Arjantin – Yeni podcastler

  • 9Natree in Spanish version, we aim to distribute knowledge to people around the world. - En la versión en español de 9Natree, nuestro objetivo es distribuir conocimiento a las personas de todo el mundo.

  • Daniel and Gomé discuss matters relating to life in Australia for migrants.

  • Je m'appelle Xavier , je vous propose de partager mes lectures d'auteurs couvrant du XV ème Siècle au XXème

  • Hosted by Lauren Bennett — born and raised in Georgia and now living in Nashville where her fitness career took off. On this podcast, you will find positive, uplifting content about all things fitness, macros, nutrition, faith, mindset, relationships, entrepreneurship, and overall just life! My hope is that you feel like this is a comfortable, safe space where we can talk about real life struggles and overall, just becoming the best version of yourself. In a world where everything is digital, it’s easy to feel alone…but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Whether you’re here to learn more about lifting, how to eat properly, want advice on your relationships, mental health or business, we really cover it all. I’m so glad you’re here!

  • A podcast about performance in women’s football. We cover any topic that impacts on performance, health and wellbeing of female athletes including sports medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, sports science, strength & conditioning, sports nutrition, sports psychology & sports podiatry.

  • Somos a Rádio da Odontologia! Ouça os PodCasts das entrevistas do Programa Odonto OutBox.
    Para saber mais sobre a OdontoWebRadio acesse o site e siga o instagram @odontowebradio.

  • Welcome to Beauty & The Brain, the podcast where we take a deep dive into the fascinating world of medical aesthetics! I'm Dr. Chris Croley, and I'm joined by my co-host Jerry Drinkard, a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Together, we co-own Skin & Tonic, a medical spa that's passionate about providing the latest and greatest treatments to help our clients look and feel their best.

    We started this podcast out of our love for medical aesthetics and our desire to share our knowledge and insights with others. Every week, we'll be discussing new trends, sharing our thoughts on controversial topics, and keeping you up to date on the latest technology in the industry. But we won't just be talking to ourselves! We're excited to bring in experts and industry leaders to share their perspectives and insights with our listeners.

    Our goal is to provide a podcast that's authentic, informative, and genuinely helpful for anyone who's interested in beauty and wellness. Whether you're a beauty enthusiast or a medical professional, we hope you'll tune in every week to learn something new and join us on this journey of discovery.

    So, if you're ready to dive into the world of medical aesthetics, join us on Beauty & The Brain, and let's explore this fascinating industry together!

  • Das hier ist eine Probe anders zu lernen für die Staatsexamen und Praxis. Meine Quellen sind die entsprechenden Unterlagen der Uni (TiHo). P.S. eigentlich war dieser Podcast nur für mich gedacht als Übung, falls ihr aber auch was davon lernen könnt, freut mich das sehr! P.S. #2: ich weiß ich mache mehrere Grammatikfehler, hoffe man kann mich trotzdem gut verstehen :D Viel Spaß!

  • Bienvenidos al podcast oficial de la Diplomatura Académica en Medicina del Estilo de Vida en Argentina. Somos la Dra. Evelyn Vanina Re y Dra. Francisca Soto-Aguilar, directora y coordinadora de esta formación médica, y quienes a lo largo de varios episodios, nos sumergiremos en conversaciones con invitados especiales para explorar en detalle diversas temáticas de interés en esta especialidad médica.
    Hablaremos sobre nutrición, actividad física, descanso, vinculos sociales, gestion del estres, cesación de consumos de riesgo y mucho más.

  • Welcome to the podcast where physiologists Sam and Calvin take you behind the scenes of the clinical science world. In each episode, we uncover what different types of clinical scientists actually do, break down complex medical jargon, and explore the latest advancements shaping the future of healthcare. Whether you're in the field or simply curious about the science behind health, join us for insightful conversations, interviews, and a look at the evolving landscape of medicine from a physiologist’s perspective. Let's demystify healthcare, one episode at a time.

  • Podcast relacionados con medicina (no solo con medicina interna), tómenlo como otra forma de repasar :)
    PD: todo el contenido es confines academicos, si le quedan dudas, favor remitirse a la Harrison

  • My goal is to turn dense textbooks into engaging stories, wild analogies, and unforgettable nuggets of knowledge, to include weird medical trivia, and to make concepts like Krebs cycles or neuroanatomy interesting again. Whether dissecting diseases through relatable jokes or revamping outdated mnemonics, this show reignites the “aha!” spark medicine gave you—before exams sucked the joy out. Report inaccuracies and I'll fix them! Perfect for burnt-out students, curious pre-meds, or anyone wondering why the spleen is the body’s drama queen. Subscribe for weekly fun—no caffeine (or Anki) needed.

  • Un espacio en donde hablamos de esos temas que nos gustan y nos atraviesan a todos por igual.

    Un poco de desarrollo personal, autocuidado y espiritualidad, mezclado con situaciones cotidianas de la vida.

  • Un ciclo de artistas entrevistadxs por periodistas mujeres.
    Y no es (solamente) una cuestión de género, porque el rock argentino ya tiene bastantes hombres.

    Tati, Pepe y Leo conversan con lxs artistas más representativxs de la escena independiente argentina de los últimos años. Desde otro lugar: sus gustos, sus inspiraciones, los obstáculos que debieron superar para llegar a donde llegaron.

    Un lugar de encuentro entre periodistas, músicxs y artistas; surgen las oportunidades de contar y de contarnos, de ponerle palabras a las historias de vida y de música que no siempre fueron escuchadas.

  • Welcome to The Business Line Podcast, the podcast that opens the door to the ever-evolving world of the business environment.

    Join us every week as we will be having sometimes serious, sometimes crazy, conversations with our guests about the highs and lows of business & technology in today’s world. But most of all we, are excited to bring you along for the ride that you’ll never forget.

    Whether you're a tech aficionado, an entrepreneur seeking inspiration, or just someone looking to get a leg up in the business world (while also being entertained,) The Business Line Podcast promises thought-provoking discussions to bridge the gaps between innovation, understanding, and results.

    Learn more about Panacea Smart Solutions at

    This podcast is produced by Pivit Studios, LLC

  • En este podcast podrás escuchas distintos temas que nos interesan a los adolescentes, pero también les pueden interesar a un público mas grande.
    Espero les guste y se sientan identificados con los temas abordados.

  • Soy Dani, periodista de cine, y en este canal vas a poder escuchar recomendaciones y mi nueva serie "Camino a los Óscars" en donde haremos un repaso sobre la historia de los premios más importantes de la industria cinematográfica. Acompañanos en este recorrido hasta el día de la ceremonia en donde si sale todo bien vamos a compartir con ustedes lo que es vivir un evento oficial de la Academia. Para más contenido seguime en Instagram @danidecine.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by gut health and nutrition advice? You’re not alone! I’m Jessica Lee Reader, a Master Nutrition Therapist, Health Coach, and Yoga Instructor, founder of Vitalized Body.

    Join me as I simplify your journey to better digestive health with practical tips, self-care practices, and mindful eating strategies. With over 15 years of experience, I share insights that have helped me and hundreds of clients optimize digestion, boost energy, achieve natural weight loss, and enhance well-being.

    Subscribe for new episodes and visit to explore my personalized programs!