Ficção – Croácia – Novos podcasts

  • Fun, interesting, unusual, and always thought-provoking, The Alternate Futures podcast features interviews with indie science fiction creators where we discuss their work, the world, and anything in-between.

  • The Awakening explores one woman's desire to find and live fully within her true self. Her devotion to that purpose causes friction with her friends and family, and also conflicts with the dominant values of her time.

    Edna Pontellier's story takes place in 1890s Louisiana, within the upper-class Creole society. Edna, her husband Léonce, and their two children are vacationing for the summer on Grand Isle, an island just off the Louisiana shore near New Orleans. They are staying at a pension, a sort of boarding house where each family has their own cottage but eat together in a main dining hall. Also staying at the pension is the Ratignolle family; Madame Ratignolle is a close friend of Edna's, although their philosophies and attitudes toward child rearing differ fundamentally. Madame Ratignolle is the epitome of a "mother-woman," gladly sacrificing a distinct personal identity to devote her entire being to the care of her children, husband, and household.

  • Experience fresh adventures every day with "Daily Adventures of Sam Spade," a podcast that brings the cunning and charisma of detective Sam Spade to a contemporary audience. Immerse yourself in daily episodes filled with intricate plots and classic detective tropes that fans of mystery and crime dramas will love. Join Sam as he navigates through treacherous mysteries, proving his timeless appeal in this gripping audio journey. - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!

  • Kissa Kahani- Stories Before Sleep with Neha Chauhan is a unique take on beautiful Hindi stories. A raw, unedited, completely real podcast designed for people who love stories in Hindi.

    This series is my take on people who have trouble sleeping and need something interesting, happy, cheerful, and connected to their roots.

    These amazing stories will inspire you, make you laugh, make you cry and even make you think about life. Isn't it interesting?

  • A compilation of the Dune Deep Cut series by Rachel and Matt of the Strange and Beautiful Network, originally posted as part of The Strange and Beautiful Book Club. The whole series has been compiled for ease of listening. This series covers the first three books and every existing film and television adaptation. Enjoy!

  • Three Zookeepers debate which mythical creatures would make great ambassadors in a zoological setting.

  • Книжный вызов: как не бояться читать «серьёзную» литературу.

    Меня зовут Виктория, я — обычный читатель. А этот подкаст — челлендж по чтению книг. Можно найти десятки списков произведений, обязательных к прочтению. Поэтому я собрала всё, что откладывала, о чём никогда не слышала и то, что хочу перечитать, в свой книжный список. В каждом выпуске я выбираю одну книгу и делюсь своими впечатлениями о прочитанном. Собираюсь доказать себе и вам, что «серьёзная» литература может быть увлекательной. Часто именно такие книги могут дать ключ к пониманию самого себя и мира вокруг.

  • Το podcast Famagusta σας ταξιδεύει στον κόσμο της δημοφιλούς σειράς του MEGA αποκαλύπτοντας παρασκήνια από τα γυρίσματα και πληροφορίες για τους ανθρώπους που εργάζονται μπροστά και πίσω από τις κάμερες. Με τον πρώτο κύκλο να έχει μόλις ολοκληρωθεί, ο σκηνοθέτης και ηθοποιός Αντρέας Γεωργίου και ο executive producer της σειράς Κούλλης Νικολάου συζητούν μεταξύ τους για όλα όσα συνέβησαν μέχρι τώρα αλλά και για όσα πρόκειται να δούμε στον δεύτερο κύκλο.

  • As the title indicates, here are three SF stories by Frank Herbert, Missing LInk, originaly purlished in Astounding SF, 1959; Operation Haystack, also published in Astounding SF 1959; and Old Rambling House, published in Galaxy SF 1958. - Summary by Phil chenevert

  • "Superhuman" is a captivating sci-fi novel narrated from a third-person perspective. It seamlessly weaves between two time periods – the present and the future – occasionally delving into flashbacks and memories of the protagonist, Rubin.Throughout the story, the author explores scientific themes encompassing quantum physics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, taking readers on an intriguing journey into a potential future. Amidst the imaginative narrative, profound spiritual and philosophical elements are interwoven, adding depth to the tale."Superhuman" delves into futuristic technology, the existential philosophy of humanity, and the pursuit of becoming more than human. The novel also invites contemplation on the relationship between human desperation and technology.

  • Aloha babes ! Ich bin Lisa ,27 und lebe auf Hawaii ! Wie es dazu gekommen ist erzähle ich euch hier .unter anderem wird’s Gelaber übers Mutter/Mensch sein geben .

  • Every week The Vanquisher‘s Guide hunts down the origin and abilities of a deliciously wicked and mythical creature. No monster can hide from us as we pull from some of your favorite properties such as Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the gathering, video games, movies, and TV. Informative with a comedic spin, strap in for a wild ride and open up The Vanquisher‘s Guide.

  • The description you've requested seems to be for a specific edition or translation of a work by Ivan Turgenev, a renowned Russian writer. "By Ivan Turgenev" likely refers to the authorship of the book, and "trans. Constance Garnett" indicates that Constance Garnett was the translator responsible for rendering the work from its original Russian into English.Constance Garnett (1861-1946) was a prolific and influential translator of Russian literature into English during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is known for her translations of works by several Russian literary giants, including Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov. Her translations played a significant role in introducing Russian literature to English-speaking audiences and remain classics in their own right.A description of "by Ivan Turgenev, trans. Constance Garnett" typically signifies that you are looking at a version of one of Turgenev's works, such as "Fathers and Sons," "A Month in the Country," or "Rudin," that has been translated into English by Constance Garnett. The specific content and style of the translation may vary, but Constance Garnett's translations are generally known for their accessibility and readability, making them a good choice for those looking to explore Russian literature in English. However, it's worth noting that some readers and scholars prefer more recent translations, as language and translation techniques have evolved over time.

  • Диана и Гуля будут обсуждать различные книги и фильмы, их сюжеты, стиль, и влияние на современную литературу и кинематограф.

    Присоединяйтесь к нам в нашем подкасте "Рону не хорошо" и давайте вместе погрузимся в увлекательный мир литературы и кино!

    Ссылка на страницу в телеграмм

  • Warm 'n cozy in bed? Ready to fall asleep, but something is missing?! Let me tell you your bedtime story tonight...
    Lemme tell you a tale from 1001 nights.
    آی خونه دار و بچه دار! آی کوچولوهای تو خونه! زیر پتو، گرم و نرم، آماده ی خواب...
    بیاین هزار و یک شب بخونم براتون.
    Every once in a while, a new tale is released both in EN and FA simultaneously.
    هر از چندگاهی یه حکایت جدید منتشر میشه، همزمان به فارسی و انگلیسی.
    English source: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Translated and Annotated by Richard F. Burton, 1885
    منبع فارسی: هزار و یک شب، ترجمه ی ملا عبداللطیف طسوجی، ۱۸۴۳

  • Chaos, Silliness, Dungeons, Dragons, and Unsupervised Highschoolers.