Business – Danimarka – Yeni podcastler
AlmenNet undersøger er en podcast om udvikling i det almene byggeri, hvor AlmenNet dykker ned i nye tendenser og udviklingsområder i byggeriet og den måde vi lever på. -
What if I told you we could reduce the cost of healthcare by a third of what we currently spend as a country – without lowering the quality of care? I know we can. I aim to start a movement toward better healthcare for everyone. But I can’t do it alone.
By implementing changes like establishing baseline best practices, expanding access to care through technology, and providing the right incentives to all parties, we can save more lives while spending less. This is no fantasy – I’ve implemented programs with results like these at the healthcare systems where I’ve worked throughout my decades-long career.
It starts with listening – to each other. We can begin this journey together by having an honest and civil conversation about what’s not working in healthcare and possible solutions for the problems we face. Then, we can align on fixing the system and truly unlock human potential to effect change. Improving quality in this way inevitably leads to reduced cost, better relationships, better health, and happier lives.
My podcast, The Groves Connection, is about the conversations that unearth our common bond to fix healthcare and a shared hope for the future.
Only through these dialogues can everyone get a full picture of the complexities of the system, as well as what’s required for sustainable change. By having a wide range of guests on my podcast series, I’m hoping we can learn where the middle ground is and discover a path for the needed change.
Join me in this movement, become a part of the change, inspire others, and maybe, just maybe, we can finally end the gridlock that has bedeviled our healthcare system for too long.
[link] Listen on Spotify
Disclaimer: This is the personal site of Robert Groves, MD, and the materials included on this site and in The Groves Connection remain separate from his employer. The Groves Connection is not liable for personal opinions shared by podcast guests. -
Jordemoderkaffe er Jordemoderforeningens samtalepodcast til alle jordemødre.
Her inviterer vi spændende gæster i studiet til en snak om aktuelle jordemoderfaglige emner, fagpolitik og forskning.
Desuden kan du her på kanalen finde oplæsninger af udvalgte artikler fra Tidsskrift for Jordemødre.
Værter: Lotte Skou Hansen og Lis Munk
Koncept: Lotte Skou Hansen og Louise Skelmose Esbensen
Jingle: Vårlyd ved Kristina Lilleskov og Kåre William Wulff -
The show about startups in the drinks world, the founders that are building them and the tipples that inspired them along the way.
Hosted by Racheal Vaughan Jones who has spent over 10 years in-house at some of the world's leading brands and now works with some of the most exciting startups in the drinks space.
Each episode, we imbibe with the founder of a drinks startup and get under the skin of their journey so far, toasting successes and drowning disasters. Join us as we explore different categories, from tequila to kombucha via hard seltzers and wine in a can. -
Welcome to Scaling Smarts, the AI-powered podcast that breaks down the science of building, scaling, and dominating in the world of tech-driven businesses. Join us as we explore key strategies like achieving Product-Market Fit, mastering Crossing the Chasm, and selecting the right business models for scale. Powered by cutting-edge AI insights and expert guests from across the startup ecosystem, we’ll help you turn big ideas into booming ventures. Whether you’re a founder, CEO, or just curious about the world of tech entrepreneurship, Scaling Smarts delivers the tools and knowledge you need to
Social Selling Radio er Danmarks første podcast, der har social selling metodikken som omdrejningspunkt med en klar kobling til salg og markedsføring med særlig fokus på LinkedIn. Vi taler om hvordan du kan bruge det i din hverdag i.f.m. salg, markedsføring og personlig branding. Podcasten er produceret af LinkedIn eksperterne Leif Carlsen og Eva Sachse fra Social Selling Company.
Dansk Markedsføring, er en podcast hvor jeg løber igennem alle de vigtigste metoder indenfor markedsføring.
Podcast-serien "Råd til mere" dykker ned i tendenser og giver indsigt i bl.a. økonomi og investering. Uanset om du er erhvervskunde eller privatkunde, vil vi give dig værdifulde perspektiver på aktuelle temaer som f.eks. renteudvikling, investering, cyberkriminalitet og meget mere.
Mesterværk er podcasten for dig, der driver eller drømmer om at drive en succesfuld håndværksvirksomhed.
Her deler vi insider-viden, konkrete tips og inspirerende historier fra erfarne mestre og andre spændende gæster.
Hver episode kommer med en ny vinkel på branchen, og hvilke ting man bør gøre mere af eller undgå.
Vi krydrer det hele med sjove anekdoter og praktiske råd fra byggepladsen, der vil få dig til at grine – og lære noget nyt.
Lyt med, og bliv inspireret til at tage din virksomhed til næste niveau! -
How do I efficiently navigate the modern financial system and grow my net worth? Join Allison Cline CFP® ChFC® and Ben Cline as they explore and unpack important topics in the realms of personal and small business finance.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Want to hear behind the scenes use of Human Design, Gene Keys and Astrology in Business? I’m sharing insights from client sessions that created breakthroughs for them (or myself), and will definitely help you align your business to pleasure & profit.
Welcome to Founder’s Quest, a podcast about different individual’s journey of founding a game studio.
Our conversations are focused on the founder’s journey for startup game studios, learning more about what it took for different folks to make the jump into their own company and what they’ve learned along the way. We’ll end up talking to founders at all different stages of their journey, what advice they’d have for others going on that path, and how they support themselves along the way. -
A show that focuses on startups, founders, Indies and makers in Malaga. Tune in weekly while your hosts Olli Lipsanen and Martin Stellar interview founders, showcasing the rich international community of locals, expats and nomads, all building cool stuff.
Sometimes recorded, sometimes live, but always fascinating and inspiring. Come hear what Malaga is building! -
When it comes to your business, you know everything – except what you don’t. Hosted by David Crysler, each episode we dive into finding and solving everyday business problems. Learn from business leaders and subject matter experts about the challenges they've overcome, and the challenges they still face. Join us for fresh insights, real talk, and inspiration to grow your business!
Penge på autopilot. Optimér forretningen. Lev et autentisk liv. Følg dine drømme. Hjælp flere. Tjen mere. Læn dig tilbage. Nyd friheden. Lev livet.
Data scientist Hannah Ritchie and sustainability nerd Rob Stewart are climate optimists. They join forces to unpack solutions to the climate crisis, and the innovators, entrepreneurs and scientists behind them.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hver uge får Jacob Britze sine domæneeksperter fra Remisen til at svare på dilemmaer og udfordringer indsendt fra lytterne.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I maskinrummet hos Dinna (Founder af Champagnekassen) og Emil (Partner i det digitale bureau Breadcrumbs) får du ærlige indsigter og erfaringer fra deres sindssyge rejse som iværksættere og virksomhedsejere.
Podcasten dækker emner som virksomhedsvækst, salg, marketing, kommunikation, strategi, kundeservice, konceptudvikling mv. -
En podcast, hvor vi taler åbent og ærligt om rekruttering og arbejdsmarkedet. Vi undgår de klassiske buzzwords og tager fat i de emner, der faktisk betyder noget – uden at det bliver for højpandet. Fra de små succeser til de uundgåelige udfordringer, vi står overfor i rekrutteringsverdenen, dykker vi ned i det hele.
Podcast by The Evolution Exchange Cyber Security Podcast
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