Business – Hırvatistan – Yeni podcastler
The “boring” side of business is what makes you real money. Here’s how to do the boring stuff.
Bizscale with Tanya is the podcast for founders and executives of tech-enabled businesses—fintech, cleantech, wealthtech, online businesses, and professional services—aiming to scale profitably and sustainably without burning through cash. Hosted by revenue expert Tanya Kabuya, it delivers actionable strategies, growth insights, and real-world stories from industry leaders who’ve scaled successfully while staying profitable. Whether you’re an online business, a tech-driven service, or a startup, Bizscale with Tanya provides tools, expert interviews, and data-driven insights to help you scale
Venture in the South is about angel investing in the Southeastern United States.
We interview founders and thought leaders, sponsor a few panels discussing significant events and share our own experiences with over 100 startup investments.
Released every Monday and usually 30-45 minutes long, ~50% of shows are Founder interviews, ~25% interviews with thought leaders and ~25% educational.
We invite feedback and suggestions via or email [email protected]. If you like our show please subscribe and give us a rating with a 2 sentence review.
Thanks for listening and remember: Our mission is to MAKE MONEY, HAVE FUN AND DO GOOD. -
Ryan Floyd is a venture capitalist with 25+ years of experience and a penchant for B2B SaaS startups. Ryan co-founded the firm Storm Ventures, and his investments were acquired by companies like Microsoft and Nvidia. Through sharing his own wisdom - and interviewing enterprise industry leaders - Ryan helps startup founders unlock massive growth for their businesses. From sales efficiency to cold emailing investors to surviving as a first-time founder, no topic is left uncovered. New episodes are published bi-weekly on Wednesdays.
Kreirali smo Pipl Hub, coworking prostor i digitalnu galeriju u Svrljigu. Zalažemo se za decentralizaciju u pristupu znanju i informacijama. Da živimo i radimo lokalno, za globalne klijente i uživamo u plodovima našeg rada.
Naši gosti-predavači nesebično dele svoje znanje i iskustvo. Na taj način zajedničkim snagama podržavamo sve one koji su se osmelili da krenu putem privatnog biznisa.
Drakpodden ger dig en unik inblick i entreprenörskapet kring Draknästet. Möt entreprenörerna och "Drakarna" från programmet, samt investerare, affärsänglar och branschexperter, och ta del av deras bästa råd om: Hur lyckas man med sin pitch? Vad krävs för att en investering ska bli framgångsrik? Hur bygger man ett bolag, och vad händer efter Draknästet?
Drakpodden leds av retorik- och pitchexperten Filip Reineby, "Den stammande retorikern", och ekonomijournalisten, författaren och entreprenörsgurun Karin O'Connor, som varit rådgivare och researcher för Draknästet. Välkommen till Drakpodden! -
Stand Up & Stand Out is a show for those making a career transition. Each week, we aim to better your future by answering your career dilemmas, entrepreneurial fears, and workplace concerns and staying unique in your values. Following nearly two decades of working in Fortune 500 companies, Nikki Green left her lucrative tech job to help the next generation of leaders leverage their uniqueness as a strength. If you dream of using your creative energy for good instead of promoting corporate greed & evil, this show is for you!
Slušate Autodidact podcast gde mi strogo verujemo da samoinicijativa i upornost donose ogromno lično zadovoljstvo i perspektivnu budućnost.
Autodidact je reč grčkog porekla i predstavlja samoučemu osobu.
Ukoliko odabereš put neprekidnog učenja, kako formalnog, tako i neformalnog, odabrao si Autodidact put.
Na ovom delu online neba Autodidact tim sa gostima deli insajderske informacije o usavršavanju van sistema, besplatnim razmenama i svemu ostalom što interesuje kreativne mlade ljude.
Zgrabi kafu jer počinje chat tura - Autodidakt avantura!
Uživaj! -
Over 40 and looking to pivot or reinvent, and thrive in your career and life? Join Executive Career Coach Ada Offonry for weekly content that’s easily applied to your life.
Job seeking is an often lonely, full time occupation in itself. The challenges of being out of work, or seeking the next step can be complicated and disheartening. In Desperately Seeking Salary, I go looking for conversations with people in a similar position to me, discuss the challenges of finding a new job in a post-Covid marketplace, and talk to recruitment experts about the best way to stand out from the crowd. If you'd like to tell your story or have some advice to offer listeners, come and be a guest on the show!
The We Are InsurTech Women podcast was created to bring together and better connect those in the InsurTech space. We speak with exciting female Founders, Execs and Investors within the industry to motivate and inspire others.
Hosted my Hattie Armstrong and brought to you by FinPro Search Partners. -
“Wie geht’s dir mit der KI?” ist die Frage, die Ana Simic, KI- und Tech-Beraterin von Propeller - AI Consultancy, jede Woche bei einer guten Tasse Wiener Melange unterschiedlichen Menschen stellt. Ob Expert:innen oder Neulinge, Menschen in Ausbildung, im Beruf oder in anderen Lebensphasen, erzählen, wie sie die Künstliche Intelligenz in ihren Alltag integrieren. Oder vielleicht noch gar nicht?
Neben kurzen aktuellen Updates aus der Welt der KI spricht Ana mit den Gästen darüber, wie die KI ihren Alltag beeinflusst, welche Erfahrungen sie bereits gemacht haben, und welche Hoffnungen und Sorgen im Zusammenhang mit der künstlichen Intelligenz sie vielleicht noch haben.
Wir begeben uns auf eine Forschungsreise und inspirieren uns gegenseitig.
40 Menschen und 40 Geschichten im Jahr 2025. -
As the wine industry is in transition, it seems that many are scrambling for solutions. Taking a step back, winemaker Adam Casto is looking to define the problem. Speaking to a wide array of different industry perspectives, he aims to get to the heart of the issue from all angles. New episodes will be published on Tuesdays at Noon PST, with bonus episodes published on Thursdays. -
Two unlikely friends, forged by their love of hair! They’re as opposite as it can get...with one exception. The beauty industry. Tips, myth busting, hilarious stories, practical education and business tools are packed into each episode. Let’s get weird, keep it real, and have fun! Pull up a chair for some Hairapy.
خلاصه و تحلیل کتابهای رشد و تعالی فردی، بازاریابی و فروش و مدیریت
تهیه و تنظیم
نوید نویدی
کانال تلگرام👇🏾👇🏾
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The internet tells us we make 35 000 decisions every day. To increase our chances of making the right ones, The Art of Deciding asks people who make big decisions to reveal a little of how they do it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
(Almost) Reckless is an original production featuring conversations with special guests, chosen from disparate industries and backgrounds, so as to highlight the prevalence of the Creative Pragmatist mindset and its deep through-line amongst those at the pinnacle of their respective fields.
The no-BS podcast to scaling startups and growing revenue and businesses.
Podcast Description: FAITH & BUSINESS: Bridging Belief and Success
“Welcome to ‘The Cherie Rickard Show’—a podcast where faith and business intersect to inspire and empower women.
Each week, Cherie Rickard shares powerful messages of faith, offers practical business advice, and discusses strategies for achieving success.
Featuring insightful conversations with industry leaders and faith-driven women, this podcast provides you with the tools and inspiration to grow your business while staying true to your spiritual values. Tune in to discover how you can thrive professionally and personally, embracing both prosperity and purpose.”
To stay in touch:
Social Media: @thecherierickardshow
Email: [email protected]
Queen Bee Transformation Counselor - Daha fazla göster