olemisen ja tekemisen tapoja erilaisten ajattelijoiden ja näkökulmien inspiroimana.

    Edelleenkin maailma tarvitsee luovuutta, luovia ihmisiä ja erilaisia ajatuksia ongelmien ja haasteiden ratkaisemisessa.

    HUMANISAATTORIA tuottaa oman luovan elämänsä kiemuroiden ja kipuilun asiantuntija ja luovaa (työ)elämää ja digitalisaatiota missionaan ajava Antti Haverinen (teologi, eMBA, muutosvalmentaja ja NLP Trainer).

  • This podcast offers simple, real world advice for teens and young adults.
    Think of it as a conversation with Uncle Jim sitting at the kitchen table.

    Elves - Celtic Flute and Dance Music
    Music by JuliusH from Pixabay

  • Discover the perfect way to end your day with "Sleep with Classic Books," a unique fusion of relaxation and education for literature lovers and sleep enthusiasts. This sleepcast is crafted to cater to both the curious mind that thirsts for knowledge and the tired soul that seeks a tranquil night. Embark on a calming journey through the pages of classic books penned by literary giants such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and many more. Our show weaves together the captivating tales of timeless literature with ASMR-inducing narration, and intriguing insights into the authors' lives and the rich histories within these works. Whether you're a devoted bookworm or simply seeking a serene night, "Sleep with Classic Books" invites you to unwind, relax, and immerse yourself in a world where literature and dreams converge.

    As you drift off, you'll learn from and appreciate the nuances of literary craftsmanship. You'll explore universal themes and discover the timeless charm of the past. Each episode is designed to provide you with not just a restful night but a profound connection with the world of classic literature. We blend the power of ASMR with the beauty of books, creating a nightly ritual that will enrich your mind as you sink into peaceful slumber. Join us in our mission to meld sleep and knowledge. Close your eyes, open your ears, and let "Sleep With Classic Books" guide you to the land of dreams. Your night's rest is no longer just sleep; it's an intimate voyage through the literary world. Unwind, relax, and let the world of classic literature lead you into the tranquility of the night.

    Discover the perfect way to end your day with "Sleep with Classic Books," a unique fusion of relaxation and education for literature lovers and sleep enthusiasts. This sleepcast is crafted to cater to both the curious mind that thirsts for knowledge and the tired soul that seeks a tranquil night. Embark on a calming journey through the pages of classic books penned by literary giants such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and many more. Our show weaves together the captivating tales of timeless literature with ASMR-inducing narration, and intriguing insights into the authors' lives and the rich histories within these works. Whether you're a devoted bookworm or simply seeking a serene night, "Sleep with Classic Books" invites you to unwind, relax, and immerse yourself in a world where literature and dreams converge.

    As you drift off, you'll learn from and appreciate the nuances of literary craftsmanship. You'll explore universal themes and discover the timeless charm of the past. Each episode is designed to provide you with not just a restful night but a profound connection with the world of classic literature. We blend the power of ASMR with the beauty of books, creating a nightly ritual that will enrich your mind as you sink into peaceful slumber. Join us in our mission to meld sleep and knowledge. Close your eyes, open your ears, and let "Sleep With Classic Books" guide you to the land of dreams. Your night's rest is no longer just sleep; it's an intimate voyage through the literary world. Unwind, relax, and let the world of classic literature lead you into the tranquility of the night.

    Do you enjoy this show? Please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen. Remember to hit "subscribe" in your favourite player. Want to enjoy all our content, ad free? Try Whisper Premium with a free trial. Find out more at