Letonya – Yeni podcastler

  • I Hjertet på Danmark tager Jakob Sloth Linneberg dig med ind i krogene af det danske land, og vender vrangen ud på det, vi troede, vi kendte. Fuldstændig råt og aldeles ufiltreret.

    Serierne er produceret af Ugli Fruit Productions

  • Люби и Катайся — подкаст о том, как мы живем с нашими автомобилями.

    Искать парковку в центре или поехать на каршеринге и не париться? Как сдать на права и выбрать свой первый автомобиль? Ехать к «официалам» или к дяде Васе в гараж? На эти и другие вопросы о жизни с автомобилями постараются дать ответ ведущие и гости нашего подкаста.

    И, как говорится: «Любишь кататься — люби и катайся».

    Подкаст создан студией Red Barn (медиакомпания Double Day). Связаться с нами - [email protected]

  • https://instagram.com/evgeniiastatina?utm_medium=copy_link
    Меня зовут Евгения Статина.
    Я - магистр психологии

    заходите, подписывайтесь!

  • Explore the themes of identity and societal expectations in "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin. This podcast delves into the life of Edna Pontellier as she seeks independence and self-discovery in a restrictive society. Perfect for fans of classic literature and feminist themes.

  • Random podcasts infused with a ZEAL EMPOWERED BY KNOWLEDGE
    Catch the show LIVE & Call-in - (929) 477 - 1583

    Like the Facebook fan page - MGW Apologetics

    Sign up to be notified before LIVE podcasts!
    Send your email to [email protected]

  • A regular series of views, opinions and commentary from the international association for the engineering modelling, analysis and simulation community.

  • Crypto Risk Podcast is powered by Crypto Risk Officers working in leading Crypto Exchanges.
    Seasonal risk managers from leading global markets and investment banks having global, regional and country enterprise risk roles in the past. The team brings personal opinions and views in the ongoing dynamic risk and control to add value to a safer and secure eco-system.

    Disclaimer: Education purpose, NOT investment advice, our view and personal opinions only, not associate with past and present firms we worked at.

  • Designed & engineered specifically for Dental Practices. Adit is the only dental software that integrates Calls, Texts, Emails, Patient Forms, Online Scheduling, Analytics, Reviews, Payments and more, all in one place! These features are all manageable within Adit's centralized platform, along with detailed insights on all marketing campaigns – Google Ads, social media marketing, or even billboards and flyers. https://www.adit.com

  • The tech podcast of the Carolina Code Conference, a polyglot conference for all who code that's held every August in Greenville, SC. The podcast features interviews discussing a wide variety of topics from around the programming, DevOps and security community.


  • A Sunny Side Up Life Podcast is a show for the woman who is ready to live an abundant life full of freedom + positivity. Break free from survival mode, gain financial freedom, stay motivated, and focus on what matters most. You're invited to join the movement and start living on the brighter side of life.

  • Vai arī tev šķiet, ka dzīve virzās uz priekšu pārāk straujiem soļiem un notikumi ir tik absurdi, ka nav saprotams, kurp dodamies un kāpēc?

    Atbildes uz VISIEM jautājumiem sniedz jauns Latvijas Radio oriģinālpodkāsts “Noliktava” - vienīgais jaunumu apskats, kas runā nevis par to, kas notiek šobrīd vai notika vakar, bet par to, kas NOTIKS RĪT!

    Pašpasludinātie dīvāna eksperti un mikrofuturologi Elīna Geida, Jānis Kronis un Uldis Ziediņš katru otro nedēļu, liekot lietā apšaubāmu humoru un robus izglītībā, centīsies prognozēt nākotni, lai tas nebūtu jādara tev.

    No piektdienas, 13. septembra, klausies "Noliktavu" Latvijas Radio mobilajā lietotnē un citās populārākajās podkāstu straumēšanas vietnēs. 

  • Bringing you the past, present and future of Motorsports with special guests.

  • Pandharipande, R (Princeton)
    Tuesday 12 April 2011, 11:30-12:30

  • Your weekly mission briefing for all things intelligence, counterintelligence, and espionage. We will discuss spies and spying in pop culture, history, and current events.

    Your host, Justin, is a 17 year Intelligence Community veteran and spy enthusiast. He is joined by a rotating cast of co-hosts, special guests, and interviewees.

    Theme Music: Pop Goes the Weasel by Kevin McCleod. Licensed under Creative Commons. https://filmmusic.io/song/4230-pop-goes-the-weasel

  • Nutrition With Love is the show to help you feel better, about getting better. We know the best health changes come from a place of positive motivation, not anxiety or feeling pressured. When good science is deployed as a roadmap for cherishing, it’s so much easier to feel hopeful, and to make choices that really serve us and the people we love. So on the Nutrition With Love podcast, we avoid burdensome checklists and scary statistics, and talk about health research in ways that help you relax, appreciate your body, and love your own life afresh.

    Clare Backhouse is a qualified Nutritionist who specialises in thyroid and immune health, supporting clients from around the world to regain excellent digestion, energy and mood.

  • Welcome to the Social Biz Breakdown podcast, where we deep dive into all things, social media and social media management. We're here to provide real actionable insights and help you navigate the challenges that others are stuck on. Whether you're a business owner marketer, or just someone interested in the world of social media, or maybe you want to build a social media management business. This podcast is for you. So grab your headphones tune in and get ready to learn and grow with us and be real!

  • Enregistrement des conférences "Stochastic Dynamics" organisées par l'équipe de recherche SAMOS les 11 et 12 juin 2007. Les résumés des intervenants sont également disponibles sur l'Espace pédagogique interactif (http://epi.univ-paris1.fr/samos-conf-stochastic-dynamics). Recommandé à : étudiant de la discipline, chercheur - Catégorie : conférences - Année de réalisation : 2007

  • In 2011 the FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg initiated the Emerging Field Programme that supports research fields which have demonstrated a promising development but are just beginning to establish themselves in the scientific landscape. One of these "emerging fields" is "Quantum Geometry". In this Emerging Field Project, the expertise of both mathematicians and physicists are brought together in order to make progress in our understanding of Quantum Gravity. From the physics perspective, the task of combining the principles of General Relativity with those of Quantum Theory is one of the most important research problems in foundational physics. This requires novel mathematical input since the standard techniques of Quantum Field Theory fail in the case of the gravitational interaction. From the mathematical perspective, the new mathematical structures that arise in this effort may trigger progress in various mathematical disciplines such as infinite dimensional geometry, representation theory and related areas of Mathematical Physics. The interaction between mathematicians and physicists is therefore quite natural in this research field but but it poses a challenge due to the different backgrounds that these two research communities have. It is therefore the aim of this school to introduce the concepts and techniques of the respective research programme in a "bilingual" form from which both mathematicians and physicists can profit and can start interacting with each other.

    Link to the First Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry:


  • This is a hindi podcast about love , relationship advice,and things that you want to care about❤️