Slovakya – Yeni podcastler
Wugabo a rôzni hostia. 20% Business 80% Blbosti
Podcast Štúdia SITA o zahraničnej politike s bývalým ministrom zahraničných vecí, Miroslavom Wlachovským z Globsecu.
Vzrušujúci pohľad do histórie. Fascinujúce príbehy, ktoré zmenili svet. Objavy, ktoré sa nezmazateľne zapísali do dejín ľudstva. Podcast, kde sa stretáva história a veda.
O čom sa doma pri varení rozprávajú zahraničnopolitická analytička a expert na obranu, ktorí sú zhodou okolností aj manželia? Čo sa deje v kuchyni medzinárodnej politiky, diplomacie a obrany, prečo sa to deje a čo to pre nás všetkých znamená? A čo na to žaby v hrnci?
Kuchynské diskusie dvojice Kobzová - Valášek o tom, čo sa deje v zahraničnej politike, vám pravidelne prinášame s chuťou, ale bez zápachu. -
This podcast features expert interviews and how-to podcasts designed to help producers, authors, screenwriter, podcasters and other media pros master the unique skills they need to earn a good living from their work. Get live events and videos workshops at Learn more about us at
Hey it's Natalie this is the Hogwarts shifting diary podcast. on this podcast we'll talk about everything Hogwarts everything Harry Potter and everything shifting.
Welcome to The Energy of Relationships Show, I'm Nora Sulik, intuitive relationship coach, founder of the Simply Happy Academy and author of the book Simply Happy. I've helped clear emotional blockages of more than 10.000 women suffering from nasty break-ups, divorce, serious relationship issues, prosperity blockages and traumatic life experiences. FASTER than they have ever imagined.
You can find out more about me and get some great free energy tools at: -
Fraštacké reči už nemusíte viesť len doma pri nedeľnom obede. Je tu podcast pre Hlohovčanky a Hlohovčanov najmä, ale nielen o fraštackých veciach. Miro Kollár si k mikrofónu pozýva zaujímavých Hlohovčanov s ktorými debatuje o ich živote, práci, tajných želaniach, o „zaručených“ fraštackých rečiach, ale aj o tom, ako sa im žije v Hlohovci.
Chcete nahlédnout do zákulisí české evropské politiky a institucí Evropské unie? Zajímají Vás profese a kariérní možnosti v této oblasti? Podcast „Tvoříme Evropu“ poskytuje pohled a zkušenosti Čechů a Češek angažovaných v evropských záležitostech nejen v zahraničí, ale i doma v České republice. Více na
Every week we answer YOUR questions about olympic weightlifting, getting strong, and building muscle! Submit your questions at the link under each episode!
Feeling overwhelmed by constant distractions, digital overstimulation, or brain fog? It's time for a dopamine detox!
'The Dopamine Detox: Resetting Your Brain' helps you take control of your mental well-being by breaking free from addictive behaviors and distractions. Through powerful mindfulness exercises and practical techniques, this podcast guides you on how to reset your brain, regain focus, and boost productivity.
Whether you're struggling with burnout, lack of motivation, or screen time overload, join us to start your journey toward a clearer, more focused mind.
Subscribe today to regain control over your thoughts and actions, and don’t forget to visit @NovosPositivity on Twitter for more tips and resources -
Dr. Evžen - podcast, kde rozhovory s hosty vede odborník na léčbu obezity MUDr. Evžen Machytka, Ph.D.
Obezita je nemoc! Jaké jsou nejnovější metody léčby, jak efektivně a zdravě hubnout? Rozhovory s lékaři a vědci, kteří přinášejí nejnovější poznatky o lidském organismu, možnostech léčby obezity i nadváhy.
Občianske združenie Nová Ľavica sa rozpráva s hosťami o rôznych témach
🔥 🎟️ We are live on tour again in fall 2024. The dates: November 7 - Güstrow | November 8 - Flensburg | November 17 - Bamberg-Hallstatt 🎟️ 🔥
Adrian Klie and Christoph Streicher are adventurers through and through. In their multiple award-winning travel podcast, they report entertainingly and informatively on the world's most beautiful places. The special thing: they are neither travel bloggers nor dropouts. They have normal full-time jobs and have to explore the world with their 30 vacation days a year. Together, the childhood friends have already traveled to over 120 countries.
Their adventurous, wildly romantic, and sometimes completely crazy journeys are packaged into bite-sized pieces as they share their best tips and tricks in the travel podcast. If you expect stories from luxury hotels and perfect Instagram spots, you'd better tune into Netflix. In the travel podcast, you'll encounter big and small catastrophes, unique encounters with locals from all countries, quirky modes of transportation, and above all, an incredibly humorous friendship that gets a bit better with every passport stamp.
Checkbox: Is the travel podcast for me?
✅ No lengthy rambling: short episodes with 30 minutes of information
✅ Traveling with a full-time job: tours to replicate
✅ A first look: is the destination exciting for me? Are there insider tips?
✅ Key facts in every episode: the mysterious sound, packing tips, accommodation options, photo spots
✅ Entertainment factor: things often go wrong for us on our travels too
Info: Welttournee - the travel podcast
💻 Official website:
🤳 Instagram: @Welttournee
📬 Mail: [email protected]
📖 The book to the podcast "Auf Welttournee" - now available in bookstores
🎟️ The live show of the podcast
November 7 – Güstrow
November 8 – Flensburg
November 17 - Bamberg-Hallstatt
🏆 Awards: Podcast of the Month (Süddeutsche), Podcast Show of the Year (Apple Podcast)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join me your host King Rajah Cortez as I discuss up to date issues such as anxiety, toxic people , weight issues, skin bleaching , the “Girl Code” and so much more after dark. Rajah After Dark. Tuesday’s at 9pm/8pm central starting Tuesday May 11th.
Sexbiznis, závislosti, rasizmus, rodová rovnosť, násilie. Podcast Za hranicou prináša témy a ľudí, ktoré sú pre náš často “za hranicou” chápania či tolerancie, vyvolávajú v nás strach a rozpaky. Otvorte spolu s nami dvere zvedavosti a dozveďte sa priamo od odborníkov z terénu aká je skutočnosť v ktorej žijeme.
V prípade, že máte záujem o podcast, reklamu v podcaste, prípadne prenájom podcastového štúdia, neváhajte nás kontaktovať na [email protected]
Všetky informácie o podcastovom štúdiu a podcastoch nájdete na -
Jeden štát, štyri kolesá, osem krajov a veľa dobrodružstiev. Nový objaviteľský podcast Oza Guttlera – UŽ SME TAM?!
Poďte na výlet! Podcast, ktorý sa začína kúpaním v Dunaji, sa vždy skončí dobrodružstvom! Objavte s nami miesta na Slovensku, ktoré sú mimo hlavných trás, sú hlboko v zemi, alebo skryté vysoko v lesoch. Nájdite s nami netradičné výhľady, ochutnajte skvelé jedlo, alebo sa len inšpirujte a vyrazte na svoju Tour de Slovakia! -
Austin News and Info
Catch up with 'Austin News and Info,' your daily podcast for all the latest news from Austin. We cover local stories, events, and updates that matter to you. Whether it's tech, culture, or community news, stay connected with the Live Music Capital of the World through our engaging episodes. -
Libre News of the World is your trusted source for global news, delivering the most important stories with integrity and fairness. In a world where media can often be clouded by bias, we are committed to presenting the truth—unfiltered and agenda-free. Each episode, we delve into the events shaping our world, offering clear, balanced, and well-researched coverage.
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