Irlanda – Nuovi podcast

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Brothers In Arms.

    An authentic look at modern masculinity from two brothers from different generations. They share insights on fatherhood, brotherhood, and everything in between. 

    It's presented by veteran broadcaster Colm Hayes who's voice is instantly recognizable from his years in FM104, RTE and presently Ireland's Classic Hits radio and his brother Justin Caffrey , a well renowned high-performance coach and entrepreneur.

    With years of experience between them and stories you've probably never heard before, you may want to get involved.

    These guys don't mess around, it's funny, informative, current, sensitive and ball-breaking all at the same time.

  • Join Arianah for audio content dedicated to cellular detoxification, deprogramming, overcoming mind control and mk ultra programming and navigating complex relationships including engineered ones. Arianah is a psychic intuitive space holder who shares about discernment and deprogramming (overcoming Stockholm Syndrome & gaslighting, guilt, shame, savior/rescuer programming), encouraging distinction between backdrops devoid of spirit, original sparks and handling influences. Her content is meant to be an encouragement to reclaim more freedom in our lives over mind control.

  • I love all things spooky, mysterious, unknown and strange, I enjoy gaming, especially horror games, even though I'm not great at them but one of my other favourite things to do is go out walking with my dogs, I also do love to make video's & Podcasts involving the paranormal & true crimes, so stick with me & come on a virtual walk into the unknown!Come and join me over on; Instagram @spookymisfit YouTube @spookymisfitnicky

  • Welcome to The Cosmic Whispers Podcast where we delve into the realms of spirituality, personal growth, and the cosmic dance between the 3rd and 5th dimensions.

    In each episode, we embark on a quest for self-knowledge and transformation, embracing the interplay between our physical reality and the higher realms of consciousness.

    Through engaging conversations, we unravel the mysteries of the soul, share tools for personal growth, and explore the delicate balance of transcending the old paradigm.

    Whether you're an empath, a seeker of truth, or simply curious about expanding your horizons

  • Hey!
    I'm Joyce aka The Enlightened Aries.
    Here on Spiritually Lit we'll have energy readings, vibe sessions, cannabis talk, reviews and more!
    So pack your bowl, get your decks shuffled and lets dive in!
    email [email protected] to contribute and see the cards!
    Follow @theenlightenedaries on Instagram and TikTok for podcast updates.

  • Live radio show & podcast full of cosy, creative, and peculiar treats. Listen live on Belfield FM Mondays @ 12pm IST, or stream anytime. (Music not belonging to me has been removed from podcast version)

  • What is The Rising? It's the longing we feel deep in our bones for the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. It's the thrill that runs through our veins as we each step into our power and purpose to make that world a reality. It's the love and solidarity that binds us together as we fight for freedom and work toward justice. Rebekah and Chelsea are spiritual directors and activists who want to connect you to resources and practices that can inspire you to find your own sacred activism and sustain you during these difficult times of change.

  • A podcast ‘loosely’ based around horse racing.

    Join two leading fillies from the world of Horse racing, ITV Racing host Francesca Cumani, and Sky Sports presenter Vanessa Ryle, for their brilliant new podcast.

    Whether you're a die-hard racing fan or just here for the banter, the pair cover everything from turf talk to off-track gossip, plus their real-life fashion disasters.

    Tune in, hold tight, and enjoy the ride.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Enjoy the calming sounds of nature wash over you as you listen to the crunch of gravel underfoot, the wind whisper through the trees, or the songs of birds in the branches.

  • Your go-to podcast for outdoor adventure tips, tricks, and stories! Hosts Bryan Wolf and Dalton Spurlin each have trekked thousands of miles including tackling long distance treks like the Appalachian Trail. Professionally the duo works to equip, educate, and prepare other people for their adventures, with a combined two decades of specialty service in the outdoor industry. In this podcast they'll share what they've learned along the way and enable curious minds to make the leap to bigger and better adventures outside. Join us for a unique lens to the outdoors with guests from the industry.

  • St Mac Dara’s proudly presents our TY podcast-‘Life After the Leaving’. We aim to promote the aspirations of our fellow students and focus on the options they have after they leave school!

  • This is The Level Up Lifestyle, the podcast that tells authentic stories and real journeys to success. Hear firsthand from top leaders about their insurmountable challenges, their breakthroughs, and the moments that defined their path to the next level.

  • Orbit is the first podcasts of it’s kind dedicated to connecting Creators in Europe and beyond. The conversations with creators focus on the individual journeys and unique backgrounds of creators, rather than growth tactics and economic superlatives.
    The show is hosted by Valentin Farkasch, moderator of the Colin and Samir subreddit. His dedication to community is the beating heart of the show and adds an unparalleled layer of authenticity to the channel.

  • Welcome to Talent Acquired, a Chris Edward Consulting podcast hosted by its Founder, Chris Nakiso. Whether you are a company looking to hire, a professional looking to improve your career or a recruiter helping people connect, this podcast was designed to help us understand how we can improve talent acquisition in the modern era.

    Join us on this journey through the talent acquisition landscape! We’ll bring you stories, strategies and viewpoints of candidates, hiring managers and recruiters that will help you find the right talent for your team.

    Talent Acquired is produced by StudioPod Media.

    For more information about Chris Edward Consulting services please visit their website.

  • اینجا باهم از کنار جاپاهای مهاجرین رد میشیم و ازشون تجربه هاشون رو میشنویم و برای زندگیمون تجربه کسب میکنیم
    لینک حمایت از پادکست جاپا از خارج از ایران

    لینک حمایت از پادکست جاپا از ایران

    یوتیوب جاپا



    کست باکس

    اپل پادکست

  • 已經過了聽姊說的年紀,那就聽老娘說說-🎙️ 每週三上架|沒人教的職場 & 生活真相,老娘說給你聽!Nicki姊:前集團總監,狠甩高薪轉戰新創,連婚姻都能推倒重來!均均:新創玩過、集團待過,職場讓我崩潰無數次。現在換我問到底!🔥 你沒搞懂的職場 & 生活潛規則,才最要命。合作信箱 [email protected]老娘IG provided by SoundOn

  • This podcast speaks with women working in car dealerships about their careers and helps people considering a job in the car industry find out more.

  • Об этичном маркетинге от Наташи Козловой - Head of PMM Авиасейлс (ex-Okko, ФК Зенит, Carlsberg, Red Bull)

    Об Авторе:

    15 лет в маркетинге

    Опыт работы: Авиасейлс, Okko, ФК Зенит, Carlsberg, Beeline, Red Bull

    Индустрии: IT, Travel, Health, Media, FMCG, Sport

    Рынки: РФ, СНГ, США

    Образование: Экономический факультет СПбГУ

    Консультант и ментор: провела 150+ часов сессий

    Преподаватель: ВШЭ, Кейс клуб, Epic Growth и Яндекс Практикум

    Спикер: выступаю на конференциях и провожу вебинары

    Чтобы познакомиться поближе

    🏡 Жила в Питере и Нью-Йорке, сейчас живу в Лондоне

    🗺 Посетила 67 стран

    🪂 Участница рекорда РФ по парашютному спорту в дисциплине большие вертикальные формации

    🧗🏻‍♀️Участница мирового рекорда по прыжкам с веревкой (фильм)

    👩‍🚒 Закончила курсы спасателей в США “Wilderness first responder”

    🏔 Взошла на вершину Килиманджаро (5895м) и Аконкагуа (6862м)

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  • The “PR LIKE A BOSS!” Podcast is a place where international PR Specialist Patrizia Galeota chats with industry leaders (including PR Experts, Journalists and Brand Founders) about PR strategies, media wins, and lessons learned. Each episode will be a fun and insightful 20 minute interview - short sharp and to the point, packed with interesting and valuable nuggets of information for brands and experts that are looking to boost their media visibility and credibility.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.