Historie – SAR Hongkong – Anbefalede podcasts

  • Dan Hörning och David Oscarsson tar upp olösta mord, försvinnanden och mysterier i en podd som bara ställer frågor utan att ge några svar.

    Stöd oss med 20 kronor + moms i månaden och i gengäld slipper du all reklam i podden. Lyssna helt reklamfritt direkt! https://plus.acast.com/s/olostamord.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The April 1999 massacre at Columbine High School hurtled the United States into an era of mass shootings. Now, a quarter century later, the horrors of that day have become an almost regular facet of American life, and gun violence a record-smashing epidemic. Clad in both camouflage and Kevlar, 21st-century America is a bastion of freedom where workplaces require active shooter protocols, schools run lockdown drills, and the Second Amendment has become a religion unto itself.

    Guns are a uniquely American problem, but the U.S. wasn’t always like this. LONG SHADOW: IN GUNS WE TRUST explores the story of the people — some names you'll know, some you won't — who changed the way America relates to guns, for better or worse. This season, host Garrett Graff, in collaboration with The Trace, chronicles how firearms moved from being an ordinary part of the background of rural life to a menacing element of modern American life.

    Crackling with rich archival tape and riveting eyewitness and expert interviews, this narrative podcast examines threads of history that are vitally relevant to our current political climate. In LONG SHADOW’s Signal Award-winning first season, Graff, a Pulitzer-finalist and a best-selling author and historian, examined the lingering questions of 9/11, the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Season two, which won an Edward R. Murrow Award for best podcast, chronicled how bloody tragedies at the hands of federal agents led to the rise of American far-right extremism and ultimately the January 6 insurrection. Season three, winner of three Signal Awards (best history podcast, best documentary podcast, and best activism, public service & social impact podcast) will help listeners understand how simply carrying firearms has become its own act of defiance, and how a very specific, carefully manufactured fear has driven explosive demand for guns across America.

    How did we get here? Subscribe and listen to LONG SHADOW to find out.

    LONG SHADOW: IN GUNS WE TRUST is produced by Long Lead and Campside Media in collaboration with The Trace, and is distributed by PRX.

  • In never-before-heard interviews, this gripping new series takes you inside one of New Zealand’s most controversial legal cases, when a kind of madness gripped Christchurch, resulting in a miscarriage of justice that would take 30 years to put right. Peter Ellis, the Creche Case & Me is an 8-part Newsroom Investigates podcast presented by Melanie Reid - or watch the series at Newsroom.co.nz

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Podcast discusses political, economic, social, cultural and environmental issues affecting the African continent while at the same time delving into particular national and regional concerns.
    The podcast presents an opportunity for knowledge sharing and learning, and gives priority to African voices from the continent and the diaspora

  • Hi, my name is Hayden. I'm an American with a passion for British History and their Royal Family. Come and join me for discussions on royal history (past and present), current events, protocol, reviews of shows and films pertaining to them, and everything else. Come and stay a while as I share my passion for history and all things British!

  • 英國古諺語說:真相是時間的女兒 Truth is the Daughter of Time.歷史的真相是:全世界的古人原來都多姿多彩!整個中世紀歐洲,貴族都用體垢保養?英國夫妻離個婚,差點搞到全國暴動?埃及法老娶皇后,姊妹女兒都是對象?歐洲國王沒小三,居然破壞國家安全?法國王后生孩子,成了公開表演節目?別笑古人日子悶,其實人家超會玩~原來歷史不無聊,原來歷史超級嗨!歡迎來和Hazel一起聽八卦,聊歷史~請Hazel吃下午茶,讓她繼續說故事(贊助):https://linkgoods.com/historydot商業合作請聯繫:[email protected]臉書看古人:https://www.facebook.com/HazelsDoT--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Come along as the former aerospace journalist Paul Ring discusses space exploration in history and science fiction with some of the best and brightest in the business.

  • The Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford is the largest university library system in the United Kingdom. It includes the principal University library - the Bodleian Library - which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 28 other libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 12 million printed items, over 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera. Members of the public can explore the collections via the Bodleian’s online image portal at digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk or by visiting the exhibition galleries in the Bodleian's Weston Library. For more information, visit www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

  • In Champs at the Lit, Mark and Max talk about books.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 講連載歷史故事的,希望一路講到台灣建國。欲理解當今的糾結,先回頭看看過去。贊助阿喵,讓故事連載下去:https://thursdayfall.pse.is/6ncq5s📩信箱:[email protected]、IG、Threads搜尋「週四掉落」--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 「馬廄說」是Stanley與Alex共同維護的頻道,我們期望在頻道中能讓大家輕鬆的聆聽每個我們準備的故事,陪伴你們度過每個空虛、寂寞、覺得冷的時刻。


    合作提案:[email protected]

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • A medieval history podcast following Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror.

  • Interviews with Scholars of Central Asia about their New Books
    Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/central-asian-studies

  • This comprehensive examination of the Opium Wars explores how what began as a trade dispute evolved into a pivotal moment in world history that transformed not only China but the entire international order. Through detailed analysis of the conflicts' origins, military campaigns, and lasting consequences, we see how these wars marked the beginning of modern China's relationship with the Western world and established patterns of international relations that would persist for over a century.

  • When Labour won by a landslide in 1945, Britain was bankrupted by the war, cities & towns had suffered German bombing, and the country was still at war with Japan.

    How on Earth then did Aneurin (Nye) Bevan & his team create the NHS when he couldn’t even tell his chancellor how much it would cost? And why did the Tories, doctors, and even Nye’s own party battle against him? 

    To celebrate 75 years of the NHS, all is explained in this 4-part documentary series of how a ‘no-good boyo’ from the Welsh Valleys came to create one of Britain’s greatest institutions. 

    Narrated by Sian Harries.

    Featuring excerpts from the original Nye Bevan 1959 Election Speech and the original Dr Charles Hill ‘The Radio Doctor advises on Christmas Day over-indulgence’ recording (1942).

    An Idea Hat Production.

    Written by Ian Haig, Kenton Hall, Mark Hayhurst & Dr Carole Reeves.

    Based on research for the audio drama, 'Getting Better: The Fight For the NHS', an Audible Original - https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Getting-Better-The-Fight-for-the-NHS-Podcast/B09CFFJS79

    Readings & interviews: Rhod Gilbert, Kathryn Drysdale, Mike Wozniak, Neve McKintosh, Barnaby Eaton-Jones, Clive Mantle, Annette Badland, Mark Gatiss, Rob James Collier, Charlotte Jakab Hall, Terry Molloy, Colin Baker, Raj Ghatak, Mary Robertson, Sir Marcus Setchell.

    Drama Clips from ‘Getting Better’ an Audible Original starring:

    - Annette Badland as Mrs Tetlow

    - Colin Baker as Dr Charles Hill

    - Steve Banks as Jim

    - Kathryn Drysdale as Dr Eva Callaway

    - Barnaby Eaton-Jones as George Godber

    - Nigel Fairs as Herbert Morrison

    - Mark Gatiss as Mr Cain

    - Raj Ghatak as Lord Moran

    - Rhod Gilbert as Nye Bevan

    - Rob James-Collier as Dr Reggie Hughes

    - Louise Jameson as Matron Unsworth

    - Clive Mantle as Sir Wilson Jameson

    - Neve McIntosh as Jennie Lee

    - Terry Molloy as Lord Horder

    - Philip Pope as Newsreader and Presenter

    - Tanya Rich as Nurse Vi

    - Wink Taylor as Winston Churchill and Alfred Webb-Johnson

    - Mike Wozniak as Clement Attlee

    Full credits for Getting Better at https://www.ideahat.co.uk/getting-better/

    Production Credits:

    - Produced by Ian Haig

    - Edited by Antoine Kaiserman

    - Mixed by Martyn Harries

    - Original Music by Alexander White

    - Original songs by Andrew Farrington & Andy Rushton

    - Additional Music by Audio Network

    - Production Co-ordinator: Bex Reichwald Pizzata

    - Cover Design by Adam Peters

    - Illustration by Kathryn Chorley

    Thanks to Robert Norris, Barry O’Donovan, Emma Torrens, Barnaby Eaton-Jones, Lydia Shamah, Katie Arlett, Mariele Runacre-Temple, The British Library, The Aneurin Bevan Society, Jaselle Williams, Adam Freudenheim

    Further reading & thanks:

    - Nye: The Political Life of Aneurin Bevan, Nicklaus Thomas-Symonds

    - In Place of Fear, Nye Bevan

    - Aneurin Bevan, Volumes 1 & 2, Michael Foot

    - My Life with Nye, Jennie Lee

    - Jenne Lee, Patricia Hollis

    - ‘Aneurin Bevan & the Socialist Ideal’, Vernon Bogdonor’s Gresham College Lecture, 16/10/21

    And finally, a limitless thank you to everyone who does or has worked and volunteered for the NHS. You are all incredible.

    Remember, “The NHS will last as long as there are folk with faith left to fight for it."

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 《朱古力三國》與一般語音三國演義故事之不同,施克力加入大量個人元素;搞笑詼諧獨白與迫力戰鬥音效將一個膾炙人口津津樂道嘅故事昇華到另一境界。三國迷一定要試下呢隻《朱古力三國》!

  • Why did we go to war in Iraq? What went wrong? And how has this war shaped the region and the world we live in today? These are just some of the questions that we explore in ‘Iraq: Legacy of War’, a limited podcast series brought to you by Intelligence Squared to mark twenty years since the US-led invasion in 2003. Through interviews with policy-makers, military personnel, journalists, academics and Iraqi citizens, we reflect on the legacy of one of the most significant military interventions in modern history

  • Dive into a case of domestic terrorism from the past that’s really a warning about the future. 

    Back in 1995, there was a disaster that should have prepared us for January 6th and the political violence that we’re seeing today: the Oklahoma City Bombing. 

    Journalist Jeffrey Toobin reveals the story behind Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and right-wing extremism in America - how a decorated army veteran became consumed with rage, how he somehow went underground and built a bomb that damaged fifty blocks in a modern city, and how everything that led to the horror of April 19th, 1995 is still very present in America. 

    Homegrown: OKC is a USG Audio podcast produced by Western Sound and Esmail Corp. Based on the book “Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Rightwing Extremism” by Jeffrey Toobin.

  • Exploring all the ways that Insurance changed History...or failed to.

  • Those Who Struggle With God -- Becoming Israel. A Podcast.