Society & Culture – Slovenia – Recommended podcasts
What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders. -
Der Podcast über Trends, News und den Alltagsgeschichten aus dem Leben von zwei Freunden aus Deutschland und Norwegen. Perfekt gegen Langeweile und Einsamkeit! In diesem Podcast kann alles lustig sein.
📍Najbolj pokrito odkrit podcast v Sloveniji
🎙️Voditeljica: Kaja Grozina
🤫Pokrij se in odkrivaj z nami!
🎬 Vsak teden nova epizoda in novi gostje 🗽 -
The online world can be a breeding ground for hate. But why do some people behave the way they do on social media?
In each episode, the BBC's Disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring - one of the most trolled BBC journalists - dives into her inbox and investigates a different extraordinary case of online hate to find out.
She meets the people at the heart of these conflicts, and in some cases brings them together, to see if understanding - even forgiveness - is ever possible.
Že veš, kaj je tvoj edinstven prispevek k boljšemu svetu in kako ga udejanjiti?
V podkastu Goreči grm razkrivamo močne zgodbe tistih, ki že živijo svoje poslanstvo, da lahko TI najdeš navdih, odkrivaš svoje goreče grme in pogumno stopiš na novo pot. -
Vsak ponedeljek bomo odkrivali nove kulture, tradicije in poglede na svet. Poleg geografskih zanimivosti bodo v ospredju posamezniki, njihovi cilji in želje ter kako jih doseči skozi zdrave navade telesa in uma. Spoznali boste tudi pomembnost rutin in navad pri gradnji kvalitetnega osebnega življenja in kariere.
Gostiteljica podcasta je intermedijska umetnica in režiserka Valerie Wolf Gang, na njeni poti pa se ji bo pridružil sovoditelj Mario, ki bo razširil področje človeškega dojemanja sveta skozi prizmo umetne inteligence. -
Podkast o odnosih, ki opredeljujejo človeka in vplivu družbe nanj. Kako se je spremenila družba od
razsvetljenstva naprej in kdo je človek 21. stoletja. Od tlačanstva do ideje o svobodi, fanatičnih
dogmah, življenja v skupnosti včeraj in danes do prevlade tehnologije in njenih vplivov na
posameznika in družbo. -
The Ski Monster is an elevated ski and snowboard experience based in the heart of Boston. Our podcast, The Boston Ski Party, offers an unfiltered and honest view behind the scenes of the ski and snowboard industry. We talk with guests ranging from TSM team members to athletes to major movers and shakers that push this industry forward.
Beloved, The Divine Woman Podcast is an invitation to awaken to a higher level of consciousness, heal old wounds, and live in harmony with nature, source, and spirit.
Join Priestess Amanda Sophia and spiritual thought leaders as they discuss ancient spiritual teachings from The Celtic Wheel and share tips on how to live from a place of sovereignty, joy, and connectedness. Each episode will empower you to connect with your inner divine feminine. Weave these sacred teachings into every area of your life and emerge fully confident of your innate worth.
Tune in, Beloveds. You are welcome here. -
Robert Pilatus und Fabrice Morvan haben alles, was Frank Farian nicht hat: Sie sind jung, gutaussehend und voller Star-Appeal. Aber Frank ist einer der erfolgreichsten Musikproduzenten Deutschlands, er hat Macht und Einfluss. Und deshalb bietet er den Beiden einen Deal an: Er macht sie zu Superstars. Alles, was Rob und Fab dafür tun müssen: die ganze Welt belügen. Milli Vanilli werden über Nacht zu einem weltweiten Hit. Aber was Anfang der 90er als schillernde Erfolgsgeschichte beginnt, entwickelt sich schon bald zum größten Musikskandal der Pop-Geschichte. In “Milli Vanilli: Ein Pop-Skandal” erzählt Aminata Belli die wahre Geschichte über eine Lüge, die die Charts gestürmt hat. Was ist der Preis der Wahrheit? Wem kann man vertrauen? Und was bleibt von einem Traum übrig, wenn die ganze Welt dich hasst? Neue Folgen erscheinen immer montags. Abonniere "Milli Vanilli: Ein Pop-Skandal", um keine Folge zu verpassen.
Pri Inštitutu Integrum želimo s kakovostnimi programi na področju telesnosti in spolnosti v svet prinašati pozitivno sporočilo o enkratnosti in celoviti vrednosti vsakega človeka.
Upamo in verjamemo, da bodo tudi pogovori z osebami, ki so strokovnjaki ali pričevalci na omenjenih področjih opogumljali za ljubezen, spoštovanje in veselje v odnosih v sodobni družbi.
Posamezne epizode načrtujemo objavljati na mesečni ravni.
Veseli bomo vašega odziva, komentarja, vprašanja ali podpore.
Dosegljivi smo na [email protected].
Pogum za ljubezen! -
This Platform will be used to discuss a broad category of subjects including Music, Gaming, Social issues, sports, politics and relationships.
Skrb za lepo sožitje v družbi in dolgotrajna oskrba sta bili dolga desetletja vsebini na stranskem tiru. Zavedanje o pomenu tega področja se je začelo prebujati ob spoznanju vse bolj starajoče družbe. V oddajah Za sožitje zato, z razmišljanji antropologa dr. Jožeta Ramovša, spodbujamo k lepšim in kakovostnejšim medsebojnim odnosom.
Pelikanovo poročilo je zvočna kolumna, eksperiment, ali zvočni blog v obliki epoštnega novičnika, ... lahko da se spremeni v kaj tretjega ali četrtega. Ne vem še. Ene sorte eksperiment z lastno udeležbo o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem. :)
Echo Community Church is a church in White Marsh, MD serving our community all around Perry Hall, White Marsh, Parkville, and beyond. We are all about being and making disciples of Jesus and promise simple worship, solid teaching, and safe programs for your whole family. We would love to have you as our guest! Service starts at 9 AM & 11AM every Sunday!www.EchoChurchOnline.com868329
A podcast featuring conversations with influential and original thinkers from a wide range of fields, offering a fresh perspective on familiar topics. Hosted by futurist and marketer Jo Lepore.
Pamalogy is Awesomeology - we're building a truth machine and need your help. What's your idea of maximized awesomeness? We are a philosophical society that wants to incubate and support visionary entrepreneurs. Come explore the philosophy of awesomeness. Check our transcripts, sources and links at Sign up for our free Pamalogy 101 course so you can earn a top hat. Find out why so many have said we've blown their mind.
Writer, licensed clinical social worker, and theologian, Heidi Goehmann, produces resources that advocate for mental health and genuine relationships. She loves her family, post it notes, Jesus, adventure, Star Wars, Star Trek, and new ideas…not necessarily in that order.
The reading of texts from psychiatry, psychoanalysis, philosophy, psychology and so on psy-on.
Wir sind Christina und Hanna!
In unserem Podcast berichten wir gemeinsam über unseren Apothekenalltag.
Als PTA in einer öffentlichen Apotheke haben wir so einiges zu erzählen und widmen uns hier unserer Leidenschaft Social Media. -
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