Estonia – Nuovi podcast
Join podcast host Christina Zelin as she dives into the thrilling and emotional world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ll look into the movies and TV shows throughout the saga, and what makes Marvel the best superhero universe out there.
Mr. Jacobs reads stories for students in quarantine.
Kas oled valmis avastama, mis toimub “Ilu varjus?”
Astume koos ilu võlumaailma, kus räägime avameelselt nii rõõmudest kui ka väljakutsetest, mis sellega kaasnevad. See podcast on mõeldud kõigile – ilutegijatele, iluhuvilistele ja klientidele –, kes soovivad heita pilku ilumaailma telgitagustesse.
Jagame inspireerivaid persoonilugusid, räägime ilu ja tervise tasakaalust nii seest kui väljast ning arutleme aktuaalsete teemade üle, mis puudutavad igaüht, kes ilu ja heaolu oluliseks peab.
Liitu meiega ja lase end inspireerida. -
Funga is a bi-weekly interview series with Milana Abensperg und Traun, communicating valuable content related to the realm of plant medicines and the world of psychedelics. -
Daily summaries from the most popular Hacker News posts, transformed into focused audio discussions. Short, easily digestible highlight reels. Perfect for staying up-to-date with emerging tech developments during your commute or coding sessions.
Talk About — платформа подкастов на разные темы.
Здесь представлены подкасты от авторов из Эстонии и других стран.
Если у вас возникли вопросы, есть предложения или вы заинтересованы в рекламной интеграции, напишите на [email protected] — мы всегда открыты для общения!
If you are not familiar with CEE yet, this podcast focuses on several topics of general interest in Central Europe and the Danube Region: geopolitics, human rights, economy, culture, democracy, etc. Thanks to cross-disciplinary experts as guests, we explored those various fields.
We aim to enhance cross-border cooperation, dialogue and knowledge exchange in the region and beyond. Our work is based on the principles of liberal democracy and shared values, goals and visions with our neighbours.
Stay tuned to Central Europe Explained and remember to subscribe to the podcast on your favourite streaming platform!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Õhtulehe golfipodcast "Rauad kuumaks"
Rauad aitab kuumaks lüüa Unibet koostöös Rae Golfiga – golfaritelt golfaritele! -
Delfi Spordi uus podcast „Pea võit“ keskendub spordi varjatud poolele – sellele, kuidas sportlased tulevad toime kaotuste, vigastuste ja vaimsete väljakutsetega. Saates räägivad tuntud sportlased oma karjääri keerulisematest hetkedest, jagades ausalt ja avameelselt, kuidas neist läbi tulla. „Pea võit“ toob kuulajani lood, mida medalid ja autasud ei kajasta.
(MTV) The Challenge after show.
Meie podcast keskendub sellele, kuidas leida tasakaal õppimise, töö ja pereelu vahel ning jagab praktilisi näpunäiteid ja inspireerivaid lugusid sellest, kuidas edukalt kõigega toime tulla.
9 Years in the Estonian Defence Forces. 8 Years served as SOF Operator. Sold Tanks in the Middle East.
Founder. CEO. Leadership Instructor.
Leadership Strategies. Tactics from War. Business and Life. -
Taskuhääling kõigile neile, kes on on huvitatud lühiajalisest üürist ja sellega seonduvast. Einar ja Lauri on mõlemad pikaajalise kogemusega lühiajalisel üüriturul tegutsejad. Einar Pärnus, Lauri Kuressaares ja koos jagatakse kogemusi, püstitatakse küsimusi ning oodatakse ka kuulajaid sõna sekka ütlema.
A podcast about the fantastical life and lonely last days of Michele Hardin, a long-time Florida Keys resident. She was a professional cheerleader, model, journalist, and socialite whose last years were spent living in a condemned house without water or power, unable to accept help. She died alone in September 2024, and this podcast will take a deep dive into her life, relationships, and struggles. It’s a story of glamour, loneliness, and life in the Florida Keys.
Võitlusspordi podcast, kus võtame kokku Eestis ja mujal maailmas toimuva. 💥🙏🏼
Saadet veavad Henry Rohtla, Maikel Astur ja Tanel Viik.
Biit ja graafika: Otto Suits
Kondiiter-keevitaja ja tagatoa boss: Karl Ots
Leia meid:
Saada kiri oma küsimuste/murede/ideedega:
[email protected] -
Hi and welcome to FellowCommerce, where we delve into the trends and strategies shaping modern commerce. We do it in quick format of 20-30 minutes videos only with top experts and industry top-managers.
The Fortnite Crew is all about new things that have come of Fortnite, with a few mini games like, Fortnite trivia.
Hi! I am the Orcosaurus, or short in short Orco! I am an orc with three decade of gaming experience through all systems and console eras. I have been since I was a child. In this podcast I am interviewing indie game developers about their games and gaming as a whole. I won't have the most famous guests on here but I definitively will have the most awesome guests! So give us a listen. You won't regret it.
If you want to support the Orcocast you can do that here:
I stream on Twitch:
https://theorcosaurus-shop.f -
Every week sex coach Katrina will try and educate comedian Chris on the ins and outs of sex while making it less awkward to talk about openly
The podcast for people who want to date and have great sex that is safe, fun, and enjoyable.
Empowering our listeners to make informed decisions that lead to values-based living. - Mostra di più