Bambini e famiglia – Uruguay – Nuovi podcast
Que es el grooming , bullying y adicciones
The Roots to Change podcast is hosted by Donya Lamrhari, Systems Change Lead at the Children's Society (, a national children's charity. Our goal is to overturn the damaging decline in children's wellbeing by 2030 and we know that to do this systemic change is needed.
The Children's Society defines Systems Change as a process of working collaboratively with people to understand and address the root causes of disadvantage for young people; an approach to redesigning and influencing the people, processes, rules, power and structures that make up systems, to achieve positive change.
This podcast aims to make Systems Change accessible, by interviewing inspiring professionals and young people in the community and sharing their stories of change. -
Neste primeiro episódio, trataremos sobre abuso infantil, assunto que necessita de nossa atenção e responsabilidade.
Psicología Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca
Escucharemos un poco de lo que es la perspectiva de género y de los principales ámbitos que influyen en ello.
Cuando se habla de perspectiva de género se hace alusión a una herramienta conceptual que busca mostrar que las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres se dan no sólo por su determinación biológica, sino también por las diferencias culturales asignadas a los seres humanos.
Two kids having conversations with their parents.
Acompáñanos en nuestro podcast, donde una madre, Taty Guiribitey @la_mamilover , y una hija, Camila Guiribitey, se adentran en las luchas y alegrías cotidianas de su relación única. Exploramos todo, desde las diferencias generacionales y los desafíos de la comunicación hasta las experiencias compartidas y el vínculo inquebrantable que nos une. Ya sea navegando conversaciones difíciles, equilibrando la independencia o simplemente compartiendo una risa sobre los pequeños momentos de la vida, este podcast es un espacio sincero y relatable donde abordamos los altibajos de ser tanto madre como hija. Sintoniza para discusiones honestas, consejos prácticos y mucho amor y risas.
Join us on our podcast, where a mother Taty Guiribitey, @la_mamilover , and daughter, Camila Guiribitey, dive into the everyday struggles and joys of their unique relationship. We explore everything from generational differences and communication challenges to shared experiences and the unbreakable bond that ties us together. Whether it’s navigating tough conversations, balancing independence, or just sharing a laugh over life’s little moments, this podcast is a heartfelt and relatable space where we tackle the ups and downs of being both a mom and a daughter. Tune in for honest discussions, practical advice, and plenty of love and laughter!
Si te encanta escuchar cuentos, a mi me encanta contar cuentos. Te invito a imaginar.
Intervenção sobre a Discalculia
Perjalanan Menuju Negeri Dongeng
Welcome to The Confident Parent podcast where we discuss how to escape the burnout cycle and survival mode.
I teach you how to build a baseline of regulation in a way that makes sense and finally understand how to work with your nervous system.
Let's talk about the beauty and hardships of motherhood. It's time to take responsibility and start creating better daily habits to combat the never-ending stimulation that comes with parenting.
As an experienced occupational therapist and coach, I guide women on a journey using a holistic approach, addressing all parts of ourselves—even the unconscious parts we try to ignore.
Tendremos invitados que hablaran sobre el tema
Una Historia muy interesante que nos ayudará a aprender respetar y conocer cada uno de nuestros defectos y virtudes.
A História da Chapeuzinho vermelho contada na versão do Lobo mau.
Una historia para chavales con trama detectivesca, bailes, acertijos y aventuras. De fondo, grandes temas como la marginación, la popularidad y el éxito.
Dirección: Mar Abad
Guion: El Extraordinario.
Producción y casting: Susanna Mulet
Diseño de sonido: Ignacio Cantisano
Zac: Joan Navarro
Carol: Valeria López
Wiki: Eugenia Valdelvira
Leo: Pau Márquez
Edgar: Diego Muñoz
K: Wanda Arlandis
Aurora: Olga Aguirre
Lady Hip: Cris Codina
Juanan: Héctor Navarro
Maribel: MJ Chabrera
Domador de pulgas: César Lechiguero
Blas: David García
Señor Romero: Edu Borja
Señor Fu: Paco Alegre
Periodista: Mar Abad
Indira: Rosalía Castro
Luciana: Carito Kanashiro -
En este episodio cuento cual es el animal.......
We have kids and it’s like we’re expected to know what to do or want not to do with a different kid in a whole different world. Aaron White has spent over 21 years working with children and their parents to help them solve various problems from toddlers having tantrums to teenagers being violent in the home. Aaron White gives parents practical tips for when their kids start talking... back.
Listen, as Aaron shares his silly stories and down-to-earth tips to help in this crazy world of parenting -
Tres mujeres en sus 40's hablando de todo un poco. Nuestras experiencias, situaciones en casa triviales y divertidas. Y también nuestro punto de vista en temas de la vida que nos hacen reflexionar.
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