Slowakei – Neue Podcasts

  • Inspiration on various topics, to feel good uplift food for soul. Have fun be open and feel good with truth vibrating high. Eat with me drink with me Leave full.😘💙 Support this podcast:

  • "Edutainment" through conversations with Arts and Entertainment and other Business professionals that provide, Inspiration, Informative, Motivation and more. Real business at It's Best!

    Talk to us at [email protected]

  • Historici Jakub Adamus a Jakub Hošek představují šest osobností televizní historie tak, jak je dosud neznáte. Po osudech Kamily Moučkové, Jiřího Pelikána, Miloše Frýby, Štěpánky Haničincové, Vladimíra Škutiny a Jindřicha Fairaizla pátrali nejen v archivech ČT, ale také v hospodách, na ulicích nebo ve věznici. Vydejte se s nimi na cestu plnou životních zvratů, tajných akcí StB, ale i šťastných konců…

  • Dyslexia Revolution explores all things related to dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and all of the other learning differences, with son & mom team, Zachary and Pamela, from Dyslexia Power. They started on Zachary's journey with dyslexia more than 11 years ago and it's as wild a journey now as it was back when Zachary started Kindergarten. Zachary and Pamela dive deep into their experiences where they share the joy, the tears, the frustration, and the fun and funny moments in relaxed, wide open conversations - conversations that invite you in to start your own sometimes-difficult family conversations on dyslexia. Once all of have started the conversations flowing, there won't be any stopping us until there is a revolution when everyone wishes they were lucky enough to learn differently!

  • On Life,Beauty,and Me I will be discussing being a single working mother of two teenagers. Did I mention I'm single. The struggles of raising children and being a Hairstylist and Makeup Artist. It's hard but who else going to do it,right. I love everything about who I am. I am not the only single mother/parent that is feeling low at times but has to keep a smile on my face and keep it pushing. So join me once a week and see whats happening! Support this podcast:

  • V dnešnom digitálnom veku je úloha rodiča dôležitejšia než kedykoľvek predtým. Každodenné používanie technológií našimi deťmi prináša nové výzvy a otázky, s ktorými sa musíme ako rodičia vysporiadať. Ako zabezpečiť zdravé online prostredie pre naše deti? Ako ich viesť k zodpovednému a etickému používaniu internetu? V našich epizódach vám prinášame odborné rady, skúsenosti a praktické tipy, ktoré vám, dúfame, pomôžu zvládnuť tento dynamický svet.

    Podcasty pre vás pripravuje organizácia VIAC – Inštitút pre podporu a rozvoj mládeže v rámci programu Digitálneho aktivizmu z grantovej schémy koordinovanej nadáciou Fundacja TechSoup.
    Podcasty nám moderoval Mgr. Juraj Janček, psychológ a pracovník CPP Námestovo, ktorý svojimi odbornými poznatkami a skúsenosťami prispel k inšpiratívnej diskusii.

  • Exhausted by High-Conflict Co-Parenting? Let’s Find Peace Together.

    We help coparents dealing with toxic communication and challenging co-parents cope. You can't change your coparent, but you can change your relationship. Reclaim the power that's within you!

    What You’ll Learn by Listening:

    Practical advice for dealing with narcissistic co-parents and managing the emotional toll of high-conflict co-parenting.

    Expert insights for fostering peaceful co-parenting, addressing co-parenting anxiety, and protecting your mental health.

    Real-life success stories from parents who’ve overcome communication challenges and built cooperative co-parenting relationships. You aren't alone!

    Innovative tools like modern coparenting apps to simplify communication, minimize conflict, and keep the focus on the kids.

    Why To Subscribe Now:

    Navigating custody battles, dealing with manipulation, and protecting your child from toxic dynamics can feel overwhelming. But there is hope. In every episode, you’ll gain:

    - Strategies for improving co-parenting communication during conflict.

    - Resources for building co-parenting boundaries and maintaining a child-centered approach.

    - Guidance on using technology to transform your co-parenting experience.

    Whether you're struggling with custody battles, dealing with emotional manipulation, seeking to protect your child from coparenting conflict, or simply looking for ways to improve your coparenting relationship, this podcast is your go-to resource.

    Subscribe Today!

    Don’t let conflict define your parenting journey. Subscribe to Co-Parenting Beyond Conflict today and take the first step toward building a cooperative, child-focused future.

    Together, we can create a world where our children thrive.

    Watch Our Podcast on YouTube

    About Our Host:

    Sol Kennedy, a father of two and a co-parent, knows firsthand the complexities of co-parenting after divorce. Inspired to find better solutions and help others navigating coparenting, Sol created BestInterest, an AI-powered tool to help parents like you find peace and cooperation.

    Join Sol as he shares strategies, expert advice, and real-world examples of how families can heal, thrive, and build brighter futures—together.

    About The BestInterest Coparenting App

    This podcast is sponsored by BestInterest, the coparenting app that uses advanced AI technology to filter toxic communication to help keep communication neutral and child-focused. Learn more at


  • Ahoj som Martin Landl a pomáham všetkým tatom posunúť výchovu detí o level vyššie tak, aby sa stali pre ne vzorom, ktorý budú v živote nasledovať. 

    V tomto podcaste ťa naučím ako si začat veriť, nepochybovať o sebe, cítiť sa šťastný ale hlavne to ako sa stať Supertatom, ktorý naučí svoje deti, že všetko čo chcú je možné.

    Ak sa ti podcast páči, môžeš sledovať aj môj instagramový účet:

  • Dva tátové. Čtyři děti. Jeden podcast. Mudrování o rodičovství a o všem, co se nám v souvislosti s ním honí hlavou. Bez servítek.

  • This podcast is going to reflect and give a review on my opinion on “the Ted Bundy tapes“. I will dive deep into finding articles and readings to see if they match up with the tapes based off of the true story.

  • Our mission is to be your window into the exciting world of urban creativity. We're all about sharing the incredible stories, talents, and ideas of the people who fuel creativity in urban environments. Through friendly chats, engaging stories, and deep dives into the urban scene, we aim to inspire, connect, and empower our listeners. We're here to celebrate amazing local Artists, Entrepreneurs, and Thinkers who make cities come alive with their creativity.

    Season 01 “The Round Table Sessions” will dive into the creative process of local Artists as they transform upcycled community centre tables into unique pieces of art. Each episode focuses on a different artist, capturing their journey from conception to completion, as they prepare for an upcoming art show. This series not only highlights the artistic talents within our community but also promotes sustainability through the use of reclaimed materials. Watch as these old tables take on new life, becoming canvases that tell stories, evoke emotions, and inspire viewers. Join us as we explore local art and creativity this season.

  • Обсуждаем новинки кино, пересматриваем нестареющую классику и залипаем в лучшие (и не только) сериалы!

  • "Des images qui bougent" est une nouvelle émission de Glitch Publishing animée par Seb Joncoux, passionné de cinéma et de séries. Sébastien, créateur de contenu audio immersif et fondateur de Glitch Publishing, vous propose de découvrir réguliérement son analyse des films qui l'ont marqué.

    "Les images qui bougent" n'est pas une simple revue de films, mais plutôt une invitation à la discussion et à la réflexion. Sébastien partage ses coups de cœur, ses déceptions, et explore les thèmes, les techniques de réalisation et le jeu des acteurs qui font de chaque film une expérience unique.

  • Blic i Blenda, nakon što su pokorili i YouTube i svijet komedije bacaju se na filmske klasike da svoje frustracije podijele sa generalnom populacijom.

  • Films motivate us to imagine. They capture and reflect the meaningful elements of human existence; death, love, friendship, pain, achievement. This podcast looks at the important role that film and the film industry plays on the Great Continent, Africa.

  • Can movies save the world? Can anything? Join us on our journey as we try to answer this question. Tune in each week for a new movie matching a pre-selected theme. Judge us as we attempt to bring our limited intellects to bear pushing movies through the contrived meat grinder of social significance. Can movies save the world? Let's find out.

  • Praktické informácie o stavebných povoleniach, kolaudáciách a všeobecne o povoľovaní stavieb