• Komið gott með Ólöfu Skaftadóttur og Kristínu Gunnarsdóttur.

  • Vinirnir og grínistarnir Tinna, Ingó og Tryggvi ræða um allt á milli himins og jarðar á misalvarlegum nótum.

  • Í þættinum eru atburðir og málefni líðandi stundar skoðaðir í ljósi sögunnar. Umsjón: Vera Illugadóttir.

  • Á toppnum síðan 2018. Í beinni frá Húsi fótboltans á Íslandi.

  • Í þátt­un­um fylg­ir Jó­hann­es Kr. Kristjánsson kyn­ferð­is­brota­deild Lög­regl­unn­ar á höfuðborgarsvæð­inu eft­ir í um tveggja mán­aða skeið.

  • Hér er rætt hispurslaust um stjórnmál, efnahagsmál, menningu og annað tengt þjóðmálum.

  • Birta Líf og Sunneva Einarsdóttir fara yfir allskonar skemmtileg málefni sem tengjast hinum vestræna heimi.

  • Morðcastið er podcast þar sem fjallað er um íslensk og erlend sakamál á léttum nótum.
    Þátturinn kemur út á hverjum fimmtudegi.

    Til að hafa samband:
    [email protected]

  • Þáttur á ferðinni sem upplýsir, fræðir og gleður, en við lofum engu!

  • Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir og Steinunn Ólína hafa marga fjöruna sopið, stundum saman, stundum sundur. Nú í miðju lífsins er tiltekt innra jafnt sem ytra efst á baugi og því ætla þær að bera saman bækur sínar í orðsins fyllstu merkingu. 

    Þær ætla að byrja á því að gera rassíu í bókaskápunum. Skilja sauði frá höfrum, finna gersemar og handsama lygaþvælu og rusl. 

    Í hverjum þætti draga þær fram skruddur og meta hvort nauðsynlegt sé að eiga skræðuna áfram, hvort lærdómur hafi verið meðtekinn eða alls ekki. 

    Fer hún í öndvegi, í Hirðinn, eða er öruggast að brenna hana á báli?

    Rannsóknarspurningin er: Eiga, eyða eða gefa?

    Því einhvers staðar þarf tiltektin að byrja!

  • Spjöllum saman um morð, mannshvörf, raðmorðingja og dularfull dauðsföll sem eru bæði leyst eða óleyst mál! Nýr þáttur kemur út alla miðvikudaga. Þú finnur okkur á facebook og instagram: Morðskúrinn.

  • Þrjár tvíburamæður með munnræpu.
    Deilum reynslu okkar á tvíburum ásamt því að fá til okkar frábæra viðmælendur sem allir eiga það sameiginlegt að vera foreldrar.

  • Birkir Karl Sigurðsson & Leifur Þorsteinsson ásamt gestum.
    Fyrirspurnir: [email protected]

  • Spursmál er nýr og beinskeyttur umræðuþáttur sem hefur göngu sína í beinu streymi á mbl.is á morgun 1. desember.

    Þar verða stóru mál samfélagsins krufin með afdráttarlausum hætti undir stjórn Stefáns Einars Stefáns­sonar sem fær til sín valinkunna gesti í settið alla föstudaga kl. 14.

    Fylgstu með lifandi, fjölbreyttri og kraftmikilli umræðu í Spursmálum
    á mbl.is.

  • Flosi Þorgeirsson fræðir Baldur Ragnarsson um áhugaverða liðna atburði.

  • Félagsleg, andleg og líkamleg heilsa, velsæld og vinnustaðir, heilbrigðisvísindi, meðferð og ráðgjöf – ekkert er Auðnast óviðkomandi í þessum málaflokkum. Í hverjum þætti fara Ragnhildur og Hrefna yfir viðfangsefni sem tengist þeirra daglegu störfum í Auðnast. Þær miðla út frá reynslu sinni og þekkingu en einnig fara þær yfir hvað vísindin hafa til málanna að leggja.

    Í hlaðvarpsþáttunum taka þær Hrefna og Ragnhildur einnig á móti góðum gestum. Fagfólk sem sest í stólinn hjá þeim mun ræða um fjölbreytt málefni líðandi stundar, út frá fræðum og reynslu.  
    Ef þú hefur áhuga á að bæta líf þitt og heilsu, leggðu við hlustir.  
    Ragnhildur  er klínískur sálfræðingur, fjölskyldufræðingur og sérfræðingur í vinnuvernd. Hún er auk þess með meistaragráðu í alþjóðasamskiptum þar sem hún lagði áherslu á samningatækni. 

    Hrefna Hugosdóttir er hjúkrunar- og fjölskyldufræðingur, sérfræðingur í vinnuvernd og sáttamiðlari.  
    Saman stofnuðu þær Auðnast árið 2014 í þeim tilgangi að efla heilsu og velsæld fólks.  

    Auðnast vinnuvernd aðstoðar þinn vinnustað í að vera leiðandi í öflugu vinnu- og heilsuverndarstarfi. Við leggjum áherslu á árangur og arðsemi með því að efla félagslegt öryggi og sjálfbærni. Við beinum sjónum okkar m.a. að heilsu, samskiptum, streitu, fjarvistum og félagslegri sjálfbærni. Með nánu samstarfi og samvinnu búum við til framúrskarandi vinnustaði með betra umhverfi fyrir starfsfólk. og framúrskarandi vinnustaði. 
    Auðnast klíník veitir meðferð  og ráðgjöf í þeim tilgangi að efla líðan, öryggi og heilsu fólks 

  • Grjótkastið. Fréttaskýringar, pistlar og viðtöl um málefni líðandi stundar. Dagbókarbrot.

  • Bakherbergið er nýtt hlaðvarp um stjórnmál. Þórhallur Gunnarsson og Andrés Jónsson hleypa ljósi inn í bakherbergi landsins, fjalla um það sem gerist að tjaldabaki og setja umfjöllun fjölmiðla í samhengi - allt með aðstoð góðra gesta.

  • Tveir mömmustrákar með mikil gestalæti segja sögur í leit að ást, samþykki og viðurkenningu.

  • Óvissuferð sem þú vilt ekki að missa af !
    [email protected]

  • Does hearing about a true crime case always leave you scouring the internet for the truth behind the story? Dive into your next mystery with Crime Junkie. Every Monday, join your host Ashley Flowers as she unravels all the details of infamous and underreported true crime cases with her best friend Brit Prawat. From cold cases to missing persons and heroes in our community who seek justice, Crime Junkie is your destination for theories and stories you won’t hear anywhere else.

    Whether you're a seasoned true crime enthusiast or new to the genre, you'll find yourself on the edge of your seat awaiting a new episode every Monday.

    If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people. Follow to join a community of Crime Junkies!

    Crime Junkie is presented by audiochuck Media Company.

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Með lífið í lúkunum fær HeilsuErla til sín einstaklinga úr ýmsum áttum sem hafa þekkingu á fjölbreyttum sviðum heilsu og einnig fólk sem hefur á einn eða annan hátt jákvæð áhrif á samferðafólk sitt.

    Markmiðið er að skapa rými fyrir einlægt og opið spjall til þess að kynnast sem fjölbreyttustum leiðum til þess að huga að heilsunni. t.d. varðandi geðheilsu, líkamlega heilsu, mataræði, svefn, raddheilsu, tannheilsu, fjárhagslega heilsu, sköpunargleði, kynheilbrigði og margt fleira.

  • Vinkonurnar Sólrún Diego, Gurrý Jóns og Lína Birgitta eða „þrjár með öllu“ eins og þær eru kallaðar spjalla hér um allt og ekkert. Stundum eru þær alvarlegar en það er oftast stutt í trúðinn enda reyna þær að taka lífinu ekki of alvarlega!

  • The Rest Is Classified takes you into the mysterious world of spies and espionage. Hosted by former CIA analyst now turned spy novelist, David McCloskey, and veteran security correspondent, Gordon Corera, they’ve experienced this field first-hand. It’s a world of shadows, shrouded in secrecy, but it affects every one of us. It’s time to bring it into the light.

  • Fyrrum fréttakonurnar Þórhildur Þorkels og Nadine Yaghi rifja upp áhugaverð fréttamál og fjalla um þau á mannlegum nótum.

  • Í Undralandi Ólafssona er allt morandi í kanínuholum. Aron og Arnar reyna að tipla á tánum í kringum þær en eiga það til annað slagið að falla ofan í þær með tilheyrandi pælingum og vitleysu. Í Undralandi eru þó ekki einungis kanínuholur heldur líka fullt af glensi og meðþví!

  • Hlustaðu á podcastþættina vinsælu af Fótbolta.net. Fjölbreyttir þættir um allar hliðar fótboltans.

  • Podcast með Sölva er þáttur sem lætur sér ekkert óviðkomandi. Fylgstu með áhugaverðu fólki úr öllum áttum setjast í stólinn hjá Sölva Tryggva.

  • Í Skuggavaldinu ræða prófessorarnir Eiríkur Bergmann og Hulda Þórisdóttir saman um hvaðeina er viðkemur samsæriskenningum. Samfara örum samfélagsbreytingum hefur samsæriskenningum hratt vaxið fiskur um hrygg, svo sem í kjölfar Brexit, stjórnartíðar Donalds Trump og COVID-faraldursins. Samsæriskenningar eru þó ekki nýjar af nálinni, heldur hafa þær fylgt manninum frá öndverðu og nærast á þörf til að greina hulið skipulag í óreiðu.

    Framleitt af Tal.

  • Maybe it’s just a quiet annoyance you’ve grudgingly learned to put up with, or a life defining issue that makes it hard to move forward. Whatever it is, Alex Goldman — reporter, radio producer, and overconfident idiot — will get to the bottom of it (if there’s a bottom to be found. Results may vary). Follow Alex as he figures out not only the vast hidden mechanisms that create these problems, but works with you, the listener, to find a solution. Or at least enough of an explanation that you’re ok with the annoyance. He’s not perfect. Hyperfixed is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent and listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm.

    Submit your problems and sign up for bonus episodes and much more at hyperfixedpod.com

  • Hlaðvarpið sem hefur svalað forvitni íslendinga um sannsöguleg sakamál síðan 2019.

    • www.illverk.is
    • #illverkpodcast
    [email protected]

  • Trivíaleikarnir færa pub quiz stemninguna beint heim til þín, hvar sem þú ert og hvað sem þú ert að gera. Tvö tveggja manna lið etja kappi í léttri og skemmtilegri spurningakeppni þar sem spurningar um allt milli himins og jarðar dynja á keppendum. Hvort sem þú elskar pub quiz og spurningaspil eða veist varla hvað Gettu Betur er, að þá er eitthvað fyrir þig í Trivíaleikunum. Hlustaðu, hlæðu með okkur og lærðu eitthvað nýtt í leiðinni.

    Fáðu fleiri þætti með áskrift á Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/trivialeikarnir

  • Hlaðvarp um langanir og langar vegalengdir.

  • Þungavigtin er fyrst og fremst þáttur um knattspyrnu og öllu henni tengdri. Hvort sem er innanlands eða utan. Liðsmenn þáttarins þarf vart að kynna fyrir þjóðinni. Skútunni stýrir Rikki G íþróttafréttamaður ásamt Mikael Nikulássyni og Kristjáni Óla Sigurðsyni betur þekktir undir nöfnunum Mike og Höfðinginn. Þættirnir koma út á föstudögum inn á allar helstu veitur þar sem góðir gestir líta við. Fyrir þá allra hörðustu kemur Þungavigtin saman á hverjum mánudegi á tal.is/vigtin og verða þeir þættir aðeins aðgengilegir áskrifendum. Þar koma Mike, Höfðinginn og Rikki G saman og ræða fótbolta á mannamáli. Auk þess fær Höfðinginn reglulega gesti í Einn á Einn með Höfðingjanum. Þættirnir verða ýmist í hljóð og eða myndbandsformi.

  • NEW EPISODES JANUARY 2025 - Sean Combs’ trial is currently slated for May 2025 and wherever this story goes, Law&Crime will be there. Follow The Rise & Fall of Diddy page and stay subscribed to be the first to know when new episodes drop.


    For decades Sean Combs was hip-hop’s reigning mogul—the mastermind who redefined what it meant to have fame, fortune, and dominion over the music industry. But as Combs reached new heights in music, fashion, and business, allegations of misconduct and abuse began to surface, casting a dark shadow over his legacy.

    Hosted by Jesse Weber, this series uncovers how Combs built an empire that shaped a generation while navigating a trail of scandals, lawsuits, and criminal allegations.

    The Rise and Fall of Diddy explores the intersection of power, fame, and accountability in the life of a man who once called himself a “bad boy for life.” 

    Will his empire survive, or is this truly the end of an era?

    Listen to The Rise & Fall of Diddy exclusively on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free trial today by visiting www.wondery.com/shows/the-rise-and-fall-of-diddy

  • Heilsa og forvarnir gegn sjúkdómum hafa lengi verið okkur hjartans mál. Þrátt fyrir að líftími fólks hafi lengst undanfarna áratugi, hefur fjöldi heilbrigðra æviára dregist saman. Við erum lengur veik með skertum lífsgæðum og lyfjanotkunin ein sú mesta í heiminum. Getur það talist eðlilegt að flestir séu sjúkir á einhvern hátt? Lítum í kringum okkur, þekkjum við einhverja fjölskyldu þar sem ekki eru einhver veikindi á ferðinni? Getur það verið eðlilegt að með hverju ári aukist fjöldi þeirra sem fær sykursýki, krabbamein, Alzheimers-sjúkdóm, Parkinsonsveiki og sjálfsofnæmissjúkdóma eins og Multiple Schlerosis, gigtarsjúkdóma, Chrons-sjúkdóm, skjaldkirtilssjúkdóma og aðra bólgusjúkdóma? Er eðlilegt að á hverju ári deyi mörg hundruð manns af völdum hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma? Og er eðlilegt að við tökum inn lyf fyrir milljarða til að halda niðri einkennum þessara sjúkdóma en ekki að takast á við orsakirnar og lækna þá?

    Þessir sjúkdómar sem við nefnum hér hafa verið kallaðir lífsstílssjúkdómar. Hvers vegna? Jú, vegna þess að þeir þekktust varla fyrr en á 20. öld og ef þeir þekktust þá var það í mun minni mæli en á okkar tímum. Þessi sjúkdómar fara nú fremstir í flokki sem orsakir dauðsfalla í heiminum en um 70 prósent dauðsfalla á heimsvísu stafa af þeim. Á Íslandi er hlutfallið um 90%.

    Hvernig getum við snúið þessari þróun við og stutt líkamann í að viðhalda heilbrigði ævina út?

    Það er ótrúlega góð tilfinning að vita að maður sjálfur getur haft áhrif á heilsu sína – að maður sé ekki bara eins og korktappi úti á rúmsjó sem hefur ekkert að segja um það hvert ferðinni er heitið. Að maður getur virkilega haft áhrif á það hvort maður veikist eða ekki. Við sækjumst flest eftir aukinni vellíðan, orku, heilbrigðu útliti og síðast en ekki síst að geta verið við góða heilsu með börnum okkar og barnabörnum eins lengi og kostur er. Þess vegna skiptir máli að huga að lífsstílnum.

    Í þáttunum ætlum við að bjóða upp á fjölbreyttar og fræðandi umræður um allt sem tengist heilsu og heilbrigði, kafa djúpt í heilsutengd málefni og heilbrigðiskerfið og spyrja gagnrýnna spurninga. Við fáum til okkar áhugaverða gesti og sérfræðinga úr heilsugeiranum, auk fólks sem hefur fetað óhefðbundnar leiðir til að takast á við veikindi og sjúkdóma. Áhrifaþættir á heilsu eru svo fjölmargir og af nógu að taka.

    Markmiðið er að valdefla okkur og fræðast til heilsueflingar!

    Við erum stoltar af því að kynna heilsuherinn okkar - fyrirtæki sem ætla að koma með okkur í þetta heilsuferðalag - til heilsueflingar! 

    Bíóbú framleiðir lífrænar mjólkurvörur sem innihalda meira af góðum fitusýrum en hefðbundnar mjólkurvörur

    Brauð&Co - nota lífrænt korn í ekta súrdeigsbrauð - ekkert ger og engin aukaefni - allt búið til á staðnum

    Greenfit - býður upp á heilsumælingar og meðferðir  - styður fólk til betri heilsu 

    Hagkaup - býður upp á úrval hreinna ferskra matvæla, lífrænna matvara og bætiefna 

    Húsaskjól - umhverfisvæn fasteignasala sem býður upp á meiri upplýsingar í rauntíma en gengur og gerist

    Hreyfing - í forystu heilsueflingar í áratugi og valin besta stöðin sl. fjögur ár samkvæmt Maskínu

    Saltverk - sjálfbært, hreint, óunnið íslenskt salt - þurrkað með jarðhita og inniheldur frá náttúrunnar hendi öll stein- og snefilefni

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

    Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes.

  • short_text=None long_text='Daglegur fréttaskýringaþáttur sem varpar nýju ljósi á það sem efst er á baugi og stundum það sem verðskuldar meiri athygli. \n\nUmsjón: Sunna Valgerðardóttir og Þóra Tómasdóttir' language='is' valid_from=datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 16, 12, 42)

  • Umsjónarmaður spjallar um hvaðeina milli himins og jarðar, oft af sögulegu tagi, les forvitnilega texta úr ýmsum áttum, bæði íslenska og erlenda, og reynir af öllum mætti að hafa ofan af fyrir hlustendum þá klukkustund sem þátturinn stendur. Umsjón: Illugi Jökulsson.

  • Gestir úr öllum kimum þjóðfélagsins deila sögu sinni með hlustendum. Umsjón: Sigurlaug M. Jónasdóttir

  • I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.


  • Podcast sem fjallar um meðvirkni og allt sem að henni snýr.

  • Sálfræðingar spjalla saman um málefni tengd geðheilsu. Þáttastjórnendur eru Katrín Mjöll, Nína Björg og Sturla Brynjólfsson sálfræðingar á Kvíðameðferðarstöðinni og Litlu Kvíðameðferðarstöðinni.

  • Tölum um breytingaskeið kvenna án þess að roðna og vörpum á það jákvæðu ljósi. Þær konur sem fæðast með æxlunarfæri kvenna fara á breytingaskeiðið í kringum fertugt. Þá hefst nýr kafli sem markar í raun síðasta þriðjung æviskeið kvenna og við ræðum bara alls ekki nóg um. Þessi þáttasería er innlegg í að auka umræðuna um breytingaskeið kvenna og draga fram fegurðina í því sem framundan er. Rætt er við allskonar konur um breytingaskeiðið, bæði faglega og reynslulega.
    Umsjónakona er Sóley Kristjánsdóttir og tónlist gerði Kristján Steinn Kristjánsson

  • Jólahefðir er jólahlaðvarp fyrsta sinnar tegundar á Íslandi. Þar sem við hittum áhugavert fólk og kynnumst þeim, og þeirra jólahefðum. Skoðum ólíkar jólamenningar og allt sem við kemur jólum.

  • Grúskað í blústónlistarsögunni og ýmislegt dregið fram.

  • Sterk saman er spjallþáttur þar sem fólk með reynslu kemur og segir söguna sína auk þess sem við fáum sérfræðinga og fagfólk í settið til okkar.

  • Glaðvarpið Beint í bílinn er einnig fáanlegt í áskrift fyrir þá sem vilja fá fleiri þætti inn á beintibilinn.is
    Við erum líka með umræðuhóp á facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/beintibilinn

  • Fílalag er hlaðvarp um tónlist. Á hverjum föstudegi senda þeir Snorri Helgason og Bergur Ebbi frá sér nýjan þátt þar sem dægurlag er tekið fyrir og fílað í ræmur.

    Í fíluninni felst að greina menningarleg fyrirbæri sem eru kynnt í laginu, tískustrauma í hljómi og tíðaranda í framsetningu. Farið er um víðan völl og fjallar þátturinn um poppmenningu í stærra samhengi.

    Um málið er ekkert meira að segja. Fílið þetta bara og fokk svo off.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Við fáum til okkar þjálfara úr hinum ýmsu íþróttagreinum og förum með þeim á dýptina í öllu sem snýr að þjálfun. Við ræðum erfiðleikana, mannlegu hliðina og hvað við skiljum eftir okkur. Mögulega liggur meira að baki en bara það að fara út á völlinn og berjast.

  • The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Í alvöru talað! tölum við um allar hliðar mennskunnar með dass af fíflagangi. 

    Stjórnendur hlaðvarpsins eru vinkonurnar Lydía og Gulla. Miðaldra mæður að láta móðan mása.  Lydía er sálfræðingur og jógakennari en Gulla er förðunarfræðingur, áhugaleikari og tískudrós.

    Markmið hlaðvarpsins er að gera gagn í samfélaginu með því að skapa rými til þess að sameinast í mennskunni. Við tölum um allar hliðar manneskjunnar og samfélagsins. Um það sem er erfitt og það sem er auðvelt, um það sem er skemmtilegt og það sem er minna skemmtilegt í bland við það að hlæja hátt. 

  • Everyone seems way too afraid to talk sh*t these days, and Extra Dirty is here to fix that. Join Hallie Batchelder (stunning, hilarious, and humble NYC influencer) as she takes you through her life living in NYC: sparing no details of the boys, the debauchery, and the drama that comes with it, with the loyal support of her besties Lauren Fishbein & Graydon Cutler of course. Each week Hallie dives into the week’s chaos, sharing her most personal sex and relationship stories, and hopefully making you laugh with the type of unfiltered yapping that’s supposed to stay at the sleepover. Think of this show as your pregame, so shake up a martini and press play!

    WARNING: Headphones strongly encouraged for public listening.

  • My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share compelling true crimes and hometown stories from friends and listeners. 

    Since MFM launched in January of 2016, Karen and Georgia have shared their lifelong interest in true crime and have covered stories of infamous serial killers like the Night Stalker, mysterious cold cases, captivating cults, incredible survivor stories and important events from history like the Tulsa race massacre of 1921.  

    My Favorite Murder is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more. 

  • Every day, hundreds of people go about their lives with no idea that someone has paid to have them killed. In the depths of the dark net, tech journalist Carl Miller makes a disturbing discovery: a secret “kill list” targeting hundreds of innocent people on a murder-for-hire website. When the police are slow to investigate, Carl is thrown into a race against time to warn those in danger and uncover the truth before it’s too late. From Wondery and Novel comes a shocking true story about obsession, control and the price of life and death.

    Follow the Kill List on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting www.wondery.com/links/kill-list now. 

  • Morgunbollinn er besti og mikilvægasti bolli dagsins, hlakka til að deila honum með ykkur.

  • Fókus er birtur í hljóði og mynd vikulega á dv.is. Þátturinn er í umsjón Guðrúnar Óskar Guðjónsdóttur.

  • Dateline’s newest podcast takes Josh Mankiewicz to Silver Lakes, a lush manmade oasis in California’s Mojave Desert, where Rob and Sabrina Limon seem to have the perfect life: two young children, a beautiful home, and a tight-knit group of friends who call themselves the “Wolf Pack.” But when Rob is found murdered, investigators uncover deep secrets about sex, friendship, and religion that shatter carefully crafted illusions.

    Follow now to get the first two episodes on Tuesday, December 3 completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or DatelinePremium.com. Subscribers receive ad-free listening and early access to episodes.

  • Spegilmyndin er mannlífsþáttur um kvenheilsu, heilbrigðan lífsstíl, mataræði, hreyfingu, tískustrauma, líkamsvirðingu og fegrunar- og lýtaaðgerðir. Höfundur og þáttastjórnandi er Marín Manda Magnúsdóttir, menningarmiðlari og nútímafræðingur en framleiðandi sjónvarpsþáttanna er Orca Films.

    Hlaðvarp Spegilmyndarinnar lítur dagsins ljós samhliða sjónvarpsseríu 2 af Spegilmyndinni sem sýnd verður á Stöð 2 og Stöð 2+ í mars og apríl 2023. Í hlaðvarpinu ræðir Marín Manda við viðmælendur sína um það helsta í heilsu og fegrunariðnaðnum á Íslandi líkt og hún gerir í sjónvarpsþáttunum. Hún skyggnist inn í ýmis áhugaverð málefni sem eru áberandi í umræðunni en viðmælendur eru af ýmsum toga. Ber þar að nefna húðlækna, næringarfræðinga, sálfræðinga, heilsuráðgjafa, snyrtifræðinga, þjálfara, kvensjúkdómalækna, lýtalækna og aðra sérfræðingar sem tengjast viðfangsefninu hverju sinni.

  • Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee present BAD FRIENDS. New episodes every Monday!


    Bad Friends:

    Andrew Santino:

    Bobby Lee:

    Official Website: http://www.badfriendspod.com

  • Hlaðvarp um golf. Allir léttir.Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

  • 🎙️ Hlaðvarpið Heitt Mál Kalt Mál þar sem Bjarki & Snorri fjalla um sakamál sem voru leyst með aðstoð DNA 🧬

  • Fréttaskýringaþáttur sem fjallar á ítarlegan og lifandi hátt um heimsmálin, um allt það sem ekki gerist á Íslandi.
    Umsjón: Birta Björnsdóttir og Bjarni Pétur Jónsson.

  • Hlaðvarp um illmenni og annan óhugnað

  • From Wondery and Goalhanger Podcasts, Afua Hirsch and Peter Frankopan tell the wild stories of some of the most extraordinary men and women ever to have lived – and ask whether they have the rep they deserve. Should Nina Simone’s role in the civil rights movement be more celebrated than it is? When you find out what Picasso got up to in his studio, can you still admire his art? Was Napoleon a hero or a tyrant - or both? (And, while we’re at it, was he even short?) Legacy is the show that looks at big lives from the perspective of now – and doesn’t always like what it sees.

    Listen to Legacy on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/legacy now.

  • Heimavöllur íslenskrar knattspyrnusagnfræði https://www.facebook.com/Draumali%C3%B0i%C3%B0-104064991157227/?modal=admin_todo_tour

  • Mystík er hlaðvarp sem fjallar um skrýtin og dularfull mál. Morð, mannshvörf, myrkraverur, mannrán og aðrar mysteríur. Ef þú hefur gaman að True Crime og öllu því skrýtna og undarlega sem er að gerast í heiminum þá skaltu prófa að hlusta á þessa þætti!

    Þáttastjórnendur eru hjónin Katrín Bjarkadóttir og Stefán John Stefánsson en þau halda einnig úti hlaðvörpunum Draugasögur Podcast og Sannar Íslenskar Draugsögur sem þú finnur á öllum veitum.

    Viltu meiri Mystík í lífið?
    Prófaðu áskrift FRÍTT í 7 daga og fáðu aðgang að öllum þáttum aftur í tímann, áskriftarþátt í hverri viku + opna þætti án auglýsinga. Farðu inná patreon.com/mystikpodcast og skráðu þig!

    EÐA ef þú vilt frekar hlusta á áskriftarþætti á Spotify, skrifaðu þá Mystík Áskrift í leitargluggann og skráðu þig þar!

    Mystík Podcast er framleitt af Ghost Network

  • Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

    Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

    Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

  • Leikaraparið Guðmundur Felixson og Þuríður Blær Jóhannsdóttir eru flutt til Prag. Þetta er í fyrsta skiptið á sinni fullorðinsævi sem þau búa í útlöndum. Þetta hlaðvarp er þeirra saga. Og svo fær Arnaldur Snær, 4 ára, auðvitað líka að vera með!

  • Móment með mömmu er hlaðvarp mæðgna sem fara um víðan völl í heimi tískunnar og hönnunar, segja frá skemmtilegum mómentum sem þær hafa átt saman og taka viðtöl við aðrar skemmtilegar mæðgur. 

  • Imagine if your Dad wrote a dirty book. Most people would try to ignore it and pretend it had never happened - but not Jamie Morton. Instead, he's decided to read it to the world in this award-winning comedy podcast. With the help of his friends, James Cooper and Alice Levine, Jamie will be reading a chapter each episode and discovering more about his father than he ever bargained for.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Jared and Kristy Akron are the couple everyone admires; living the small-town, Pennsylvania dream: a recent wedding, a new home, and twins on the way. But when Jared begins noticing cracks in their seemingly perfect life, his suspicions lead him down a dark and twisting path he never anticipated. Kristy, who has always dreamed of being a mother, shows signs of strange, erratic behavior—secretive doctor visits, odd late-night activities, and a fierce insistence on keeping Jared at a distance. As he digs deeper, Jared uncovers secrets that reveal a side of Kristy he’s never known. Beneath her sweet, small-town charm lies a monster willing to go to unimaginable lengths to protect the life she’s crafted. The love that brought them together now binds them in a twisted game of deception and betrayal, where truth is elusive, and reality unravels one chilling clue at a time.

  • Formúlu 1 podcastið. Kristján Einar og Bragi Þórðarson fjalla um allt tengt Formúlu 1, fara yfir allar keppnir og ræða stóru málin.

    Þættirnir skiptast í almenna þætti (#) og umfjöllun um einstök Formúlu 1 mót (R)

  • Fjallað er fordómalaust um menningu samtímans í öllum sínum fjölbreytileika, samfélagsmiðla, dægurmenningu, allt sem mótar líf okkar hér og nú og speglar frá degi til dags.

  • Leðurblökur eru skuggaleg og skringileg dýr sem hafast við í dimmum hellum og skúmaskotum. Þær eru sjaldséðar hér á landi en slæðast þó hingað af og til. Í Leðurblökunni er fjallað um ýmsar ráðgátur og sakamál, og önnur dularfull og sérkennileg mál úr sögunni. Þættirnir voru áður á dagskrá Rásar 1 árið 2014. Umsjónarmaður: Vera Illugadóttir

  • Vikulega fer Lovísa Lára yfir mál sem fjalla um dimmu hliðar á mannskepnunni. Þættirnir koma út hvern miðvikudag.

  • If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

  • Í hlaðvarpi Heimildarinnar, áður Kjarnans, má finna fjölbreytta þætti um allt frá pólitík til heiðarlegs skyndibita eða nýjustu græjunnar.

  • Fans of the movie “Free Willy” are outraged to learn that the real whale who played Willy lives in a tiny pool at an amusement park in Mexico City. So well-intentioned experts embark on an epic science experiment to try to teach one celebrity orca how to be free — while the world watches.

    Sign up for our newsletter to see photos and videos of Keiko, and get a behind the scenes look at the making of The Good Whale. Sign up at nytimes.com/serialnewsletter

    Subscribers to the New York Times can listen to all episodes of The Good Whale early, and access the full archive of other Serial Productions and New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe at nytimes.com/podcasts

    Have a story pitch, a tip, or feedback on The Good Whale or other shows from Serial Productions? Email us at [email protected]

  • Pyngjan er viðskiptamiðað hlaðvarp þar sem fréttir, fróðleikur og vandaðar umfjallanir eru í fyrirrúmi. Þættirnir koma út á föstudögum og eru sem ljós í enda ganganna hjá hinum almenna launþega og vansæla millistjórnanda. 

  • You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave.

    As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or, if you're on Spotify or Android, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

  • UltraForm er hlaðvarp sem snýr fyrst og fremst að heilsu og hollu líferni. UltraForm er einnig líkamsræktarstöð í Grafarholti í eigu þáttastjórnanda Sigurjóns Ernis og fjölskyldu.

    Markmið með þáttunum er að auka skilning og þekkingu hlustenda að hinum ýmsu heilsutengdu málefnum og reyna í sameiningu að komast að því hvað Ultraform er í raun og veru er.

  • Two comedians look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that took place there. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts' comedic spin on the whole thing. New episodes every Thursday!!

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at nytimes.com/podcasts or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably.



    [email protected]

  • Götustrákar eru samansettir af Bjarka Viðarsyni og Aroni Mími Gylfasyni. Þeir félagar stikla á stóru málunum og fara yfir víðan völl samfélagsins af sinni einstöku framsagnalist og kímni. Þeir kafa ofan í heim götunnar, twitter og fá gesti til sín í stúdíóið. 

    Fáðu fleiri þætti á www.pardus.is/gotustrakar

  • Körfuboltakvöld stækkar bara og stækkar og hér erum við komin í hlaðvarps form. Í vetur ætla þeir Hörður Unnsteinsson og Heiðar Snær Magnússon að gera upp alla leiki hverrar umferðar í Bónus deild karla og kvenna ásamt góðum gestum.

  • Tvær vinkonur spjalla um foreldrahlutverkið. Allt frá getnaði, meðgöngu, að fæðingu og allt þar á milli, fá til sín gesti og deila eigin reynslu.

  • Podcast um atburði og staði sem þekktir eru fyrir draugagang.
    Þættirnir eru framleiddir af Ghost Network ehf.®
    Finndu fleiri podcöst frá Ghost Network inná www.ghostnetwork.is

    Hjónin Stefán John og Katrín halda halda úti hlaðvarpinu Draugaösgur Podcast en þau eru jafnframt helstu drauga sérfræðingar Íslands. Þau hafa hjálpað tugi fjölskyldna hérlendis að fást við draugagang og heimsótt og rannsakað frægustu draugahús í heimi þar á meðal Conjuring Húsið og Shrewsburry Fangelsið.
    Fylgdu okkur á þinni hlaðvarpsveitu og á samfélagsmiðlum undir draugasogurpodcast.
    Við höldum einnig úti heimasíðunni www.draugasogur.com
    Viltu fleiri Draugasögur? Skoðaðu áskriftarsíðuna okkar www.patreon.com/draugasogur

  • It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

  • Real Dictators is the award-winning podcast that explores the hidden lives of history's tyrants. Hosted by Paul McGann, with contributions from eyewitnesses and expert historians.

    New episodes available one week early for Noiser+ subscribers. You'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. To find out more about Noiser+, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Production: Joel Duddell, Ed Baranski, Miriam Baines, Tom Pink, George Tapp, Dorry Macaulay, Cian Ryan-Morgan, Anisha Devadasan, Joseph McGann. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

    We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/real for £100 sponsored credit.

  • Athafnafólk er hlaðvarpsþáttur þar sem talað er við frumkvöðla og stjórnendur sem hafa náð eftirtektarverðum árangri í viðskiptalífinu. Umsjón með þáttunum hefur Sesselja Vilhjálmsdóttir.

  • snáðar að snáðast í boði tveir heimskir ehf.

  • Hryllingshlapvarp þar sem Alexander og Salómon heyra ógnvekjandi frásagnir og kynna sér dularfull fyrirbæri. Við deilum myndefni úr þáttunum og öðrum hryllingi á Instagram, Facebook og Tiktok

  • Join host Morgan Absher and her team of co-hosts as they scavenge Reddit, listener write-ins, and the rest of the internet to give their hot takes on the juiciest dating, relationship, life, and AITA stories.

    Morgan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/morgsyabsher/
    Listen to exclusive stories: https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes
    Follow along on Instagram: @TwoHotTakes
    Check out our YouTube Channel for full length videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

  • Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.

  • GAZið er frjáls og flæðandi íþróttatengdur þáttur með áherslu á körfubolta. Þó getur þátturinn tekið óvænta stefnu hvenær sem er því þú stjórnar ekki gasinu, það stjórnar þér.

  • Djúpið er á dagskrá X-ins 977 alla föstudaga á milli kl. 14 og 16. Stjórnendur eru Sigurjón Kjartansson og Aðalbjörn Tryggvason.

  • The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Huberman has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functioning. He is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. 
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell, and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover, and other top media outlets.
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Jón Gnarr skoðar allt milli himins og jarðar með aðstoð góðra gesta

  • "'A podcast about the internet' that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it." - The Guardian. Hosted by Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi from Gimlet.

  • Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.

  • New York Times bestselling authors, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are your personal Brain Warrior Guides to help you win the war for your health and defeat anxiety, depression, memory loss, ADHD, addictions, disease, and obesity. Learn how you can take control of your brain and body for the rest of your life.

  • Einmitt eru samtöl á sunnudagsmorgnum þar sem Einar ræðir við áhugaverða einstaklinga úr öllum áttum um smelli og skelli á lífsins svelli.

  • The Economics Show with Soumaya Keynes is a new weekly podcast from the Financial Times packed full of smart, digestible analysis and incisive conversation. Soumaya Keynes digs deep into the hottest topics in economics along with a cast of FT colleagues and special guests. Come for the big ideas, stay for the nerdery.

    Soumaya Keynes is an economics columnist for the Financial Times. Prior to joining the FT she worked at The Economist for eight years as a staff writer, where as well as covering trade, the US economy and the UK economy she co-hosted the Money Talks podcast. She also co-founded the Trade Talks podcast.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When Elizabeth Short, also known as The Black Dahlia, was brutally killed in 1947, it gripped the entire country. More than 70 years later, it remains America's most infamous unsolved murder. Many believe Dr. George Hodel was the killer, thanks to an investigation by Hodel's own son. But murder is just part of the Hodel family story, one filled with horrifying secrets that ripple across generations. Now, through never-before-heard archival audio and first-time interviews, the Hodel family opens up to reveal their shocking story. In this eight-part documentary series, sisters Rasha Pecoraro and Yvette Gentile, the great grand daughters of George Hodel, take a deep dive into their family history to try to figure out what really happened, and where do they all go from here? Root of Evil is the companion podcast to TNTs limited series I Am the Night. Inspired by the true story of the Hodel family, the series stars Chris Pine and comes from acclaimed Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.

  • History is full of the extraordinary.

    Each week, we'll transport you back in time to witness history's most incredible moments and remarkable people.

    New episodes Mondays, or a week early for Noiser+ subscribers.

    With Noiser+ you'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. For more information, head to noiser.com/subscriptions

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Hosted by John Hopkins. Production: Katrina Hughes, Kate Simants, Nicole Edmunds, Jacob Booth, Dorry Macaulay, Rob Plummer, Cody Reynolds-Shaw. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

  • Hi, I’m Dax Shepard, and I love talking to people. I am endlessly fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings to be incredibly sexy. I invite you to join me as I explore other people’s stories. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. What qualifies me for such an endeavor? More than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology and four years of improv training. I will attempt to discover human “truths” without any laboratory work, clinical trials or data collection. I will be, in the great tradition of 16th-century scientists, an Armchair Expert.

    Follow Armchair Expert on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch new content on YouTube or listen to Armchair Expert early and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/armchair-expert-with-dax-shepard/ now.

  • Við heitum Sara Rós Kristinsdóttir og Lóa Farestveit Ólafsdóttir og erum mæður á 4 vaktinni. Þegar við tölum um 4 vaktina þá erum við að vitna í þær vaktir sem við erum ósjálfrátt sett á í lífinu okkar. 1 vaktin er þá hefðbundinn vinnudagur, endurhæfing eða annað, 2 vaktin er það sem við þurfum að gera utan vinnutíma og 3 vaktin er huglæg og einsskonar verkstjórn yfir 2 vaktinni. Fyrir foreldra langveikra og eða fatlaðra barna þá er 2 og 3 vaktin umfangsmeiri og þess vegna ætlum við að tala um hana sem 4 vaktina. Við spjöllum um réttindi,þjónustu ofl og munum tala við aðra foreldra og fagfólk.

  • Podcast um allt sem tengist sögu.

    instagram: sogu.kastid
    netfang: [email protected]

  • Á podcast rás Körfunnar er að finna margar ólíkar upptökur sem allar eiga það sameiginlegt að vera tengdar íslenskum körfuknattleik. Rásin hefur verið til síðan árið 2017.

  • "SmartLess" with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett is a podcast that connects and unites people from all walks of life to learn about shared experiences through thoughtful dialogue and organic hilarity. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What ensues is a genuinely improvised and authentic conversation filled with laughter and newfound knowledge to feed the SmartLess mind.

    Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.

  • Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes available NOW through Friends of the Pod subscription. Head to crooked.com/friends to join today!

    For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email [email protected] (edited)

  • How do empires rise? Why do they fall? And how have they shaped the world around us today?

    William Dalrymple and Anita Anand explore the stories, personalities and events of empire over the course of history.

  • True crime podcast þar sem við munum fara yfir hin ýmsu glæpamál, morð, mannshvörf og margt fleira

  • Hysterical investigates a mysterious illness that spreads among a group of high school girls in upstate New York. What is causing their sudden, often violent symptoms? Is there something in the water or inside the school? Or is it “all in their head?” The series examines the outbreak in LeRoy, NY, believed by some to be the most severe case of mass hysteria since the Salem Witch Trials. In his search for answers, Dan Taberski (9/12, Missing Richard Simmons, Running from Cops) explores other seemingly inexplicable events of the last few years – CIA officers being crippled with nausea and vertigo; cops OD'ing from exposure to fentanyl – and discovers they’re far more connected than we realize.

    From Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, this 7-part series forces us to grapple with the mysteries of our own minds, and reckon with a contagion that we thought was long dead, but may be the defining disorder of our time.

    Listen to Hysterical on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/hysterical/ now. 

  • Launráð er nýtt hlaðvarp sem fjallar um dularfulla og óútskýranlega atburði, óvenjulegar frásagnir fólks og samsæriskenningar.

  • Nautnaseggirnir Eva & Solla fjalla um mat og matargerð í sem víðustum skilningi. Þetta hlaðvarp er fyrir sælkerann, meðaljónin og sjoppuna.

  • “Uppeldisspjallið” er hlaðvarp þar sem fjallað er um uppeldi barna á léttan og gagnlegan hátt. Við munum bæði spjalla saman sjálfar og fá til okkar ýmsa gesti í spjall.

  • Hér ræðum við um teymi og teymisþjálfun út frá ýmsum sjónarhornum, ásamt skírskotunum í önnur fyrirbæri eins og leiðtogafræði, vinnustaðamenningu, mannauðsstjórnun og fleira.

  • Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.

    Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content: DatelinePremium.com

  • Author Dana Schwartz explores the stories of some of history’s most fascinating royals: the tyrants and the tragic, the murderers and the murdered, and everyone in between. Because when you’re wearing a crown, mistakes often mean blood.

  • Helgaspjallið er podcast útgáfa af lið á Trendnet.is

  • A weekly podcast from Garbage Day about the moral panics, witch hunts, and viral freakouts that bubble up out of the weirdest corners of the internet.

  • Goðsagnakenndi spurningaleikur Villa naglbíts. Ásamt Önnu Svövu og Vigni Rafni.

  • Dansk dokumentar-podcast i verdensklasse! Besøg https://thirdear.dk/ og se hvordan du kan få adgang til nye afsnit før alle andre, reklamefri lytning og eksklusivt bonusmateriale!


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sleep better with Tracks To Relax, The most relaxing way to end your day! Whether you have insomnia or are just looking for better sleep, Tracks To Relax provides a natural soothing solution to help you get the sleep you need. We invite you to put on your headphones, get comfortable and play a Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditation! You'll likely discover that you CAN FALL ASLEEP quickly and easily once you relax your mind and body. With soothing male and female voiced sessions and lots of variety, our podcast can be your source for reliable sleep help!

    Join our Patreon page for Ad Free listening and exclusive content at www.patreon.com/trackstorelax

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Brené’s newest podcast is based on her book, Dare to Lead, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, and has become the ultimate courage-building playbook for leaders at every level. Brené writes, “The Dare to Lead podcast will be a mix of solo episodes and conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and as many troublemakers as possible. Innovating, creating, and building a better, more just world requires daring leadership in every part of our daily lives – from work to home to community. Together, we’ll have conversations that help us show up, step up, and dare to lead.”

  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns for Season 3 of her award-winning podcast, Wiser Than Me™. Each week, she has funny, touching, personal conversations with iconic older women who are brimming with the kind of unapologetic attitude and wisdom that only comes with age. Julia sits at the feet of some extraordinary teachers this season, and of course her 90-year-old mom, Judith. Tune in to laugh, cry, and get wise. All Hail Old Women!

    Photo: Ryan Pfluger and August Image

  • Hlaðvarpið Trú og Líf snýst um að ræða áhrif trúarinnar á lífið í heild sinni og hvernig Jesús Kristur, Biblían og kirkjan hans umturnar hugsunarhætti og lifnaðarhætti á praktískan hátt.

    Við leitumst við að vaxa í þekkingu á Guði með því að glíma við spurningar, vaxa í því að elska Guð, og að líkjast honum í okkar daglega lífi.

    Ef þú ert Kristinn einstaklingur sem hefur áhuga á því að vaxa í trú þinni þá er þetta hlaðvarp fyrir þig, og líka ef þú ert efasemdarmanneskja með miklar spurningar og efasemdir en ert tilbúin(n) að taka tíma til að skilja trú okkar betur þá ertu meira en velkominn.

  • The Crypto Trends Podcast hosted by Robert Croak and Armando Pantoja aims to bring you the greatest insights into the Crypto Market for the impending Bull-Run set to begin in 2024. Both Robert and Armando have over a decade of experience in crypto, and look forward to bringing their unique insights to you on a weekly basis!

    Be sure to follow the Crypto Trends Podcast so you can be in the loop with the most important topics and trends in the crypto market on a weekly basis!

  • The Boy in the Woods, six-year-old Rikki Neave, had been strangled and left naked. His body was positioned in a distinctive star shape.

    People on the council estate where he lived told police they had seen his mother, Ruth, hitting and shouting at Rikki. He was on the Social Services Register of children at risk. All the people closest to Rikki were in trouble and all of them were known to the authorities who offered help. It didn't work. The day before he died his mother begged a family aid worker to take him into care, saying she would kill him.

    Winifred Robinson has been following this case for more than 20 years. She's always felt it held the key to what goes wrong in the lives of society's most vulnerable children. Police built a case against Rikki's mother but this investigation uncovers how crucial evidence was never brought before the court. Ruth Neave was jailed for seven years for child cruelty while Rikki's killer was left at large.

    The series exposes how this happened and what it took for the truth to emerge. Original police interview tapes, evidence from forensic scientists and others who have never spoken to the media before, help piece together what happened.. Close friends of Rikki, who were themselves vulnerable children, reveal for the first time how his death came to shape all their lives.

    And as the net closes in on the real killer, who was himself a boy of only 13 at the time, how he goes on the run, taunting police from abroad.

    We hear from a teacher who alerted police to this boy at the time of Rikki's death, noticing his obsession with the case. We've recorded the first interviews with a family aid worker who was with Rikki, the day before he died and with a troubled teenager who was alongside his mother on the day he was killed.

    As the verdict is delivered, the jurors share with us how they weighed the evidence that convinced them they had looked into the eyes of a killer.

    Winifred Robinson, the reporter, and Sue Mitchell, the series producer, are an award-winning BBC documentary team. They have worked together for 20 years on high profile cases, interviewing the father of James Bulger. His son's killing provoked huge interest in Rikki's case.

  • Based on the iconic, Emmy-nominated series on A&E, this show explores some of the most difficult-to-solve murders, which stymied investigators and went cold, sometimes for decades. In fact, one-third of all murders in America remain open. But thanks to dogged investigators and breakthroughs in forensic technology, these cases become part of the rare 1% of cold cases that are ever solved. Cold Case Files is hosted by Paula Barros.

  • You do not end an anxiety problem by trying to be calm. You end it by acting bravely!Break free from anxiety and panic attacks and get back to living your life to its fullest with the help of DARE - Amazon's #1 best-selling anxiety book and one of the highest-rated anxiety apps.Learn more about DARE here: www.dareresponse.com

  • Exploring the ethical complexities of true crime, one case at a time.

  • Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™
    Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.

  • Podcast show about relationships, culture, healthy habits, physical & mental health, fashion trends and interesting people

  • Draugavarpið er ný hlaðvarpssería í tíu þáttum um sannar íslenskar draugasögur.
    Draugar, afturgöngur og óútskýranlegir atburðir á okkar frægustu stöðum á Íslandi koma hér við sögu.
    Hver þáttur er byggður upp með skemmtilegri frásögn og kafar djúpt í sagnfræðilegu hliðina á sögunum og hvaðan þær koma.
    Þulur, höfundur og hljóðhönnun: Fjölnir Gíslason.

  • This podcast is a comprehensive biography of the legendary rock star Jon Bon Jovi, exploring his incredible journey from his humble beginnings in New Jersey to becoming one of the most iconic frontmen in music history. It delves into the formation and rise of his band Bon Jovi, their evolution and success over the decades, and the lasting impact they've had on the music industry. The article also sheds light on Jon's solo projects, philanthropic work, personal life, and family, painting a picture of a multi-faceted artist and an inspiring human being. Through this in-depth look at Jon Bon Jovi's life and career, readers will gain a newfound appreciation for his talent, perseverance, and the power of chasing one's dreams.

  • Fyrir alla þá sem hafa gaman af hörmungum Íslandssögunnar, hvort sem það eru stórslys, morðmál, draugasögur, galdrar eða þjóðtrú.

  • True stories of ordinary people thrust into extraordinary survival situations. Stranded in the desert. Lost in the jungle. Marooned in the mountains. Shipwrecked on the high seas. You'll hear from individuals who had everything against them. But even then, they refused to give in…

    New episodes Thursdays. Get every episode a week early, as well as ad-free listening, with Noiser+. For more information head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Hosted by John Hopkins. Production: Joel Duddell, Ed Baranski, Luke Lonergan, Miri Pitman Latham, Jacob Booth, Rob Plummer, Cian Ryan-Morgan, Cody Reynolds-Shaw. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

  • We're taking it allll the way back to the very first Discovery special. A rewatch for me (Whitney) and a side-eyed first watch for me (Tim). In light of some...uh...legal happenings, we look back from the beginnings of this saga to catch the cringe, the red flags, and the tater tot casserole.

  • (Formerly the Darkness Prevails Podcast) Host Darkness Prevails brings you Unexplained Encounters, a podcast where everyday folk share their most terrifying and unexplained experiences. From mysterious creatures seen in national forests to supernatural events disrupting peoples' lives, prepare to explore the unexplained. These stories might sound bizarre, but it's up to you to decide which to believe. Submit your story to Unexplained Encounters at darkstories.org

  • Created off the back of @thegreatwomenartists Instagram, this podcast is all about celebrating women artists. Presented by art historian and curator, Katy Hessel, this podcast interviews artists on their career, or curators, writers, or general art lovers, on the female artist who means the most to them.

  • Guy Raz interviews the world’s best-known entrepreneurs to learn how they built their iconic brands. In each episode, founders reveal deep, intimate moments of doubt and failure, and share insights on their eventual success. How I Built This is a master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership and how to navigate challenges of all kinds.

    New episodes release on Mondays and Thursdays. Listen to How I Built This on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/how-i-built-this now.

    Get your How I Built This merch at WonderyShop.com/HowIBuiltThis.

  • www.patreon.com/skodanabraedur

    Skoðanabræður: „Eina hlaðvarp sem ég get hlustað á.“ – „Ég verð gáfaðri af því að hlusta á þetta.“ – „Lét mig hætta að vilja drepa mig.“ – „Besta leiðin til að vita það sem skiptir máli.“ – „Ég verð anti-þunglynd við að heyra ykkur tala um lifnaðarhætti ykkar.“

    Fremsta hlaðvarp landsins síðan 2019, í boði blóðbræðranna Snorra og Bergþórs Mássonar. Þáttur á hverjum föstudagsmorgni.

    Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi.

    Fylgisti með á Patreon og Instagram/X: @bm1995amorfati

  • You Make Sense is a manual to understanding your human experience, so that you can navigate the world with freedom, ease, and empowerment. Using the latest neuroscience and trauma research, this podcast will equip you with powerful somatic tools to help you get unstuck and create the life you desire. Sarah Baldwin, SEP, is an expert on trauma resolution, attachment, parts work, and nervous system regulation. But before she was a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and trained in Polyvagal interventions, she first came to this work as someone struggling to find relief. It was through her own healing that led her to become a trained professional, now helping thousands of people across her programs, courses, and classes to do the same.

  • A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now.

    For business enquires please email [email protected]

    New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/

  • Are you a woman who’s obsessed with her weight?Have you jumped from fad diet to diet only to fail when your willpower gave out?Have you cut dairy, sugar and entire food groups to try and lose weight?Do you wonder if you can ever be free from food obsession?Do you suffer one or more of these issues: inability to lose weight, hormonal imbalances, PMS or menopausal symptoms, hair loss, sleep issues, low sex drive, fatigue or bloating/digestive issues?Welcome to the Weight loss for women: eat more, train less and get results podcast.Kitty Blomfield and Craig McDonald, alongside various experts, explore the truth about fad/restrictive diets and why they never work, as well as education on metabolism, hormones, pro-metabolic nutrition, training and mindset so you can eat more, train less and get results.Kitty and Craig are all about empowering women and providing them with the right knowledge, tools and resources to help them restore their metabolisms, lose weight and tone up in a healthy and sustainable way.

  • ***TOP 1% MONEY & FINANCIAL SUPPORT PODCAST***Do you make good money but have nothing to show for it? Tired of using your bank account & credit card balances as your budget? Want to get debt-free but don’t want to sacrifice everything to do it? Ready to save money and build generational wealth?You’re in the right place!We’re telling you exactly how to budget, pay off debt, save money & stop living paycheck to paycheck.We’re Shana & Vanessa: BFFs, business partners & Dave Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coaches (and unofficial marriage counselors). We’re glad you’re here.

  • Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves.

    How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human.

    From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.

  • In a world of ever-changing wellness trends, host Arielle Lorre invites you to explore what it really means to be…well. Through interviews with world-renown experts in medicine, nutrition, fitness and beauty, as well as inspiring guests and her own unique life experiences, Arielle brings you candid conversations and fan-favorite solo episodes that equip you with everything you need to live your best life—and look good doing it. Think of WELL as your go-to resource for all of the latest in wellness, and Arielle as your internet bestie. Subscribe so you don’t miss new episodes, every Wednesday (and sometimes Monday)!

  • From Understood.org, this is MissUnderstood: The ADHD in Women Channel. It’s the first-ever podcast channel for women with ADHD.

    For decades, women with ADHD have been overlooked and undiagnosed. That’s finally beginning to change. But there’s still so far to go.

    This is where MissUnderstood comes in. We’re a channel made by women with ADHD for women with ADHD. And we’re talking about the things we want to hear. Women with ADHD need (good!) information, smart takes on ADHD topics, and so much more.

    Hang out with @catieosaurus and guests as they discuss ADHD, relationships, and sex on Sorry, I Missed This. Get answers to the ADHD questions you didn’t know you had from Dr. Monica Johnson on ADHD and…. Or tune in for practical tips from empathetic ADHD coach (who’s totally been there) Jaye Lin with Tips From an ADHD Coach.

  • MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com

  • Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health. 

  • B.A.D.

    Umræðuefni: Allt

    Bannað: Ekkert

    bara muna að það er bannað að dæma

  • The Know Your Power Podcast is THE fitness & mindset podcast hosted by IFBB PRO Julia Rene and Kendall Graboff. As besties we're on a mission to help YOU... KNOW YOUR POWER. In each episode you can expect fitness tips to help you reach your goals, mindset shifts to cultivate the life you WANT, and influential guest interviews from all over the world. It'll feel like you're chatting with your audio besties! If you're on your journey to be your truest & best self this is the podcast for you! So crack open an energy drink, and buckle up! Email us at 💌 [email protected] 

  • Hi, we’re Deb Perelman (Smitten Kitchen) and J. Kenji López-Alt (Serious Eats, The Food Lab, The Wok). We’re professional home cooks, which means we can - and will - make the same meal 57 times in a row on the quest for the perfect recipe. Is it crazy? For us, no, because we do this for a living. But for you? Yes, probably. Which is why you should listen to The Recipe with Kenji and Deb. You'll hear us talk about what goes into writing our recipes — the techniques we test, the ingredients we taste — so that you can be on your way to creating your own perfect recipe. Whether you're cooking meatloaf, pancakes, or chicken soup in all its forms, we got you, and you've got this.

    The Recipe with Kenji and Deb is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent and listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm.

  • Coming to you from the heart of Beirut, Lebanon, DO NOT WORRY is a comedy podcast hosted by Anthony Sargon and his interns Elijah and Nour! In a country on the verge of complete economic and political collapse, let's take a few moments to discuss life in Beirut, influencer cringe, movies, TV, and more!

  • For years, some law enforcement agencies have replaced the faces of traditional playing card decks with images of missing and murdered people and distributed those cards in prisons hoping inmates would come forward with information needed to crack these cold cases wide open.

    Now, audiochuck is dealing you in.

    Each week, we will be working with investigators and family members to bring you the details of some of the coldest cases from around the country in hopes that someone listening can finally bring these victims the justice they deserve.

  • On History Daily, we do history, daily. Every weekday, host Lindsay Graham (American Scandal, American History Tellers) takes you back in time to explore a momentous event that happened ‘on this day’ in history. Whether it’s to remember the tragedy of December 7th, 1941, the day “that will live in infamy,” or to celebrate that 20th day in July, 1969, when mankind reached the moon, History Daily is there to tell you the true stories of the people and events that shaped our world—one day at a time. So if you’re stuck in traffic, bored at work—wherever you are, listen to History Daily to remind yourself that something incredible happened to make that day historic.

  • The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers secrets from inside the White House inner circles as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy.

    The podcast is hosted by Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Director of Communications and Wall Street financier, and Katty Kay, US special correspondent for BBC who has been covering US politics for almost 30 years. 

    New episodes released every Friday, or join our club for bonus content.

  • Fjallað er um flugmál á Íslandi, viðburði, málefni og áhugavert fólk tekið tali. Jói Baddi hefur langa reynslu sem atvinnuflugmaður og kennari og sameinar hér áhuga sinn á flugi og fjölmiðlum.

  • Join yuh boys John, Josh, and Sean as they read and react to Reddit stories. New episode every Monday & Friday at 11:00 AM CST/12:00 PM EST. Be sure to hit that follow button so you don't miss brand new episodes!

  • The Story: the flagship podcast from The Times and Sunday Times. One remarkable story, told in depth, each day.

    Hosts Manveen Rana and Luke Jones take you to the heart of the story you need to know with exclusive reports and investigations.

    Plus, each month, William Hague hosts an agenda-setting interview with a key newsmaker or thinker.

    Discover the story behind the story with world-class journalism from The Times and Sunday Times.

    The Story is available at the start of your day from Monday to Friday, with bonus ‘Inside the Newsroom’ episodes every Saturday for Times subscribers, available by connecting your subscription via Apple Podcasts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Basement Yard is a podcast ran by me, Joe Santagato. I would write a long description about what this podcast will be about but I'm not even sure.. Enjoy!

  • Turninn Jón Páll fær til sín hina ýmsu turna úr íslensku íþróttalífi.

  • Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson are total opposites with an unbreakable bond since meeting on the hit sitcom “Cheers.” But after that show wrapped, life took them in different directions. This podcast is a chance to reconnect, both with each other and the amazing friends they’ve each met over the decades—that is, when Ted can get a hold of Woody! Join them as they dig beyond the career highlights and into the stuff of life that makes us who we are. Like the title says, this is a place to be known.

  • Our new podcast, “The Good Whale,” is out now. Search for it wherever you get your podcasts, or follow it here: https://lnk.to/good-whale

    Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts that have transformed the medium. Sign up for our newsletter at nytimes.com/serialnewsletter to find out about new shows, get behind the scenes stories, and see photos and videos you can’t see on a podcast. To get full access to Serial Productions shows, and to other New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, subscribe at nytimes.com/podcasts. Have a story pitch, a tip, or feedback on our shows? Email us at [email protected]

    "Serial" began in 2014 as a spinoff of the public radio show "This American Life." In 2017, we formed Serial Productions when we launched the podcast “S-Town.” Since then, Serial Productions has produced every season of “Serial” along with shows like “Nice White Parents,” “The Trojan Horse Affair,” “The Coldest Case in Laramie,” “The Retrievals” and more. In 2020, we joined the New York Times Company. Our shows have reached many millions of listeners and have won nearly every major journalism award for audio, including the first-ever Peabody Award given to a podcast.

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest on the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, plus bringing you developments on US politics and the climate. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.

    Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd.

  • Létt spjall um hlaup og hlaupasenuna á Íslandi og víðar sem tilvalið er að hlusta á í rólegum hlaupatúr!

  • You might think you know what it takes to lead a happier life… more money, a better job, or Instagram-worthy vacations. You’re dead wrong. Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos has studied the science of happiness and found that many of us do the exact opposite of what will truly make our lives better. Based on the psychology course she teaches at Yale -- the most popular class in the university’s 300-year history -- Laurie will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will change the way you think about happiness.

  • Samtalið með Heimi Má er þáttur um þjóðfélagsmál í beinni útsendingu á Vísi og Stöð 2 Vísi. Snarpur þáttur þar sem forystufólk á öllum sviðum samfélagsins mætir og ræðir málin í þaula.

  • Já OK eru skemmtilegir hlaðvarpsþættir með Vilhelm Neto og Fjölni Gíslasyni þar sem þeir skoða alla skrýtnu hlutina sem einu sinni voru aðal málið á Íslandi en hafa síðan horfið. Það man enginn lengur eftir kaffibæti og beta spólum, er það nokkuð?

  • Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura are comedians who are also married. They are the Mommies and they welcome you to join them. Dental updates! Dudes! Stories! Wiping!

  • We all have a story in us. But how do we get it out there? How To Write A Book is a 12-week podclass that guides you through the writing process: from developing ideas to experimenting with your voice and getting your finished manuscript ready for publication. Packed full of frank, funny and practical insights as well as listener exercises to help your creative juices flow, we offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of books.

    Hosted by bestselling author Sara Collins, powerhouse publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove and superagent Nelle Andrew (with additional reflections from executive producer, Elizabeth Day) this is the podcast for anyone who wants to write a book or simply wants to know how great books get written.

    A Daylight and Sony Music Entertainment production.
    Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow @sonypodcasts
    To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email [email protected]

  • Weekly, comedian best friends Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer get together in the bear cave at YMH Studios to do what bears do: make each other laugh.

  • Fréttir og fréttaskýringar í útvarpi þar sem kafað er dýpra í málin, þau sett í stærra samhengi og skýringa leitað.

  • Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world. Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret. Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and left a community in shock. Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret. Follow Scamanda on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • An original series from The Overlap with Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher Jill Scott Ian Wright and Roy Keane, featuring special guests discussing all things football.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mennska fjallar um fegurð fjölbreytileikans og það sem sameinar okkur. Ég fæ magnað fólk til mín sem er að gera heiminn að betri stað og við ræðum breyskleika manneskjunnar, mismunandi leiðir til sjálfsþroska og rannsökum mennskuna með berskjöldun að leiðarljósi.

    Mennska (Humanity) adresses the beauty of diversity and what unites us. I meet amazing people who are actively making the world a better place and we discuss the human condition, our frailty and strengths and how we can self-improve. In short, we delve into our humanity with vulnerability as a guiding light.

    Some episodes are in Icelandic and some in English.

    Tónlist/music: Axel Ingi Árnason

    Grafísk hönnun/cover design: Emilía Ragnarsdóttir hjá Forlaginu.


    Instagram: bjarni.snaebjornsson

    Eins og hlustendur taka eftir þá eru engar auglýsingar í Mennsku og ég vil gjarnan halda því þannig. Ef einstaklingar eða fyrirtæki vilja styrkja hlaðvarpið þá býð ég upp á valkvæða millifærslu þar sem þið ráðið upphæðinni. Hægt er að biðja um greiðslukvittun með því að senda mér skilaboð hér og taka fram kennitölu einstaklings / fyrirtækis:  https://www.bjarnisnae.com/contact-me
    Vinsamlegast skrifið "hlaðvarp" í skýringu á millifærslu. 
    kt: 0707785139
    rn: 0111-26-269483
    Með fyrirfram þökk, Bjarni

  • Witness is the home of investigative podcasts for news.com.au

    It’s 10.56am. A family home in Kendall, on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Three-year-old William Tyrrell is reported missing. Last seen wearing his favourite Spider-Man suit. Ten years after his disappearance on 12 September 2014, there is still no sign of William. The police believe his foster mother knows something. She denies it. Only one of them can be telling the truth.

    Witness: William Tyrrell is the new, landmark investigation from news.com.au. Read more and watch exclusive video content here
    Follow us on socials: Instagram: @newscomauhq Facebook: News.com.au TikTok: @news.com.au

    Subscribe to Crime X+ and listen to this podcast ad-free

    If you know anything about what happened to William, please call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000

    Contact us confidentially at [email protected]

    Witness season 1: The Missing 49 Million

    The story of one Aussie man, the secret code he claimed to find buried in the Bible and $49 million dollars of investors' money that's gone missing.
    Gold Coast businessman Alan Metcalfe said his tech company had found the secret to artificial intelligence. He convinced hundreds of people to part with their life-savings but when Alan died, no one knew what had happened to their money.
    Join Alex Turner-Cohen as she tries to find the missing millions, uncovering the wild story behind the company Alan promised would one day be “bigger than Google”.

  • Tvíhöfði er í beinni á X-977 annan hvern föstudaga. Hægt er að nálgast fleiri þætti inná tal.is/tvihofdi.

  • Hlaðvarp um íslenskar bókmenntir fyrri alda í léttum dúr. Þorir þegar aðrir þegja...

  • Andri Jónsson og Ólafur Hersir Arnaldsson ræða sögu og sagnfræðileg málefni á léttu nótunum.