Ensino – Hong Kong, RAE da China – Novos podcasts
《教育,一切從孩子開始》由兩個來自不同背景的主持人Jenny、Alex每週跟你分享教育大小事。深信教育本質是協助孩子發揮無限可能,與孩同行。Jenny在家自學出身,繪本作家、做中文補習老師、鋼琴老師,專職負責兒童及青少年工作,確信學習可以自由自在;Alex傳統教育制度出身,曾任教補習社多年,現工作於小學專教SEN學童,樂於教學生活。希望就算教育這條路不易走,都可以與聽眾同行。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Talking about how propaganda has a changed over the years
รายการที่จะพาคุณผู้ฟังทุกท่านไปเรียนรู้หลักภาษาไทย และไปใช้กันอย่างถูกต้อง ดำเนินรายการโดย แพรวพรรณ หงษ์สระแก้ว
Japanese Graded Reader にほんご よむよむ文庫 Level.1 Vol.2
《聊PetPet》 - 透過主持人與動物相關的生活經驗和見聞,宣導領養代替購買的理念,通過真實的故事和不專業的觀點,希望能啟發更多人關注動物福利,並採取更負責任的方式與動物共處。🎧本節目隔週更新,若這集節目對你有所啟發和幫助,請訂閱✅這個頻道!其他收聽平台( Spotify/KKBox/YouTube/Apple Podcast)https://solink.soundon.fm/newspetpetYou Tube & Apple Podast留言+評分5顆星,這將是我最大的創作動力,再次感謝!和你成為pet pet 脆友: https://www.threads.net/@newspetpet.podcast?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==歡迎來信:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvKxWVhWMIe--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Studying History is not for the faint of heart. It knocks us out of our comfort zone. But maybe that's the point. Good History is a podcast from the Oklahoma State University History Department inspired by Oklahoma native Dr. John Hope Franklin's wisdom that "A good historian is a moralist at heart." We ask historians: why do you study what you study? We ask people: how does knowing more about the past make your life, and our lives, better? And along the way we dig into a paradox: Americans love history—we fight over it bitterly--but many voice skepticism about its value in education. Why? Tune in to "Good History" to join the conversation and learn more about us here: https://cas.okstate.edu/history/
歡迎訂閱分享⏩ https://cplink.co/ZfYes4Xh
Apple Podcast與Spotify 五星讚一下!!
節目許願池,歡迎來留言⏩ https://reurl.cc/GdK7ov
親子天下Podcast 好讀推薦⏩ https://cplink.co/4VRiugrI
合作洽談:[email protected]、[email protected]
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Since its founding in 1947, the mission of the Michigan State University Press has been to be a catalyst for positive intellectual, social, and technological change through the publication of research and intellectual inquiry, making significant contributions to scholarship in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. In this podcast series, we interview MSU Press authors about their research and discuss scholarly publishing with the professionals who make it happen.
Hosted by Dave Gulas of EZDC 3PL, the Beyond Fulfillment Podcast offers candid conversations with entrepreneurs, startup founders, and small business owners. We dive deep into their journeys, uncovering the real-world challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way.
Join us as we explore diverse perspectives and gain actionable insights to fuel your entrepreneurial growth. Discover how others have overcome obstacles, seized opportunities, and built successful businesses.
Why Listen?
Authentic Stories: Hear firsthand accounts of entrepreneurial journeys, from initial setbacks to ultimate successes.
Valuable Insights: Gain practical advice and strategies to apply to your own business.
Diverse Perspectives: Explore a wide range of industries and experiences.
Inspiration and Motivation: Find inspiration and motivation to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
Tune in to the Beyond Fulfillment Podcast and unlock the potential of your business. -
The Wise Attic is your one-stop for all your attic energy efficiency needs. We offer blown-in insulation, solar attic fans, and attic stairway insulators. If your home is drafty, always cold or hot, or you have high energy bills you need to to call us. We offer a free attic analysis with no obligation and we can help determine what is causing the problem and how to fix it. We are a family-owned and operated company that prides itself on customer service.
This podcast programme is one of the assignments of the course UGST4227 “Political Communication under Globalisation” at Central European University. It was so lucky that there were twenty talented students who were active and passionate about the topics. Since we are talking about the political communication, why don't we have a podcast programme to speak louder to more audiences.
You may also find more information about me on my webpage.
遇到身體出現問題時,你會感到無助抗拒嗎?可能您會想狠狠問一句,身體究竟做緊乜嘢!主持人 Kevin 同 Jenny 同大家一齊拆解身體症狀,從症狀入手,窺探生活失衡的源頭。透過身體,了解自己。透過了解自己,照顧好身體。為自己身體負上責任,達致身心靈平衡。----------⫸⫸ Jenny ⫷⫷Jenny 有一個願景, 希望給予多一個替代方案給大家。喜歡研究和嘗試, 自身嘗試不同的自然療法, 尤其喜愛以草本治療處理身心狀況, 撘配手法治療, 讓身心回復平衡狀態。➡ 其它服務與資訊:https://b-dailyproject.com➡ IG :搜尋「b.dailyproject」----------⫸⫸ Kevin ⫷⫷Kevin 曾經好似大部份人一樣,每日返工放工,努力賺錢,「拼命去生存」,有病睇醫生,旅假去旅行。直到⋯⋯10年前,機緣下接觸到 Human Design 人類圖,開始對自己有左新既了解。4年前,移居台灣,試吓「快樂過生活」,試吓以自己喜歡同擅長既野黎賺錢。今年,因為毫無預警既三叉神經痛,開始想認真了解自己既身體。生命中既每次轉折,就好似一趟新旅程,俾我地睇到意外既風景。而同樣,每次「生病」,其實都係一扇俾我地得以窺見內在既門,只要好好同身體溝通,就能夠更了解自己發生咩事。➡ 職場引導服務:http://kevincareercoaching.com/service➡ 其它服務與資訊:http://kevincareercoaching.com➡ FB & IG :搜尋「孭起背包·遊歷不預期」--Hosting provided by SoundOn
من شکوفه هستم. به کانال ”راز معنا” خوش آمدید. سالهاست به مباحث معنوی علاقمندم و درباره معنویت و خودشناسی مطالعه می کنم. خداشناسی، خودسازی، شکرگزاری، عشق به خداوند و جهان هستی، روانشناسی، مدیتیشن و مراقبه، دعا و نیایش از جمله موضوعاتی هستند که در این کانال به آنها می پردازیم. دریافت آگاهی معنوی و خودآگاهی لازمه رشد معنوی و رسیدن به موفقیت، تندرستی، روابط عالی و ثروت است. امیدوارم اینجا کنار هم رشد کنیم و آرامش بیشتری را در زندگی تجربه کنیم. سپاسگزارم که با من همراه هستید و کانال را با لینک زیر سابسکرایب می کنید.
https://www.youtube.com/@RazeManaa -
愛塔豬中文童書店iBookiee Website 官網:
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低聲道推出Podcast,每集就不同議題分享有關生活、信仰、社會及價值觀等的看法。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Join us for in-depth interviews with VETASSESS managers, staff and stakeholders as we introduce you to the people behind Australia's largest skills assessment authority.
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Learn about world hunger and the effects of food waste .
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