Ensino – Croácia – Novos podcasts
Schooling, The Podcast with Davina features interesting stories about the world of education. Join Davina and her guests on this journey and occasionally get schooled once in a while. The views expressed on this show are Davina's personal opinions and do not reflect the organisations or events Davina is associated with.
Подкаст-энциклопедия, для тех кто всегда занят, но хочет много знать. Привет!
Мы Валя и Саша. Постоянно работаем и из-за этого нам не хватает времени на мир вокруг. Поэтому мы решили изучать интересные события и явления и заодно делиться с вами в подкасте. Это наша мотивация)) Приятного прослушивания!
А ещё мы завели канал для тех, кто устал бесцельно листать ленту и хочет провести время с пользой: логические задачи, головоломки и просто интересные факты о мире вокруг. Сколько задач вы сможете решить?
5 минут в день для прокачки 🧠. Присоединяйтесь по ссылке: https://t.me/yes_iknow -
This unique podcast features in-depth conversations with fascinating, successful leaders from around the world who share perspectives on leadership through their own personal stories of failures and successes. Every episode will feature advice and practical suggestions from these leaders, inspiring listeners to take action in their own lives.
The Life School for Lawyers mission is where women lawyers learn how to create balance in their life, business, and relationships. -
Portuguese in Easy 15 min lessons.
Master the Art of Making a Living with Your Camera. Learn how to be a high value working pro by leveraging my 33yr pro experience. I provide actionable steps, and support along the way. http://TheCartyMethod.com
stevecarty.substack.com -
Добро дошли у Пиштаљкин подкаст у коме ћете моћи да сазнате како је бити узбуњивач и са чиме се узбуњивачи сусрећу у процесу откривања малверзација и корупције. Пиштаљка је једини портал ове врсте у свету, у коме раде и новинари-истраживачи и адвокати у бесплатном правном саветовалишту. Овакав заједнички приступ пријавама грађана омогућава Пиштаљци да открије малверзације, информише јавност, заштити узбуњивача и спречи даље злоупотребе. Хвала што нас слушате!
High performance career coach Eric Woodard offers tips and advice about career success and how to win at work.
Dobrodošli na Bark and talk, jedan jako lajavi podcast gdje nikada psima nećemo reći da budu tiho! 🐶
Glavni razlog zašto krećemo u snimanje podcasta je upravo to što toliko volimo pričati o psima, a pogotovo i slušati druge dok pričaju o psima! Cilj podcasta je pokrenuti razgovor o raznim psećim temama (od treninga i ponašanja do zdravlja, prehrane i sportova), te doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju između vlasnika pasa kao kućnih ljubimaca i onih koji se psima profesionalnije bave. -
A linguistic expedition into brave new words. Maggie Rowe and Emily John Garcés hunt for words that lack an English equivalent. They like to think of themselves as Dora the Explorers of language, with their rucksacks and hats and notebooks and magnifying glasses, embarking on a cultural adventure, hunting and gathering useful new word specimens from far flung continents, and holding them up to see what new light they shine on old ideas.
Glas mladih podcast je u kojem jedanput na tjedan izdvajamo najzanimljivije razgovore, reportaže i priloge koji su objavljeni u emisijama Hrvatskoga radija, a koje se bave europskim temama. Osim u Slušaonici, slušajte nas preko Google i Apple podcast aplikacija i pratite na TikToku Glas mladih.
Topics and ideas related to economics.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Easy course to learn Ukrainian.
Description of present tense.
In a world where discussions about sleep and airway issues dominate the dental landscape, the journey to understanding and addressing these concerns has evolved drastically. Join us as we dive into the remarkable transformation of dental care over the last decade, from overlooking airway and sleep health to making it a core aspect of treatment planning.
Join us as we uncover the journey of understanding and addressing sleep and airway concerns in children. Whether you're a dedicated Dentist seeking comprehensive guidance, a health care provider wanting to collaborate and Find a Provider to work with, or a concerned Parent evaluating your child's well-being, our podcast sheds light on a clear pathway forward. To take the next step, become a member of our community or access valuable resources for your child's evaluation.
Visit our website now and be a part of the positive change!
https://asappathway.com/ -
If stats feels like a foreign language to you, you’ve come to the right place: Welcome to Statistics Simply Explained, your crisp dose of stats to go, where I break down statistical concepts into bite-sized pieces! I’m Melanie Paul, a psychologist, bestselling author, and statistics lecturer who makes this dry subject understandable and, dare I say, fun! I explain statistics in everyday language, lively, and with real-life examples. Tune in biweekly to turn stats confusion into clarity, gain confidence, and ace your exams.Because statistics is totally doable—and you got this!
Welcome to Sampled by Sam Matheson, the podcast that uncovers the unique perspectives of the world’s most intriguing minds on dating, relationships, and the social dynamics that drive our connections. Hosted by Sam Matheson, a renowned coach in networking, relationships, and status elevation for men, this show goes beyond the surface to reveal actionable insights on personal growth and building influence.
You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com
Boost your fluency in Ukrainian with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
This podcast is dedicated to those interested in learning more about the United States Coast Guard through the lens of myself as an active duty Coast Guard member. My goal is to bring guests from all different sections of the Coast Guard both active, reserve, and retired as well as member from the civilian maritime industry to share their stories and experiences. This will better my listeners understanding of what the Coast Guard does, why we love what we do, and inform you of how cool and amazing the job is that we perform on a daily basis. Fans, Prospective Recruits, Family, Military, And people just interested in general about the Coast Guard will all find great enjoyment listening to the Coast To Coasties Podcast. Thank You for listening and stay Semper Paratus!
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